Ethno-Veterinary Treatment for Newcastle Disease of Poultry

Ethno-Veterinar Treatment for Newcastle Disease of Poultry
Ethno-Veterinar Treatment for Newcastle Disease of Poultry

Ethno-Veterinary Treatment for Newcastle Disease of Poultry

Dr.Dimpi Choudhury, PhD Scholar

College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati, Assam


Expressing concern that antimicrobial resistance is becoming a silent pandemic both globally and in India, it is believe that the solution to this serious problem lies in promoting alternative treatment strategies like Ethno-Veterinary Medicines to treat a range of poultry diseases which would reduce incidence of antimicrobial resistance. One of such important poultry disease is Newcastle Disease which every year tolls large mortality and economic loss to the farmers. Majority of poultry farmers in India find it difficult to afford a veterinarian or bear the cost of treatment when the outbreak occurs.

There is a growing realisation that the incidence of extreme climate events can cause significant adverse impact on the livelihoods of rural households as these can result in affecting birds’ performance and production.

To mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, initiatives such as promoting improved varieties of birds, providing suitable feed, adopting climate friendly rearing practices, promoting Ayurveda based treatment of diseases, and improving cold chain need to be intensified with the participation of all stakeholders.

Following are few ethno-veterinary medicines which can be effectively applies in prevention and treatment of Newcastle viral disease in poultry and can reduce the disease spread to a greater extent and also help decrease the incidence of antimicrobial resistance.

  1. Lamnea acida (bark)

Bark pieces to be collected and sun dried. The dried bark pieces then to be put in drinking water and given to the diseased birds until recovery.

Fig: Lamnea acida


  1. Parkia filicoidea (bark)

Bark pieces to be collected and sun dried. The dried bark pieces then to be put in drinking water and given to the diseased birds until recovery.

Lumangwe Falls


Fig:  Parkia filicoidea


  1. Lagenaria breviflora (Bottle gourd) and Capsicum frutescens (Chilli)

Crush both the ingredients and mix in drinking water to administer to the affected birds untill recovery

Fig:  Chilli

Fig:  Bottle gourd



  1. Khaya senegalensis (bark) Capsicum spp

Collect the bark of Senegal Tree and dried to make powder and mix with the extracts of capsicum. Then soak in drinking water to administer to the birds.


Fig:  Capsicum

Fig:  Senegal Tree



  1. Mangifera indica (Mango)

Collect the bark from the tree, dry it and mix it with drinking water.


Fig:  Mango






  1. Mucuna pruriens (Cowhage)

Crush the leaves and soak in drinking water. The mixture must be filtered and given in lieu of drinking water for 3 days.

Fig:  Cowhage


  1. Amaranthus hybridicus var cruentus (Leaves and flowers) with Capsicum spp (fruits) and Aloe secundiflora (leaves).

Crushed leaves are allowed to soak in water for 6 hours. The mixture need to be given in lieu of drinking water or drenched with 2 table spoonfuls twice a day.



Fig:  Amaranthus hybridicus var cruentus

Fig Aloe secundiflora






  1. Agave americana (leaves) with Capsicum spp (fruits).

Chopped the pepper and added to crushed leaves and juice is extracted. The mixture should be given in lieu of drinking water. Repeat once a day until recovery.

Fig Capsicum spp


Fig Agave americana



  1. Aloe spp (leaves)

Collect fresh leaves and crush it to fine paste. Add water to crushed leaves. The mixture is given as drinking water to the entire affected flock of birds.



Fig Aloe spp



  1. Euphorbia candelabrumkotschy var candelabrum (stem) or Capsicum annuum (fruit) together with Iboza minutiflora (leaves)

Take fresh leaves and crush the ingredients and feed to the birds directly.


Fig Euphorbia candelabrumkotschy var candelabrum

Fig Iboza minutiflora


11. Hot pepper, elephant faeces, Sisal leaves and leaves from plants Chong (Caralluma fimbriata). Crush the freshly collected leaves together to make a fine paste and mix in drinking water.

Fig  Chong (Caralluma fimbriata)

Fig Sisal leaves


  1. Cassia didymobotrya (leaves) or Euphorbia metabelensis (latex)

Collect handful of the fresh leaves, crush it and put into drinking water and to be administered to the affected birds.


Fig  Cassia didymobotrya



Fig  Euphorbia metabelensis



  1. Combretum micrantum (bark) with Butyrosperinium parkii Shea (bark) and Ficus spp (bark)

Handful of leaves of the above mentioned plants are freshly collected first and dried, ground and soaked in drinking water for an hour. Water to be strained, cool and fed to birds for 5 days.


Fig  Butyrosperinium parkii (Shea)


Fig  Combretum micrantum



Fig  Ficus spp




  1. Phyllanthus amarus (leaves), Cuminum cyminum (Cumin seeds) and Allium cepa (Onion) pulp

Take 100g of whole Phyllanthus amarus plant, 25g of Cumin seeds and Onion pulp (10 numbers) and ground along with jaggery into a pasty consistency. The mixture was prepared freshly every day. The preparation to be mix with feed and given orally to birds thrice a day for 5 days. Along with the above, the birds were given boiled and chilled water containing Cuminum cyminum-10g/liter for five days.


Fig  Cumin seeds


Fig  Jaggery


Fig  Onion


Fig  Phyllanthus amarus


  1. Capsicum annum (Red pepper), Ash and Aloe vera

 Add 8 seeds of Red pepper with 1 table spoon of ash and 1 leaf of Aloe vera. Concoction of 1 litre of water is prepared for 9 birds and fed for 3 days.


Fig  Red pepper


Fig  Aloe vera




  1. Ash and Marijuana

1 litre of water is taken and add leaves of Marijuana (two handful) to make the concoction and administered to the birds till complete recovery.


Fig  Marijuana




  1. Zingibar officinale (Ginger)

Collect fresh Ginger rhizome (100g) and crush it to get the extract and given in drinking water for three days.








  1. Piper nigrum L (Pepper)

Grind 20 g seeds and mix with 500 ml warm water and drench once to all the birds affected with Ranikhet disease.








  1. Brassica nigra L. (Black mustard) seeds

Grind 50 g black mustard seeds and mix with 1iltre of warm water and drench once daily to Ranikhet disease affected birds.

Brassica nigra (black mustard) seeds (the background)
  1. Phyllanthus amarus (Kilanelli Seeragam) and Cuminum cyminum (Cumin seeds)

100g of Phyllanthus amarus leaves to be mix with 20 gram seeds of Cuminum cyminum ground to a paste form and given orally for three days.


Fig  Cumin seeds


Fig  Phyllanthus amarus




  1. Allium cepa

Cut pieces of small onion (3-4 bulbs) can be given directly with feed for three days for 100 birds.







The above treatment protocols can be followed effectively in all age, breeds species of poultry and at any production stages. It can be concluded that the ethno-veterinary practices can be much beneficial in treatment of Poultry diseases. However it is to be emphasized that the poultry birds should also be vaccinated against major diseases regularly for prevention of the disease. Under field conditions, Ethno veterinary medicine is a natural and economical method to treat many diseases with no detrimental side effects to both the birds and human.



Adedeji, O. S., Ogunsina, T. K., Akinwumi, A.O., Ameen, S. A., Ojebiyi, O. O. and Akinlade, J. A. (2013) Ethnoveterinary medicine in African organic poultry production.

International Food Research Journal 20(2): 527-532.


Yasin Mohammed, Abadi Amare, Nuru Mohammed and Asressa Yeneneh (2019) Review on Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Practice against Poultry Diseases in African Villages. British Journal of Poultry Sciences 8 (2): 44-52.


John Cassius Moreki (2013) Documentation of ethnoveterinary practices used in family poultry in Botswana. Vet World 6(1):18-21


  1. Vinothraj, P. Alagesan and M. Siva (2019) Ethno-Veterinary Practices Adaptation for Management of Poultry Diseases in Erode District.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(4): 2758-2761



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