Ethonoveterinary medicine for minor ailments of farm animals



Ethonoveterinary medicine for minor ailments



Repeat Breeding Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Infertility (1) Brinjal (Bengan), Horse gram Ripened fruit– 1 Kg (either alone or with horse gram) Horse gram– 250 gm soak and grind. Give brinjal first followed by horse gram daily for one week.
    (2) Coconut tree Extract the juice from the newly opened inflorenscence and mix with tender coconut water. Drench once a day for 3 to 4 days.
2 Repeat


(1) Curry leaves (Kari patti) Take 2 handful of Curry leaves. After insemination for 10 days.
    (2) Mimosa pudica (Chuimui) 200 gm of the plant and prepare decoction. Give for 2-3 days.


Milk Production Related Conditions Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Failure to produce milk (1) Asparagus racemosus (Satavari, Shahakul) Grind 250 gm. of Asparagus root. Give orally for 3 to 5 days.
    (2) Leptadenia reticulata (Jivanti) Leaf and stem of Leptadenia to be given along with feed. 50 gm. Twice a day for 30 days.
2 Blood in milk Mimosa pudica (Touch me not plant) Half to one kg of plant made into paste. Feed as such for 3-5 days, twice daily.
3 Improper milk let down (1) Jatropha curcas (Jangali arandi) Leaves 2-3 handful of leaves
    (2) Datura metel (Sadah datura) Take one datura fruit, warm it in hot ash and crush along with rice polish. Feed  only once.  Do not allow animal to stray after giving medicine.
    (3) Asparagus racemous (Shatavari) Asperagus tuber or its extract Twice a day for 4 days



Post Calving Conditions Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Udder oedema Aloe vera, Lime or mimosa leaves Take 2 to 3 leaves of Aloe alone or; mix with  50 gm of Lime or; 2-3 handfuls of mimosa leaves and prepare a  paste. Apply twice a dayfor 4 to

5 days (Mix the Lime with Aloe before 2 to 3 days). Apply after milking.

2 Prolapse Mimosa pudica (Chuimui) Crush two handful of leaves and give. Also extract juice of the Leaves. Give thrice a day and apply the juice to the prolapsed portion of Uterus.
3 Retention of Placenta (1) Mimosa pudica (Chuimui) 1 Kg to leaves Once a day for 2 days.
    (2) Aegle marmelos (Bael), Pepper, Garlic & Onion Bael leaves—handful; garlic – 6 cloves; pepper –10 corns  ; onions-2. Make a paste and mix in butter milk. Give once daily.
    (3) Gossypium herbaceum (Kapas) Prepare a decoction from 2 to 3 handfuls of root & shell. Give once daily.



Skin Conditions Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Fungal infection (1) Garlic (Lussan) Make a paste Apply on the affected part till it recovers.
    (2) Neem Bark, flower, seed oil or tender twig– make a paste Apply on the affected part till it recovers.
2 Skin diseases (1) Neem Make paste of bark, flower, tender twig or use seed oil. Apply on affected part.
    (2) Brinjal Crush brinjal and mix with Jowar powder. Apply on affected part




Maggot Wound Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Maggot wound (1) Marigold, Garlic and Tulsi Handful of leaves of both leaves and 1 garlic is crushed with lime to get the paste. Apply paste twice daily on the wound.
    (2) Custard apple, Neem Crush leaves (either one or both) to a paste. Once a day for 5 to 6 days.


Dehydration Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Dehydration Salt, baking soda & sugar Dissolve 2 teaspoons of Salt, half teaspoon of baking soda & 4 teaspoons of sugar in 1 Liter of water. Adult animals – 2 – 3 ltrs

2 – 3 times/day. Calves-

1/2 to 1 liter till recovery.


Poisoning Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Poisoning (1) Paraffin Oil/ Raw linseed Oil/Natural Vegetable Oil. One litre of any oil Drench once a day
    (2) Milk/ Coconut water/ Charcoal One litre of milk or coconut water; 200 gm charcoal in 800 ml water Drench once a day




Warts Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Warts (1) Euphorbia neriifolia (Barki-thohar) Apply drops of Latex of Euphorbia on the wart. Apply twice a day until the wart falls off.
    (2) Papaya (Papita) Apply one  or  several drops of Latex of Papita trunk, fruit or leaves on the wart. Apply twice a day until the wart falls off.


Tongue Ulcer Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Tongue ulcers Tamarind (Imli)+ Gingely oil (Til oil) Tamarind- 100 gms; Gingely oil- 200 ml. Mix thoroughly to make a paste. Apply on mouth and tongue  3 – 4 times a day.


External Parasites Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Mange Infestation Cassia alata (Dadmurdan) Grind a handful of fresh/air dried leaves to make a paste with water or lemon juice Apply on the infected skin daily using a brush or coconut husk till the infection has been cured.
2 External parasites (1) Custard Apple (Sitaphal) Seed and leaf extract diluted up to 50% in oil base in any cheap vegetable oil. Apply over the body for 5 days, twice a day.
    (2) Neem Leaf pulp Apply over the body
    (3) Custard apple, Neem & Tobacco leaves Custard apple seeds-  1 part;Neem seeds-1 part tobacco leaves–1/5th part. Make paste and allow to soak in 2 litres of water. Apply over the body.

Fly Repellent Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Fly Repellent Aloe vera (Ghilkanvar) Grind and extract juice of aloe leaves Apply on the cow’s body and also sprinkle in the surroundings.

Anaemia Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Anaemia Phyllanthus embelica (Amla) Grind around 50 gm of fruit /bark. Give daily.


Stomach Disorder Condition Remedies / Plant name (Hindi name in brackets) Portion used and preparation mode Dose and amount
1 Bloat (mild) Ginger (Adrak), garlic Cardamom (elachi), clove(laung) and jaggery (gud) 50 gm ginger, 1 full garlic, 3 Cardamoms, 5 to 6 cloves, all to be boiled in half liter of water, put a little jaggery and prepare a decoction. Give once a day for 2 days. Prepare fresh daily. Give half the quantity to calves.
2 Diarrhoea (1) Tea leaves, Ginger Boil handful of Tea leaves in one  lit. of water. Strain & add half handful of ground ginger. Drench twice a day for 3 to 4 days. Prepare freshly every day.
    (2) Guava (Amrut) Boil half kg of fresh Amrut leaves in three glass of water. Drench twice a day.
    (3) Potassium permanganate Mix 5 to 10 crystals of Potassium in 1 liter of water. Drench twice a day.
3 Stomach disorder (1) Ginger (Adrak), Drum Stick (Soanjana), Honey Take 500 ml each of juice of Ginger, Drum stick leaves, and 200 ml of Honey. Mix thoroughly to make a single dose. Give twice a day for 2 days.


Source- dairyknowledge.

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