Each year, on Last Saturday of April month , World Veterinary  Day is celebrated worldwide. This day is celebrated to honor the efforts and dedication of the Veterinarians for being a wheel in the nation’s Animal health and Livesock Development. On this day, Some institutions and Veterinary organizations organize award ceremonies to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry.

Pashudhan Praharee too with its affiliates organizations like AgroVet Reserch & Development Foundation (ARDF) www.agrovetfoundation.com ,LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development ) www.litd.in, CM SINGH TRUST & Goel Vet Pharma has instituted some prestigious Awards  & Medals to be given on World Veterinay Day-2025.

The institution of the  such Awards  & Medals is a significant step in this direction to recognize the contributions of various stake-holders in Livestock , Agriculture & Agri-Allied. For these Awards & Medals ,  An All India Articles Writing Competition on various topics related to AgroVet, Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry,  are held by Pashudhan Praharee on this occasion and the winners are chosen through a panel of distinguished jury.Besides this,  some categories of  Awards are given via self nomination to those individuals and organizations, who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields. The National Awards Committee is headed by some world renowned Veterinary scientists  with twenty six persons of national eminence as its members.

                                      World Veterinary Day-2025

On the last Saturday of April every year, people around the world celebrate World Veterinary Day, a special day to recognize the incredible work of veterinarians. In 2025, this day will be celebrated on April 26.

Since 2000, the World Veterinary Association (WVA) has used this day to highlight the important role vets play in keeping animals healthy, protecting public health, and caring for the environment.

World Veterinary Day Theme 2025

The theme for World Veterinary Day 2025 is “Animal Health Takes a Team,” highlighting the collaborative nature of veterinary practice. This theme emphasizes that ensuring optimal animal health requires a concerted effort from various professionals, including veterinary nurses, technicians, researchers, and allied health workers.

As WVA President Dr. John de Jong noted, “It takes a team approach to provide optimal animal care and animal health around the world.”

How to Take Part in World Veterinary Day

  • Organize workshops and seminars for pet owners, farmers, and aspiring veterinarians to spread awareness about animal health and welfare.
  • Conduct school visits to educate kids about responsible pet ownership and careers in veterinary medicine.
  • Take part in the WVA’s “Of Course” campaign by sharing videos, stories, or behind-the-scenes moments from veterinary professionals.
  • Use hashtags like #WorldVeterinaryDay #OfCourse #VetCareHeroes to amplify your message.​​​
  • Show appreciation for vet nurses, technicians, assistants, and support staff who play a crucial role in animal care.
  • Organize a “Thank a Vet” day where clients and pet owners can share heartfelt messages or gifts.

Veterinarians competencies must be regarded as an essential and integral part of health at large. The application of veterinary science contributes not only to animal health and well-being but also to humans physical, mental and social well-being.

This dimension of the veterinarians’ work often remains invisible to the society but protecting and improving the health of people and their communities is an essential part of the vet profession.

All graduated veterinarians have undergone comprehensive medical training, and regardless of their professional area of practice, are responsible, for promoting public health and food safety and security.

                                  The PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE Awards

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Invitation of All India Article Writing Competitions &  Nominations for PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE Awards-2025

The Pashudhan Praharee invites nominations & Article writing competitions for the following awards from the eligible talented Veterinary Professionals  with proven track record and achievements on or before April 20, 2025 in the prescribed format.

Below you can find all the PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE Awards that are awarded annually on the occasion of World Veterinary Day. Please  click on each award to find out more information, the criteria and the nomination form.

                              To be awarded in 2025 on WVD



2.Prof.G.Devegowda Poultry science Excellence Award

3.Dr.Sohan Singh Rathore Best Equine Practitioners Award 

4.Rajbanshi Devi Memorial Award for Lady Veterinarians


6.Dr. B R Ambedkar  Vet for Nation Award  (For Senior Veterinary Professionals having extraordinary Track Records ,Through self-nomination


Enteries of Articles & Nominations for the Pashudhan Praharee’s World Veterinary Day Awards – 2025 ,  are now open and will close on April 20th-2025.

Following are the criteria and details about the competition.

Term and Condition:

Languages: English and Hindi.
Last date for receiving entries: 20th April, 2025

Topics for “All India Popular Technical Article  Writing Competitions   (Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry)  for Pashudhan Praharee’s World Veterinary Day Awards-2025″

Competitors for the award categoty  serial no1 to serial no 5 may choose any topics related to the theme mentioned below :-

1.Basic Approach to Commercial Poultry Breeders Management.

  1. Broiler Production & Management

3.Commercial Layer Production & Management.

  1. Poultry Disease, Diagnosis &Treatment

5.Principles & Practices of Bio-security in Commercial Poultry farms.

  1. Bird Flu

7.Poultry Diseases: Post Mortem Techniques with Findings.

8.Duck Farming .

  1. Environmentally Controlled House In Poultry Production:Practices & Management
  2. Guinea Fowl Farming
  3. Commercial Poultry Hatchery Management .
  4. Quil Farming
  5. Turkey Farming
  6. Procedures of Vetero-Legal cases & Wildlife Forensic
  7. PIG Farming in india
  8. Petcare & Management.
  9. Dairy Farming in india
  10. Commercial Goat Farming.
  11. Commercial  Poultry feed formulations .
  12. Integrated Farming system (IFS)
  13. Backyard Poultry Farming
  14. Low Inputs Technology (LIT) Poultry Birds of India.
  15. आधुनिक ब्रायलर पालन
  16. आधुनिक लेयर मुर्गी पालन
  17. मुर्गियों के प्रमुख रोग : निदान तथा उसका उपचार

31.Principles and practices of Organic Poultry farming in india

  1. प्राथमिक पशु चिकित्सा : पशुओं के प्रमुख रोग, निदान तथा उपचार
  2. परंपरागत पद्धति द्वारा पशुओं का उपचार।
  3. First Aid of Animals & Minor Veterinary Services
  5. Artificial intelligence (AI) in poultry industry.
  6. Use of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice
  7. One Health and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases : Infections Affecting Humans & Animals
  8. ETHNO-VETERINARY PRACTICES & INDIGENOUS Technical Knowledge in Veterinary.
  9. गाय पालन
  10. .बकरी पालन
  11. सूकर पालन
  12. पशुधन में समेकित प्रणाली
  13. जैविक पशुपालन
  14. Any Popular article related to Agriculture & Agri-Allied practices
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  1. The Competition is open to Indian Veterinarians /Vet Scholars /AgroVet Professionals only.
  2. Must be registered with either Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council Or student of a VCI recognized veterinary college or Agriculture University in India.
  3. No Competitor can apply for more than one Award Category as mentioned above.
  4. Competitor must mention the Award Category on the top of the article before final submission. The written article must be in relevance with the award category.
  5. Evaluation Criteria
    • Relevance to the theme (30%)
    • Depth of research and originality (25%)
    • Clarity, coherence, and structure (20%)
    • Scientific and practical applicability (15%)
    • Grammar, language, and presentation (10%)


  • The winner will be decided on the basis of merits by a team of distinguished jury .
  • The result of the best Articles will be published on 24th April,2025.

Date of Commencement of Article writing competition & Nomination Process:

The entries are accepted from 21st March 2025 to 20th April 2025

*The right to decision is reserved with us.The decision of the admin will be final and The Pashudhan Praharee will NOT enter into any correspondence about the results.However, we assure that the competition will be fair and transparent.

*All the submitted entries selected for competition will be published  on our  Pashudhan Praharee website.

*A list of prize-winners will be uploaded on the website

*The sellected Received articles would be compiled & will be published in a book form bearing ISBN No (Proposed).

*The winner of the AWARD CATEGORIES from serial no 1to 5 will be decided through All India article writing competitions

*The winners of the Award category (6) will be decided through Nomination from the Biodata Profile and success story of the vet to be judged by our Jury Pannel.


The following procedure be followed for sending the entries for category no 1to 5:

  1. Article can be sent through e-mail at :-pashudhanpraharee@gmail.com
  2. Article must be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal fonts in Hindi. Photos related to the article, if any, be sent in jpg image.Source of photos must be mentioned by writing credit to–
  3. Each entry must be either an article written in English or Hindi by the competitor.
  4. The word limit for the article is 1500-3000 words.
  5. The article must be submitted in  Word format.
  6. In case of submission of translated version of copyrighted article in English or Hindi before submitting the article, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
  1. Each article and photographs must be the unaided work of the author or translator and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
  2. In case of any copyrighted photograph, before submitting the photograph, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
  3. The submitted article/essay should be plagiarism free.If it has been found that the competitor has copied in full or part an article of another author and submitted as an entry to the Pashudhan praharee, the competitor will be responsible for any legal action arising thereof.
  4. Entries will be judged by its merit as decided by our jury.
  5. Name and Designation of the contributor can be added to the text of the article.
  6. Receipt of an entry will be acknowledged by e-mail after the receipt.
  7. The worldwide copyright of each article submitted will remain with the author, but Pashudhan Praharee shall have the unrestricted right to publish the article with photographs to website, or to use it on website www.pashudhanpraharee.com & in the Edited book bearing ISBN no..
  8. The right to cancel the competition in case of less than 50 entries in each  category received will be with us.
    All competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) Writing Competition 2025”at the time of submission.
  9. Article written by single author will only be entertained. In case of article with more than one author ,the name of the first author will be considered as competitor .
  10. Article must contain Heading, Abstracts, Key words(minimum 5),References.
  11. All participants must register for the competition by paying Rs 500/– (Five Hundred only) on the following Ac:



A/C NO-1131102000001779


Google Pay/Paytm/Phone pay on mobile no 8092877290

NB- Please acknowledge us the payment confirmation through screenshot or online payment Details.

All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2025 for category no1 to 5

                                                 Entry Form

Name (in block capitals): ………………………………..………………………… Gender (Male/Female):………….
Address (in block capitals): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…
Mobile: …………………..………… E-mail: ………………………………………………………….……………………….…………
Designation/Profession/Occupation: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Educational Qualification and College name: ………………………………………………………………………………..
A)Veterinary students. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
VCI or any Indian State Veterinary Council Registration No: …………………………………………………….…..
Language of the Article (English/Hindi): ………………………………………………………………………………….…….
Declaration: I have read and I accept all the conditions of the competition and wish to enter the following Article for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition 2025”.


Please read carefully and enter the required information. I am resident in India/ a non-resident Indian and I attach:

  1. Article typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal  fonts in Hindi.
  2. Scanned copy of any other permission:

I declare that the article and photographs entered for the competition is/are unaided works of my own and I am eligible to enter this competition.

Signed ……………………………………………….. Date ………………………….
NB-For any queries, write to us pashudhanpraharee@gmail.com

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