D T Naik*, Jyothi C2 Rajendra kumar T3,
* Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Pathology
2) Assistant professor (contractual basis), Department of Veterinary Pathology
3) Assistant professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology
Department of Veterinary Pathology; Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka, India
This disease is caused by salmonella gallinarum which is a non motile organism. It has somatic antigens 1, 9 and 12. Adults mostly suffer though chicks may also be affected as it was seen in this case. Infection is by ingestion. Incubation period is 4-5 days. (Ganti A Sastry, 2019).
Five chicks (aged 15 days) were brought to the Department of Veterinary Pathology for post mortem examination with a history of acute anorexia characterized by generalised malaise, viz drowsiness, anorexia, fever, thirst and ruffled feathers. One bird showed greyish yellow diarrhoea, pasting the feathers around the vent region. Bird was slightly emaciated and dehydrated in condition and comb was congested at times. The duration of disease was 5 days and mortality rate was 4-30%. In these young chicks symptoms seen were similar to those of pullorum disease.
Out of 5 chicks one chick specifically revealed characteristic catarrhal enteritis (Fig:1), slight hepatomegaly with congestion of liver which showed bronzed discolouration with necrotic foci (Fig:2 and 3) and other organs like heart and lung were congested (Fig:4 and 5).
Diagnosis is based on agglutination test and isolation and culture of micro organisms. There are so many differences between pullorum disease and fowl typhoid. The best suited in this study were chicks were mostly affected with BWD where as adults are mostly affected with fowl typhoid. But strikingly in our case young chicks were affected. Diarrhoea is a constant symptom in BWD and not constant in typhoid. But in this case diarrhoea was very much constant. Liver is normal in BWD where as bronzed discolouration in fowl typhoid. We have to differentiate fowl typhoid from fowl cholera, avian monocytosis, ALC, Ranikhet disease and fowl plague. Isolation of the organism and conducting a biological test in rabbit which are susceptible to pasterella multocida but resistant to s. gallinarum. (Ganti A Sastry, 2019).