General Information Related to Broilers


by Dr. Amandeep Singh
Meat type birds
Scientific name is Gallus Domesticus
For broiler breeders
Number of settable eggs per dam housed = 170 eggs
Breeding period = 25 to 66 weeks
Fertility percentage = 90%
Hatchability (% of total eggs set) = 80 %
Number of sale-able chicks per dam = 130 straight run chicks
Mortality (maximum); 0 to 8 weeks = 3 %, 9 to 20 weeks = 4 %, More than 20 weeks = 18 %
Body weight; 20th week; Males = 2.6 kg, Females = 2.0 kg
Body weight; 40th week; Males = 3.5 kg, Females = 2.5 kg
Age at first lay = 22 weeks
Age at sexual maturity = 25 weeks
Incubation period of egg = 21 days
Minimum hatch weight = 35 grams
Egg size (by broiler hens) = 55 grams
Floor space for broiler breeders (above 18 weeks) = 2.25 sq. ft.
Specifications of an ideal broiler shed
It should be constructed at least 300 ft. away from residential areas
Direction = facing east-west
Minimum distance between 2 sheds = 35 ft.
Size = depending on number of birds reared
Width = 22 to 25 ft.
Length = depending on land available and number of birds housed.
Foundation = should be of concrete; minimum 1 ft. above and 1 ft. below the ground.
Height; eaves height = 6-7 feet; height of centre of the roof = 10-12 ft.
Type of roof = gable or monitor type depending on weather conditions. In temperate areas, gable roof, and in tropical areas, monitor roof is built.
Type of floor = solid litter floor is with maximum benefits.
Doors = must open outside; Dimensions = 1 m high, 2 m wide
Overhang = 1 m on both sides
Manure pit = 1m depth; 30 m away from shed
Main gate = 12-15 ft. for vehicles; 3-4 ft. for personals
Feed stuffs apart from compounded feed
Energy feeds = cereals and their by products. E.g. maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, oat, rice polish, bajra, wheat bran, rice bran, molasses, etc.
Protein feeds;
Plant protein sources = ground nut cake, sunflower meal, soyabean meal, coconut oil cake, cotton seed meal, etc.

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Animal protein sources = fish meal, meat meal, bone meal, tadpole meal, poultry by-product meal, etc.

Feed should contain 23% crude protein & 2900 kcal/kg ME/day
Calorie-protein ratio of feed = 122
Composition of broiler meat
Water = 76%
Protein = 19%
Fat = 5%
Saturated fatty acids = 2%
Ash = 0.8%
Calcium = 12 mg%
Phosphorous = 201 mg%
Iron = 1.9 mg%
Vitamin A = 730 IU
Linoleic acid = 1%
Oleic acid = 2%
Miscellaneous information
Feeding space required by 1 chick = 2 inches
Drinking space required by 1 chick = ¼ inch
Floor space requirement; from 0 to 4 weeks = 0.5 sq. ft., from 5 to 8 weeks = 1 sq.ft
Debeaking to check cannibalism can be done at 9 days of age or 3-4 weeks of age.
De-toeing can be done at 6-9 days of age in breeding males.
Feed efficiency at 6 weeks of age = 1.8
Livability(from 0 to 6 weeks) = 98%
Dressing percentage = 75 (maximum)

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