Female Veterinarians Shaping Innovations in Animal Research and Healthcare

Dr. Sarah Boston

Female Veterinarians Shaping Innovations in Animal Research and Healthcare


1st year student in BVSC & AH

MB VETERINARY COLLEGE , dungarpur (314001)

Rajasthan , India

Mail -id : navyakunder44012@gmail.com


No female is less than a male in any aspect!

Veterinary medical profession had traditionally excluded women . Earlier only a few women used to enroll for veterinary course. There was a general assumption that the veterinary sector is not meant for girls. Within the profession, there still exists a remarkable divide between male and female veterinarians, in terms of physical strength, employment,  and wellbeing . Change must happen sooner than later to improve the prospects for women in veterinary medicine and the health of the profession as a whole. But from past many years there are positive outcomes in the field of veterinary medicine . They say that to pursue veterinary medicine you need to be physically strong to handle large animals and mentally strong to handle cases . But strength comes from one’s heart and not just physically.  Women are powerful not because they are not scared but because they go on so strongly, despite the fear .  Female veterinarians have the ability for Communication skills , Decision-making skills , Manual dexterity , physical strength , patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations .

Following the First World War, women stepped Into almost all the professions dominated by men in The western world. Their ability had been proved and Recognized . Changes in the nature and practice of veterinary medicine itself helped to appease fears About women’s participation. Veterinary medicine, previously a male-dominated profession, has experienced a significant increase in the number of women studying at veterinary colleges and practising in all fields of the profession . Women veterinary graduates are working in diversified fields, including government, research institutions, public sector or private institutions. Many women veterinary graduates and post-graduates from India are working in developed countries . There is increase in the number of female role models, especially in physically challenging aspects of the profession. Many of these changes are desirable . The caring and nurturing aspects of the veterinary profession has been enhanced. Additionally, 70 percent of veterinary science students currently in our  country India are female, highlighting a significant shift in gender representation .

On the basis of their gender, A career as a veterinary doctor is suitable for everyone regardless of gender. An individual’s gender does not affect career progression. Whether a person is male, female, or belongs to any other gender, he or she can opt for a degree in veterinary science . Veterinary care is one of the few professions that has experienced rapid numerical feminization over the last couple of decades . The veterinary profession has undergone dramatic feminization and this trend is likely to continue . More women, irrespective of marital and maternal status, are  still entering to the work full-Time. Not only do women outnumber men in undergraduate colleges, but increasing numbers of Them are majoring in the sciences . Women will constitute a substantial part of the profession and will occupy places in all ranks of The power structure.  It doesn’t mean that a female veterinarian has to work in hospital or clinic . Here are some points where female veterinarians have paved their paths in different way for bringing changes

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Female veterinarians shaping innovations in animal research and healthcare

  • Accelerated technological progress: Breeding different species and producing transgenic animals  has controlled new diseases also enhanced economic status . This has given a way in establishing and improving the technological revolution .
  • Entrepreneurship : They have introduced NGOs which has literally concentrated on animals healthcare . Because NGOs have helped citizens in getting to know about their pets health .
  • Supervision in animal health: Female veterinarians are increasingly leading the charge in applying genomic medicine to veterinary care. They have been able to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases.
  • Manufacturing good medicines : In tune with the growth in pet care and management, the country is witnessing rapid growth in pet industry and Female veterinarians have also worked in the field of animal research and have been a part in introducing new medicines like ayurvedic medicines .

Indirectly this has brought up labours to work which has improved the society because those labours in return are being able to both provide what a family wants and also by giving love to millions of voiceless . Few women either pursue a career leading to, or are successful at securing a leadership role such as being a Chief Veterinary Officer .

Although large animal and farm animal practice remained important, Companion animal practice became increasingly more common for female veterinarians . That was when female veterinarians started bringing up new innovations in animal research and healthcare . Women in India today being courageous have put upon so many risks in dealing with major cases in veterinary medicine . Their ability to think and by bringing new changes has helped in the field of research . Female veterinarians along with family pressures they still balance their work life by having concerns on the health of animals . Even though there was/ is Lack of equal opportunities , females have continued in Accepting the challenge . Managing everything say for personal life , family and education ,  females have continued to have a good progress in this field .

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Highlighting Contributions about few female scientists and female veterinary students from emerging economics

  • Dr Simran Ashish Shinge, alumni of Mumbai Veterinary College has recently earned a commercial pilot’s license at age 24, successfully becoming the youngest female veterinarian pilot in India. During her flying training she continued to treat strays around the airport. Her love for animals and passion for the veterinary profession constantly motivate her to work towards the welfare of stray animals. Balancing her passion for aviation and veterinary she proves that one can achieve great heights if you have the determination and discipline to do so.
  • Harshita Raghav, BVSc&AH, MVSc. (Wildlife Science)one of the 4 selected candidate in RVC lady officers list. She is beauty with brains and captain is perfix megnifies her statures. She Is aspirants for the Indian Forest Services (IFS).
  • A team of researchers from Thailand and the US use social networks to describe dairy cattle movements in Northern Thailand and identify highly connected districts which represent key areas for disease transmission, surveillance, and control.
  • A research collaboration spanning Australia and Fiji provide an overview of the long-term Bovine Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Eradication and Control program in Fiji
  • Women are among the most involved in and served by [farming] co-operative organizations”, they are also “the least likely to hold high-ranking and decision-making roles by discussing the structural, cultural, historical, and institutional barriers limiting women’s representation on the boards of farmer-owned cooperatives in Denmark.


Most importantly rewinding back to olden days , female were meant to be only house wife and were not allowed to study , they were the one’s who looked after the domestic animals .  Since early days, women used to rear cows and goats as it is a source of income that can be generated at their own comfort at home. They have  played an important role in practicing animal husbandry . Even though they were uneducated , they still had knowledge about the behaviour of animals since they looked after it everyday . They were very alert in analysing the daily routine of animals . Being familiar with the habit of animal to treating them from ancestral time in spite of being illiterate can show us that how strong and eligible  a female can be  to become an veterinarians ! Animals are good companions for women . Even today I see many women who often talk to their pet animals like their friends or children . India today has given a comfortable environment to females for pursuing their dreams. This made us start chasing our dreams and can never stop us . Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women. We women’s are going to bring more changes in upcoming future because we fear no obstacles .  The love given to animals by female veterinarians compared to men is more since she has a touch of motherhood . Only if we know to give and receive love , in understanding the pain of voiceless ,  it’s possible to be in veterinary field which a female veterinarians have proved that yes I can be one among the other men’s !As well as their important contribution to more traditional veterinary Research Topics, women are pushing boundaries and helping new research fields grow such as outcomes research .  The intelligence and innovation that women bring to the field improve the industry as a whole and ensure the highest standards for animal care. As Sheila Murray Bethel said , “One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go . “

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We fight, we get hurt , we heal and we fight again . Yet we shape this world. That’s life of an female veterinarian.


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