Field level blood Analysis in Dairy cows
Simple Intervention to improve health status of Dairy cows/
Diagnosis and prognosis are two very important points in the treatment process.
Diagnosis means Identification of the nature of an illness by examination of the symptoms.
Types of diagnosis:
1.Clinical diagnosis
2.laboratory diagnosis
3.machine aided diagnosis
Clinical Diagnosis:
Diagnosis made of medical signs and history of the patient.
Laboratory Diagnosis:
Diagnosis based on laboratory test report of the patient.
Machine aided diagnosis:
Diagnosis based on xrays,ultrasound,ECG
and computer.
All three diagnostic methods very useful for the lifesaving effort of the Doctor.Large animal treatment mostly based on the clinical diagnosis because
Veterinary Doctor need to go to the door step of the cattle.Usefulness of laboratory diagnosis and machine aided diagnosis not full utilized in large animal diagnosis because of dairy farm based service.And cost effective laboratory diagnosis and machine aided diagnosis not possible at field level.
Basic blood Analysis in dairy cattle with parameters like
1.Hemoglobin level
2.Blood glucose level
3.calcium phosphorus estimate
4 creatinine level
5.Blood urea level
Very useful aid in diagnose the basic causes behind the various disease conditions at field level.Total cost of these tests Rs.300 to Rs.500.Now the cost of one cross breed Milch cow is around 50 to one lakh.During disease conditions of dairy cows per day production cost loss is
around 300 to 500 Rupees.So simple blood Analysis intervention in dairy cow save the animal from disease condition as well as
Production loss.
Benefits of Basic blood Analysis in dairy cows:
1.By random Analysis in few cows the Hb level we can able to assess the health status of the dairy farm
2.By the assessment of calcium,phosphorus and glucose level in dairy cattle blood,
Feed and fodder responsible for the deficiency and excess may be identified.By reducing unnecessary feeding lead to
Increase in farmer income.
3.By the assessment of creatinine and urea Level stage of the disease condition may be assessed and treatment provided accordingly.Treatment cost will be able to reduced.
prognosis is a forecast of the likely outcome of a disease situation.With the help of Basic blood Analysis it is possible to forecast the disease condition in dairy cows and economic loss.So it is possible to forecast the expenditure involve in the treatment and economic viability of Rearing the dairy cow.