Goat meat is a good source of protein and also has health benefits when consumed in appropriate portions. Various study report says, #mutton also has a range of health benefits to offer.

1. #Goats are ruminants, so their meat is a good source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (#CLA) that may help to prevent cancer and other inflammatory conditions.

2. The amount of saturated fat in goat meat is less than the total amount of unsaturated fats it contains, which improves blood cholesterol levels and eases inflammation.

3. There is vitamin B in goat meat, which helps burn fat in your body.

4. It also contains high amounts of lean proteins and low amounts of saturated fat, which helps in controlling weight and reduces the risk of obesity.

5. There are selenium and chlorine in goat meat which are beneficial to prevent cancer.

6. Goat meat is beneficial for pregnant women as it prevents anaemia during pregnancy in both mother and baby by increasing the blood haemoglobin levels in the mother and enhancing blood supply to the baby as it contains high amounts of iron (3mg iron/100 g of goat meat).

7. Goat meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12. It helps to overcome stress and depression.

8. Goat meat is rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones and teeth.

9. The meat of a goat enhances the production of new cells, thereby delaying ageing.

10. Goat meat helps maintain healthy thyroid function.

So one need not avoid consuming goat meat, but it should be consumed in appropriate portions.

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The American Institute for Cancer Research Expert Panel also advises limiting red meat (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoiding processed meat.

Studies show we can eat up to 18 ounces (500 gms) a week of red meat without raising cancer risk.

When meat is preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or by the addition of preservatives, cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) can form. These substances can damage cells in the body, leading to the development of cancer.

85 grams of goat meat contains 2.6 grams of fat and 122 calories compared to 6.3 grams of fat and 162 calories in same quantity of chicken. Unsaturated fat in goat meat is far lower than all the amino acids needed by the body along with high level of iron that’s helpful for the anaemic person.
A clinical study by Harvard university confirmed that the saturated fat contributes to cardiovascular risk, unsaturated fat could help to enhance good cholesterol I.e HDL ,stabilize the heart beat many other health benefits. Goat meat reduces the blood cholesterol minimizing arteriosclerosis risk and other cardiovascular issues. Hence goat meat is preferred to even chicken and should be added to healthy diet of diabetic, hypertension and cardiac patients in permissible quantity .

By Dr. Gopal Tripathy

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