Feeding Schedule for Transition Animals to Increase Milk Production

 Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Dairying

 Feeding Schedule for Transition Animals to Increase Milk Production

 Dr. Rupendra kumar

PhD, LPM department, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, India


Cows that fail to transition efficaciously into lactation are susceptible to several problems just after the calving. Further consequences in the early lactation period include lowered milk production, Immunodepression and compromised reproductive performance. Dry matter intake (DMI) starts to decrease a few weeks before parturition, with the lowest level occurring at calving. During the dry period, energy and protein requirements are lower, as there are no needs by the udder for milk production. Generally, dairy cows require around two times more energy for milk production than maintenance with progress in the lactation period. Cattle can compensate for deficits in food energy by mobilising adipose reserves. Most fat-soluble antioxidant vitamins such as retinol, α-tocopherol and β-carotene decrease when parturition and are reported to be associated with several health problems. The optimal body condition score for a dry cow is 3.0-3.25, and the cows conditioned at BCS-3 had higher feed intake coupled with peak milk yield. Dry cow therapy treats cows at the end of lactation with a long-acting antibiotic with or without a teat sealant.


The transition period extends from 2-4 weeks before parturition (close-up dry period) upto first 2-4 weeks of lactation (early fresh period), however, the most critical time period is the 21 days before and 21days after parturition. During this time, the cow transits from a low maintenance phase to a high performance period in her productive life. Therefore, in the last three weeks of the dry period, many changes are needed in the nutritional management of the dry cow. At the same time, feed intake decreases and nutrient requirements increase because of increasing nutrient demand for the developing conceptus and the impending lacto genesis. This period is characterized by dramatic changes in the endocrine status of the animal in their lactation–gestation cycle. This period imposes enormous stress and may impair dry matter intake, milk production and animal health.

Dairy animals of good genetic potential usually experience negative energy balance prior to calving due to decrease in feed intake and modest increase in energy requirements during late gestation for growth of foetus. DM intake is a major factor influencing both milk yield and body weight change in early lactation. Feed intake tends to decrease as calving approaches and this situation continues upto 10 to 12 weeks after calving while the nutrient requirements for milk synthesis after parturition continue to increase up to 6-7 weeks post-parturition which often results in negative energy balance in lactating animals especially those yielding more than 15-20 liter milk/day.

 Feeding Schedule for Transition Animals to Increase Milk Production


Minimizing the duration and extent of a negative energy balance also has a positive impact on reproduction. Poor feeding and management during the transition period can also result in problems around calving such as dystocia (difficult calving), retained placenta, milk fever (hypocalcaemia), grass staggers (hypomagnesaemia), rapid weight loss and ketosis. Better feeding strategies during this critical period has tremendous impact on the animal’s ability to produce to its maximum potential with lesser health and reproductive disorders.

Consequences of improper feeding during transition period

Energy related disorders– Rumen acidosis/lameness, ketosis, fatty liver syndrome and displaced abomasum

Mineral and vitamin related disorders– Milk fever, Udder edema, hypomagnesemia

Immune system related disorders – Retention of placenta, metritis and mastitis

Digestive disorder – Rumen acidosis

Feeding management of cattle and buffaloes during transition period

There are four aims of transition cow management which include reducing ruminal disruption, minimize macro mineral deficiencies, minimize lipid mobilization disorders and avoid immune suppression.

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Minimize reduced feed intake

In last week of pregnancy, feed intake reduces upto 30%. Nutrients supply becomes less than actual requirements. A high level of fibre diet reduces feed intake. Fibres are slowly digestible and produce impaction effect in rumen. Ration should have 35% of fibres out of which 75% should from green fodder. Amount of non-fibrous carbohydrate should be 40-45% in whole ration. Over mature fodder and dried roughages (straw, strover) have more amounts of fibre, that’s why it should be restricted to use in diet. It’s necessary to give special concern for rumen health during transition period. The typical decrease in DM intake before calving results in the need to increase contents of crude protein and net energy of lactation by about 2 % units and 0.10 mega calories per pound (M cal/lb) of DM, respectively, in the close-up diet.

Energy related nutrition management

During the transition period, expected DM intake declines to 5% per week for 2-3 weeks prior to calving and by a total of 30 % duringthe last 3-5 days prior to calving and this energy intake below requirements as reflected by elevated NEFA concentrations which is associated with increased incidence of postpartum metabolic disorders, lower milk production and poor reproductive performance. Consequently, to maintain the energy balance, the energy density of the diet should be increased. Feeding a high non-fibrous carbohydrate diet prepartum increased dry matter and energy intake, which improved energy balance of cows throughout the transition period. Grains have to be introduced to the cow’s ration for at least 3 weeks before the due date and for heifers this should be 5 weeks. The energy density of feed should be between 1.56-1.62 Mcal/kg, increasing the energy density up to 1.6 Mcal of NEL/kg in diets during the last month before parturition improves nutrient balance of cattle prepartum and decreases hepatic lipid content at parturition. Grain may be fed up to 0.5% of body weight for cows in good condition and up to 0.75% of body weight for cows below the optimum body condition. Animals in more than 20 kg milk production level can be fed upto 3 kg grains per day. If grains are given at this level, it is necessary to use buffer in ration. Reduced feed intake can be minimized by preventing ruminal acidosis using buffer in concentrate which also helps to prevent milk fat depression. NaHCO3 and MgO should be used in ratio of 3: 1. Buffer should be used 1-1.5% of concentrate feed.

Fat can also be used to increase energy density of diet. Total dietary fat should be below 6% and 1-2% of total fat could be rumen protected fat. Reduction in feed intake can be prevented by supplementation of protected fat.

Protein supplementation

It is very important to fulfil protein requirement of transitional animals. Ration formulated for high producing animals should have 15-16% crude protein with 60-65% RDP and 35-40% UDP. Now-a-days, more emphasis is being given towards use of amino acid balanced diet. Use of rumen protected protein in diet increases proportion of metabolizable protein. During formulation of feed, it is targeted to balance 6.6-6.8% lysine and 2.2% methionine in digestible protein. Maize gluten meal, solvent extracted soya bean meal, fish meal and solvent extracted cotton seed cake are used as source of rumen protected protein.

Minerals and vitamins supplementation

Minerals are essential for production, reproduction and sustenance of the animals. Minerals mixture should be used @ 2% of concentrate mixture in case of lactating animals. Lactating animals should be supplemented with 50-100 g/day of mineral mixture according to their stage and amount of milk production. High dietary Ca concentrations (1.0-1.2%) are desirable with anionic salts. Potassium should not be over 1.0% in the total ration for dry cows but K, Na and Mg should be 1.5, 0.5 and 0.35% of DM, respectively in milking cows during heat stress. Nitrogen to sulphur ratio should be 11-13: 1 in the total ration to meet rumen bacterial needs. Rumen microbes need 0.2-0.22% S to operate efficiently. Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12. Microbes in rumen are the only natural source of vitamin B12. Rumen microbes need 0.11% Co to perform efficiently. Dietary Cu is absorbed to the extent of 1 and 5% by adult cattle. A diet high in Zn (>1000 mg/kg), S and Mo can block Cu absorption. The Cu: Mo ratio should be 2:1. Diets containing 0.1 ppm of Se are recommended but field studies suggest this is not enough. Legally Se can be added up to 0.3 ppm. Depending on the DM intake, the dietary level of iodine should be about 0.25-0.5 mg/kg DM. NRC (2001) recommended dietary Fe should not be exceed 1000 mg/kg DM.


Feeding 6 to 12 g of niacin per cow per day helps to prevent ketosis and promotes dry matter intake. Feed niacin to close-up dry cows and ketosis-prone cows. Feed niacin until maximum DMI has been achieved usually within 10 weeks after calving. Do not feed niacin to thin cows with BCS below 2.0.

Fresh cows are more prone to rumen acidosis, the consequence of which is often lameness (laminitis). Zinc is useful in promoting hoof strength, integrity and health. Vitamin levels should be met to optimize milk production. Vitamin A should be provided @ 3600 IU per kg DM/day. Vitamin D 900 IU per kg/DM day and vitamin E 14 IU per kg/DM day.

Body condition scores for stages of lactation

Cows at Calving –                               3.75 – 4.25

Early Lactation-                                 3.0 – 3.5

Mid-Lactation –                                  3.5

Late Lactation –                                  3.75

Dry animal-                                        3.75 – 4.25

Maintain body condition throughout dry period until calving. Avoid fat (BCS= 4.25 or greater). Dairy cows are more susceptible to fatty liver and ketosis and consume less feed (energy) upon freshening.

Anionic salts

Dietary supplementation of an anionic mineral mixture is recommended during the last month of pregnancy. It causes a mild metabolic acidosis which enhances resorption and bone and facilitates mobilization of more calcium and phosphorus from bones at the onset of lactation. Feeding such type of slightly negative-charged ration for three to four weeks prior to calving with properly balanced calcium, phosphorus and magnesium reduces the incidence of milk fever. The most common salts used are ammonium sulphate, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. Approximately 90 g of anionic mixture/day is recommended for three weeks pre partum.


In a dairy cow, the transition from a non-lactating to lactating stage requires special metabolic adaptations through continual changes in nutritional strategies. Sub-optimal nutrition during this period may impart nutritional stress on the cows that may be manifested by one or more common periparturient disorders. A key issue is improving reproductive efficiency and embryo production may be to supply the nutritional needs of animal in a physiological way and avoid abnormal or unbalanced amount of any component in the diet. Thus, nutritional balancing is critical for high yielding dairy cows, in particular. In addition to ration formulation and monitoring, feeding management may impact transition success.

Email I’d – rupeivri2@gmail.com

Authors declaration – I wish to confirm that there are no know conflicts of interest associated with this publication


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