ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY IN VETERINARY MEDICINE: A Unique  Book written by  Prof.(Dr.) J.P.Varshney Published


ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY IN VETERINARY MEDICINE: A Unique  Book written by  Prof.(Dr.) J.P.Varshney Published

The book “ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY IN VETERINARY MEDICINE” is a unique attempt to provide basic information and methodology for recording electrocardiogram in various species of animals viz. dogs, cats, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, mithun,chelonians, snakes, avians, equines, rabbits , Indian Gray mongoose and leopard  at one place. The book is divided in to four sections. Section 1 is devoted to Canines (Dogs) as it is the major animal species where the use of electrocardiography is more extensive, logical and fruitful. This section has 15 chapters. Section 2 is devoted to Felines (Cats), another species kept as pet, wherein electrocardiography can play a significant role in the diagnosis of arrhythmias. Section 3 deals with electrocardiographic procedures in ruminants and Section 4 describes electrocardiography in other pet and exotic animals. The book is intended not only to provide basic information on electrocardiography, electrocardiographic physiology, generation of electrocardiogram, normal criteria  for different species of animals ,electrocardiograms in health and diseases,  interpretations of abnormal electrocardiograms; cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias along with their treatment protocols but also deals with other evaluation approaches for heart. The book providesa very useful to the pointinformation in the simplest form on basic elements of electrocardiography with illustrations, interpretations of abnormal wave forms and various electrocardiographic patterns in  primary and secondary diseases of the heart along with treatment approach. A consistent and pragmatic approach to interpretations of electrocardiograms of dogs,cats, ruminants, tortoises, pigeons, and other animals will widen the understanding of the clinicians to assist them in interpretation of routine electrocardiograms.Electrocardiographic patterns of different species of animals at a glance will evoke interest in furthering research on electrocardiography and evaluation of heart in different species of animals in veterinary practice. It is hoped that this book will encourage clinicians and clinical scientists to make greater use of this valuable non-invasive diagnostic toolin the diagnosis of heart diseases as well as general health examination.

READ MORE :  अगर आसपास पशु डॉक्टर न हो -----

Book can be ordered via https://www.springer.com/in/book/9789811536984

     About the Author

The author of the book Prof.(Dr.) J.P.VarshneyM.V.Sc. ; Ph.D. (Veterinary Medicine)is a reputed clinical scientist of vast experience of  54 years as clinician, teacher and  researcher. Since his superannuation from Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (an institute of ICAR,New Delhi)as Principal Scientist in February, 2007 ,he is contributing to the cause of Veterinary Medicine as Senior Consultant (Medicine) at Nandini Veterinary Hospital, Surat (Gujarat). He has also served as  a visiting Faculty  at Department of Medicine , Veterinary College, Dantiwada and Veterinary College, GADVASU, Ludhiana.He has Dr.K.S.Nair Memorial Gold Medal-1990, Dr. C.G.Bhaskar  Gold Medal-1996, Ram LalAgrawal Gold Medal-1997,Intas PolivetAwards of honour, Award of Merit-2001 and Award of Honour-2002 ( IVRI Izatnagar)Best Teacher Award 2003-2004 (IVRI, Izatnagar ), PETCARE Award for Canine Excellence-2005 ,Vijay Rattan Award and Certificate of Excellence-2005 ( India International friendship Society, New Delhi),    Sarmaya-E-Hind -2007 Award,andCitation for Outstanding Achievement in Veterinary Medicine-2019 ( Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine) at his credit.He has 384 publications in national/international  scientific journals of repute, 02 chapters in book, 06 bulletins and monographs, 01 book, 23  review articles, 16 popular articles besides 150 presentations in different National and International Conferences.


Major Contributions of Dr. J.P.Varshney in Veterinary Homeopathy

A project ,” Evaluation of Homeopathic drugs  in animal diseases “ was undertaken at IVRI. Guided 6 thesis on evaluation of homeopathic drugs.  Published  a book, 17 article and  presented work of homeopathy at 30 nationaland international conferences. In recognition of his contributions in Veterinary Homeopathy, he was appointed as a member of Consultative Committee of Experts in Veterinary Science and had been  a member of Special Committee for Fundamental Research in Homoeopathy at Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi (Ministry Of Ayush, Gov. of India) .



Present Address ;

Dr. J. P. Varshney

Ex. Principal Scientist ( Veterinary Medicine, IVRI Izatnagar)

Senior Consultant ( Medicine)

Nandini Veterinary Hospital

GhodDod Road, Surat-395001 ( Gujarat)

E-mail: jpvarshney@gmail.com

Mobile :  9375763020, 7984057253

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