Goat Milk Bioactive Lipid and Its Nutritional Value


Goat Milk Bioactive Lipid and Its Nutritional Value

Nutraceuticals or functional foods contain some active compounds which have beneficial effect on human body other than its nutritional benefits. Milk has the capacity to develop immune system in the newborn baby, limit the growth of the bacteria, and provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection (Lepage and Van de Perre 2012). Another factor that could influence immunological and inflammatory processes is the power of milk and its product to supply nutrients to the human body that can alter the gut beneficial microbiota, an important regulator of immunity (Ceapa et al. 2013; Kau et al. 2011). Hsieh et al. (2015) recently published reviews on the benefits of several bioactive components present in milk and dairy products resulting in reducing the inflammation and functioning as coadjutants in traditional therapies.

Bioactive peptides

Now day’s food scientists, researchers and even consumers are showing more interest towards functional foods and bioactive components present in them. Any functional food are just like any conventional food and it could be the part of diet as it has its basic nutritional values, in addition of that, functional food have many physiological benefits like reduce the chances of various chronic diseases and immune modulation. As per records of the National Cancer Institute (USA), bioactive components are “one type of chemical food in small amounts in plants and certain foods (such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, and whole grains). Bioactive compounds have actions in the body that may promote good health. They are being studied in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, and other diseases”. Bioactive compound is “a compound which has the capability and the ability to interact with one or more component(s) of the living tissue by presenting a wide range of probable effects”. Bioactive compounds can be obtained naturally, terrestrially or aquatic, may be a plant source, animal source or other sources like micro organisms or can be even synthetic. The word “bioactive compound” is not related to the basic nutrient content of the food that are essential and important for metabolic activities of living organism such as primary metabolites (Claps et al. 2017). Bioactive peptides basically are protein fragments that have beneficial and fruitful impact on physiological processes or circumstances and may influence human health in good way (Huang et al. 2013). Goat milk is considered as close as a perfect diet (Atanasova and Ivanova 2010). Protein of goat milk is composed of 80% caseins and 20% whey proteins. Maximum portion of goat milk protein are readily biologically available while the rest part of milk peptides could be digested on the action of proteolytic enzymes. When chymosin act on k-casein, during coagulation of milk during the cheese manufacturing a soluble C-terminal of caprine calmodulin (calcium-binding protein) is formed is an active component of caprine calmodulin (calciumbinding protein). These peptides are also key sources of bioactive peptides, anti-hypertensive and ACE-inhibitory peptides (EspejoCarpioet al. 2013; Hernandez-Galan et al. 2017). Other small proteins with biological action found in goat milk areprotease peptone, lactoferrin, immune-globulins, transferring, prolactin, ferritin and folate-binding protein. Fermented dairy products like yoghurt and cheese already have variety of naturally produced bioactive peptides. The lactoferin value approximately 0.107 ± 19 mg / mL in goat milk is higher than cow milk (Wang et al. 2019). Many epidemiological studies had proved that consumption of milk and dairy products leads to lower incidence of hypertension. The anti-hypertensive effect in milk and milk products is due to its high mineral content (particularly potassium, calcium and magnesium) and certain particular protein and their hydrolysates (Mullins et al. 2021)


Goat Milk Bioactive Lipid and Its Nutritional Value

Goat Milk Bioactive Lipid and Its Nutritional Value

Goat Milk Bioactive Lipid and Its Nutritional Value

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