We are pleased to share with u that an organization –IIFF (INDO ISRAEL FRIENDSHIP FORUM) has been formed under the able Chairmanship of Dr. Ashok Allur,Phd, V.C , Bharathia science, University , Ananthpur,AP. Founder Secretary-Dr K Raavvi Kumar , Ex Director CPDO (NR) , National President- Dr.PK SHUKLA , National Secretary-DR. RK SINGH, Joint Secretary –Mr. V. Sidharth. The Objectives and Mission of this Platform is as follows-
Non-commercial partnership “Indo Israel Friendship Forum “IIFF” – a new bridge between Israel and India. In August 2019 a decision was taken by Dr K Raavvi Kumar , Ex Director CPDO (NR) & Dr. Ashok Allur,Phd, V.C , Bharathia science, University , Ananthpur,AP. for the creation of “Indo Israel friendship forum “IIFF” in India, Bengaluru, which is aimed at establishment of partnership and cultural relations among it`s members and people of Israel and India. The creation of the “IIFF” is aimed at promotion of cultural, creative, academic, economic, and social relations through its activities among people of two countries.

The Indo-Israel Friendship Forum is the friends of Israel in India who support the state of Israel and operates across the country with particular focus on Agriculture & Livestock Technology, culture, people to people contact. INDO-ISRAEL FRIENDSHIP FORUM which is also known as IIFF, is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization (NGO) is committed to benchmark INDIA-ISRAEL relationships in the world-map.
IIFF is a non-political, non-partisan and non-profit platform to strengthen India-Israel Relationship. We appeal to all those people to join this group, who want to see these two great countries together. Be it Trade, Educational-Exchange, Cross-cultural relationship, Marital relationship, Tourism or anything else.These traditional historical and cultural links have produced a vast reservoir of goodwill and warmth for India.

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To get the people of Israel and India to connect not only for friendship but to get to know each others Agriculture and Livestock based latest new technology ,festivals, sports, food, views, fears and concerns, etc and form alliances and partnerships.
Promote good race relations between India-Israel
Promote religious harmony by raising awareness & enhancing respect, and tolerance;
Relieve poverty & hardship throughout the world;
Protect & promote Agriculture , Animal husbandry ,good health.
Help Indian Businesses find partners in Israel in the field of Livestock & Agriculture farming, Culture, Films, Cuisine, Religion and Lifestyle.
Promotion of economic, commercial, scientific, cultural, academic, social, tourism and sports activities among the people of Israel and India;
• Establishment of the independent amateur and professional associations, creative and production groups;
• Assistance in organizing performances, concerts, festivals, meetings, parties, competitions, parades, exchanges etc.;
• Promotion of business relations between both countries;
• Organization of forums, conferences, symposia, trade fairs, seminars, round-tables and other events.
• Assistance in establishing and promoting inter-governmental and international relations, cooperation with organiza-tions, associations of other countries, aimed at strengthening friendship and international cooperation;
• Promotion of tourism, academic and other activities among children and youth.
• Promotion of India as academic hub.
• Promotion of Yoga in Israel.
• Promotion of Ayurveda in Israel.
• Promotion of ancient Vedic Science in Israel. “IIFF” intends to closely work with the other cultural, social, governmental/non-governmental, commercial and professional organizations in Israel and India.
“We intend to render assistance in organizing and conducting events, which will promote the spirit of patriotism and love to the Motherland, government symbols and language, development of national traditions and customs of Israel and Indian people”
“Our aim is to become a new resource between people of Israel and India for achieving new milestones in relations between the two great countries of the world

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Benchmarking Indo-Israel bilateral relationship by creating the highest level of People-to-People connection. Regaining the lost glory of the Indo-Israel relationship.

Friends, Keeping in view the present scenario of our country with respect to future challenges ahead ,it is the high time to be united in the interest of our nation.Therefore we call upon like minded people to join IIFF . Very soon u will get all relevant information regarding IIFF on website. U can download the membership form from the website. Within a week u will be informed about the website of IIFF.
For more information regarding this forum u can contact Mr. V. Sidharth –
DR. RK SINGH-9431309542

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