Fading Puppy Syndrome (Early Death) in Dogs : Prevention and Treatment


Fading Puppy Syndrome (Early Death) in Dogs : Prevention and Treatment

 Compiled & Edited by-Dr.Rohit Raj,Pet Consultant,Jamshedpur

Fading puppy syndrome is a term used to describe puppies that are apparently normal at birth but gradually fade and die within the first two weeks of life. Normal pre-weaning losses in dogs, including stillborn puppies, can be up to thirty percent (30%), with about half of these deaths occurring within the first week of life. It can affect a single pup or multiple pups in a litter. Many of these puppies are vigorous and healthy at birth, but lose interest in suckling over time. The bitch is usually in good health, with no known association between this syndrome and dystocia, poor mothering or poor lactation.

Fading puppy syndrome is not a specific diagnosis or disease. The proposed causes for this condition include but are not limited to poor mothering, inadequate lactation, constipation, trauma, congenital abnormalities, low birth weights and infection.Fading puppy syndrome affects puppies under the age of 12 weeks. These puppies, known as ”faders,” basically fail to thrive and are unable to survive.

Why does this happen?

Newborn puppies are very vulnerable creatures. They are born blind and deaf and by instinct, thanks to their sense of smell, they will learn to feed on the mother’s nipples. By feeding on the colostrum, a special fluid mother dogs produce for the first 24-48 hours after giving life, puppies are able to absorb some very important nutrients that will boost their immune system, allowing them to thrive and very likely resist illness until they are vaccinated against diseases. All puppies should receive this very important milk. It is most important to receive it within 12 hours after birth as this is when the pup’s intestinal lining is able to absorb it the best.

However, depending on one reason or another, some puppies will gradually fail to thrive. Mother dogs may help these pups for a bit, but then she will allow nature to run its course. This may seem cruel to us humans which would do what it takes at times to save vulnerable creatures, but dogs see through the eyes of survival, where raising weak pups is counterproductive.

During the first two weeks of life, puppies are very vulnerable to illness and environmental stress since they are unable to regulate their body temperature independently. Very young puppies also have poor ability to regulate fluid and energy balance. In addition, their immune systems are not fully functioning, and they have limited protection from infections. This makes puppies susceptible to dying from a variety of causes.

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Fading puppy syndrome may be infectious or congenital.

  • Infectious – this is more of a concern since it could be a danger to other members of the litter.
  • Congenital – either a birth defect or a runt that was underdeveloped at birth.

The two types overlap since mother dogs often fail to care as well for weak or small puppies and these animals are more liable to develop infection


What are the clinical signs of fading puppy syndrome?

The clinical signs are vague. It is often too late to save a puppy once clinical signs are apparent. The common findings are a low birth weight or failure to gain weight at the same rate as their siblings (the ‘runt’ of the litter), decreased activity and inability to suckle. These puppies have a tendency to remain separate from the mother and the rest of the litter. They are often reported to cry weakly in a high-pitched tone. Sometimes this is refered to this as ‘seagulling’ due to its similarity to the cry of seagulls. These puppies often quickly progress to severe lethargy, loss of muscle tone, and death.

Generally, ”faders” will appear to be born normal, with an eagerness to suckle, but then they begin to weaken, lose weight, and become restless and vocal. This usually takes place two to ten days after birth. The pups will appear to be in discomfort, often repeatedly crying in a monotonous manner. They may stray away from the litter and rest in corners, whereas healthy puppies will sleep and crawl against one another.

Reasons for Fading Puppy Syndrome

Fading puppies fail to thrive due to a variety of reasons.

  • These puppies may have developed problems while still in the uterus, during the birth process, or during weaning.
  • Some may have birth defects such as cleft palate, heart defects, or rectal abnormalities such as a lack of an anus.
  • Other causes may be attributed to the mother not being fed an ideal diet during pregnancy, the administration of drugs, or simply uterine malnutrition due to an overly large litter.
  • In some cases, puppies succumb to bacterial and viral infections. Parvo, E-coli along with Staphylococcusand Streptococcus infections, are some common culprits.
  • Unsanitary conditions may cause umbilical cord infections leading to septicemia.
  • Trauma and complications during the birth process may negatively affect the puppy causing it to ultimately perish.
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There are many factors that contribute to fading puppy syndrome. Some of the more common factors include:

  • lack of adequate care from the mother
  • lack of milk production or poor-quality milk
  • inadequate nursing or milk consumption
  • congenital (present from birth) defects in the puppy, which may not be immediately apparent
  • low birth weight
  • infectious causes

One or more of these factors can contribute to fading puppy syndrome. For example, a lack of mothering instinct coupled with poor hygiene can often result in neonatal septicemia (systemic infection) in a very short time. Although some maternal immunity is conferred to the puppy while it is developing in the mother’s uterus, the majority of this immunity is acquired via the colostrum or ‘first milk’. If the puppy does not drink an adequate amount of this first milk, it is more vulnerable to infection. It is important that the mother be examined immediately after giving birth for abnormal teat (breast) discharge, mastitis (breast infection), metritis (uterine infection) or other illness.

Many common bacteria can cause overwhelming septicemia and death in a vulnerable puppy in a very short amount of time. Because of the weakness and poor immune response, death often occurs quickly and with few, if any, clinical signs. Viral infections can cause fading puppy syndrome. If the mother is carrying a virus or is not properly vaccinated, the puppies are more likely to contract an infection from the mother or have an even weaker immune system. Canine parvovirus, adenovirus, and canine distemper have all been implicated as causes of fading puppy syndrome.

Intestinal parasites (especially hookworms), fleas and ticks can also weaken a puppy by taking vital blood and nutrients away from the developing puppy. Infested puppies often fail to gain weight and slowly ‘fade’ and die.



Prevention of Fading

Not all cases of fading puppy can be prevented.

  • Feeding the mother a high quality diet may help prevent fading puppy syndrome. However, mother dogs should not be over-supplemented.
  • A culture for vaginal E-coli bacteria is recommended in bitches before breeding.
  • A veterinary visit of the mother and the pups after delivery is recommended to check that everything is proceeding well.
  • A nice whelping box may ensure that mother and puppies have sufficient space lowering the risk of having the puppies crushed while ensuring warmth and ventilation.
  • Puppies should be weighed regularly ensuring they are not losing weight.
  • They should be also watched for signs of dehydration or chilling. A dehydrated pup’s skin over the shoulder blades will not spring back promptly when pulled up.
  • Mothers should not be given antibiotics prior to or right after labor (unless under the guide of a vet).
  • De-wormers should be given as per vet’s instructions.
  • As a general reference, mothers producing several ”faders” in a litter should not be bred in the future.


What can be done to treat fading puppy syndrome?

It is important to ensure that the puppy receives adequate fluid and is kept warm.

Puppies should not be allowed to become chilled. During the first four days of life the environmental temperature where the puppies are kept should be maintained at 85-90°F (29.5-32°C). The temperature may then be gradually decreased to approximately 80°F (26.7°C) by the seventh to tenth day. It is not necessary to heat the whole room to these temperatures. Providing heat over the whelping box with the aid of a heat lamp is usually all that is necessary.

If bacterial septicemia develops, antibiotics may benefit the puppy, but strict hygiene and good management procedures are also critical. Your veterinarian will discuss proper care and cleaning of the puppies and their environment.

If you are at all worried that you may have a sick puppy, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. If you have a puppy that dies, a necropsy (autopsy) should be performed to determine the cause of death. This may help you prevent other puppies from dying from the same cause.


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