Amitava Roy* & Partha Sarathi Roy
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Milebasa (Digha), Kalukhali, Murshidabad, WB,
*CORRESPONDING AUTHOR; EMAIL ID- AMITAVANUTRI07@GMAIL.COMSince the day old chicks are vulnerable to predators in backyard free range conditions, they need to be reared under controlled conditions with proper brooding facility, balanced feeding, vaccination & medication up to 30 days so that they are capable to survive in free range conditions. Care is taken to maintain proper temperature inside the brooder so as to avoid chick mortality. This day old chick rearing unit with a capacity to rear 1000 chicks is called mother unit or brooding centre. This mother unit is made of 650 sq.ft. area with 1.5 ft. height brick wall over which wire net up to 4.5 feet on sides with asbestos or rice straw roofing and having all the facilities for brooding of chicks. Only the initial investment as Fixed Cost on a mother unit comes from Murshidabad Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Kolkata-97 sanctioned fund in favour Murshidabad KVK, Rs.1.6 lakhs in 2016-17 towards upliftment of socio-economic status of Tribal People. The tribal women members’ work as daily labour in that unit. One Tribal SHG in Chandpur village under Murshidabad-Jiaganj Block takes the responsibility to construct the mother unit of 650 s.q.feet and rear 1000 chicks up to 30 day. The mother unit gets the supply of low input day old chicks from State Govt. Poultry Farms or Murshidabad Krishi Vigyan Kendra. This variety of poultry birds reared under backyard poultry farming is mainly Rhode-Island-Red (RIR) or Vanaraja. Birds are capable of producing more number of eggs and good quality meat. These birds can thrive & survive well on village/household waste.
Prior to starting of the mother units every SHG member is given 6 days residential Skill Development training programme followed by conducting Exposure visit to see the day old chick brooding units, cost effective innovative hatcheries, poultry rearing farms under backyard condition to different places like Murshidabad KVK, Ekbal Innovative Private Hatchery, Jhanka, Beldanga & State Poultry Farm at Berhampore, Murshidabad by Murshidabad Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
Normally 30 days old chicks 30 in numbers of chicks are supplied to member of each family of other SHGs in the same village or nearby village for rearing under backyard condition for a further period of 3 to 3.5 months. Thereafter the total flock can be sold for meat purpose after 100 days of rearing. The hens can be reared for egg purpose which starts laying eggs after 165-170 days. After egg laying period, the hens can also be sold for meat purpose at a cheaper rate. The SHG managing the mother unit makes on an average a net profit of Rs.8,920/- per cycle of 30 days (considering of Rs. 1.6 lakhs as fixed cost of a mother unit) & can rear minimum 5 to 6 batches of chicks in a year and makes a profit of Rs.45,000/- to Rs.50,000/- per annum.Cost Benefit Analysis:Expenditure of a Mother Unit:SI No Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Brooder Shed area of 650 Sq.ft. (26 ft.x25 ft.).Civil work with brick masonary, CC (1:2:4) in flooring, Asbestos roofing, pipes for tubular trushes, iron door, iron net, cement paint & lime wash
a. Poultry Equipments (10 nos. each Chick feeder, chick drinker, Adult feeder & Adult drinker, total 40 nos.)
b. Chick guard 25 ft. long and 1.5 ft height made of aluminium sheet
c. Electric Brooder 4 nos (1 brooder for 250 chicks)
d. Digital weighing balance
e. Spray machine
f. Plastic sheet
g. Water Tank
h. Farm cleaning equipments
i. Sign Board (4 ft. x 3 ft.)
(Sanctioned by Murshidabad KVK) 1.6 lakhs
a. Day old Chicks (RIR or Vanaraja) @ Rs. 20.00 20000.00
b. Chick Feed @ 0.750 Kg/chick for 30 days @ Rs.27/- per Kg 20250.00
c. Vaccines & Medicines 2500.00
d. Misc.expenses (Litter, lime, phenyle, kerosine, charcoal etc.) 1250.00
Sub Total 44000.00
Total Cost (Fixed cost + Working capital) 44000.00
Income from a Mother Chick Unit (1000 capacity)
SI No Particulars In 1 year
Total birds 1000 nos.
Day old Chicks Cost along with transportation 20000.00
Feed @ 0.75 kg/bird @ Rs.23/-per Kg 20250.00
Medicine & Vaccines 2500.00
Other Misc.cost 1250.00
Total cost 44000.00
Total birds (2 % additional mortality excluding 3% supplied by the Farm) 980 nos.
Sale price Rs./Chick (30 days old) 54.00
Total sales (in Rs.) 52920.00
Profit per batch 8920.00Economics of Rural Backyard Poultry Rearing Unit for Meat purpose (30 birds per farmer)SI No Particulars Rate Quantity Amount (Rs.)
1. Fixed cost
a. Cost of low cost shed for night Shelter of Size (8 feet x 5 feet ) 2800.00 1 2700.00
b. Adult Feeder 8 kg capacity & Adult drinker 5 lt. capacity (one no. each) – 2 500.00
Sub Total 3200.00
2. Variable Cost
a. Cost of 30 days old Growers chick 54.00 30 1620.00
b. Vaccines and Medicines (Vaccine Govt. Supply in free of cost) – – 80.00
c. Cost of Feed @ 50 gms/day/bird for 70 days = 147 kg 17.00 147 2499.00
Sub Total 4199.00
Grand Total (1+2) 7399.00
3. Benefit
a. Sale of birds at 100 days age of Body Weight 1.50 Kg @ Rs.150/kg i.e Rs 225/bird assuming 5% Mortality 225.00 28 6300.00
Net Benefit=(Benefit- variable Cost) 2101.00
No. of batches reared per annum 5
Benefit per Annum per beneficiary 10505.00

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