Good Management Practices for Successful Dairy Farming in India

Good management practices for successful dairy farming in India
Good management practices for successful dairy farming in India

Good Management Practices for Successful Dairy Farming in India


India is an agrarian economy. Livestock sector plays a major role in rural economy of the country. Animal husbandry and dairy farming are the main economic activities of the livestock farmers in India since ages. With the lowest possible investment per unit, livestock sector has the highest potential for the generation of employment in rural areas. The largest measurable success of dairy farmers is the unprecedented growth of incomes which attributes to higher value the livestock farmers earn due to the good management practices for successful dairy farming in the country. Good management practices (GMP) are the major requisite for successful dairy farming in India. Good management practices include:

  1. Health status of the animal

The health status of an animal can be judged by the observation of basic health parameters and body scoring. Observation of basic health parameters include breathing frequency, rumination, rumen movement, appearance and fever. A general awareness on the symptoms of common poisoning conditions helps the dairy farmer in seeking timely treatment. There are a large number of plant and chemical agents that cause poisoning in dairy animals such as gossypol, cyanide and organophosphorous. Some of them are fatal in nature if left untreated.

  1. Animal nutrition

Feeding is an important aspect of dairy farming. Nutrition accounts for around 70% of total cost of milk production. Different types of dietary feed ingredients for dairy cows and buffaloes include concentrates such as compound cattle feed, oil cakes, grains and grain byproducts like brans and chunnies, cultivated green fodders and grasses, crop residues like straws and stovers. Ration balancing programme, compound cattle feed, bypass protein feed, mineral mixture, urea molasses mineral block (UMMB) as a feed supplement, fresh drinking water, preparation of total mixed ration (TMR) for cow, seasonal/perennial fodder cultivation, fodder seed production, azolla cultivation and crop residue enrichment are the important aspects of animal nutrition.

The digestive system of cattle is highly complex with the stomach having four chambers. The digestive process is based on the action of various types of microbes which break down the feed and provide nutrients to the animal. Any sudden change in feeding pattern or an improper feeding regimen disturbs the balance of the various types of microbes, leading to an over population of certain unfavourable microbes that cause various problems like laminitis, bloat, sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) or even death in severe cases such as acute rumen acidosis. Such conditions arise from interference in the process of natural gas expulsion produced as a byproduct of microbial digestion. It is important to understand the common conditions so that timely advice or treatment can be sought from a veterinarian. This can avoid economic loss to the dairy farmer.

  1. Animal healthcare

A minimum vaccination coverage of 80% of population is required for proper control of the animal diseases. It is imperative to deworm the animals 2-3 weeks before vaccination is carried out for better immune response. Vaccination should be carried out at least one month prior to the likely occurrence of the disease. Animals should be in good health at the time of vaccination. The cold chain of the vaccines should be maintained till the time of administration to the animal. The manufacturers’ instructions on the route and dosage should be strictly followed.

Both external (tick and flies) and internal parasites (worms) cause a remarkable decline in the production potential of the dairy animal. Worms inside the body drain the animal of valuable nutrients. Infestations with worms lead to poor growth rate, diarrhoea, delayed maturity, weakness, increased susceptibility to infection, low response to vaccination and in severe cases, may lead to death. Awareness in controlling the external and internal parasites goes a long way in harnessing the production potential of the animal. Thus the traditional remedies have been used for ages by the farmers to manage minor ailments in their livestock. The knowledge of some alternative form of medicine such as ethnoveterinary practices that could manage minor ailments till such time veterinary aid is sought is important to the dairy farmers especially in the areas where animal healthcare services is not readily available.


  1. Milk hygiene

Complete full hand milking/fisting is the best method of milking under hygienic conditions. Storage and preservation of milk in a dairy farm is essential till it moves out and reaches the markets for sale. Hand milking or machine milking can be decided as per the size of the dairy herd.

  1. Selective breeding

Selective breeding of cattle and buffalo to increase milk production has made commendable progress in certain areas. In order to increase the dairy production in our country, there is a need to increase the production potential of non-descript local animals through scientific methods like crossbreeding. Along with this, improving the milk production potential of indigenous breeds in their native breeding tracts is also equally important. Progeny testing (PT) and Pedigree Selection (PS) coupled with Artificial Insemination (AI) and milk recording have been identified as activities leading to steady genetic progress. For a profitable milk business, it is necessary for the cow/buffalo to calve every 1 to 1.5 years. Awareness on the various aspects of breeding such as signs of heat, proper time of insemination, drying off a milking animal, normal calving, dystocia, infertility and its management of infertility, progeny Testing (PT) and pedigree selection (PS) is necessary.

  1. Responsible human resources

Ensuring appropriate tasks in the farm, procedures and safety of dairy animals by hardworking and competent team in a dairy farm paves a long way for the successful entrepreneurship by implementation of sustainable work practices. Animal housing and herd management through lighting, ventilation, insulation, humidity and temperature are important to avoid cold/heat stress in winter and summer by the dairy farmers.

Thus the animal insurance, regular guidance from the veterinarians and various awareness programmes on management for dairy farmers can lead to successful dairy farming in India.



Dr. Smruti Smita Mohapatra

PhD Scholar, Dept. of Veterinary Physiology

WBUAFS, Kolkata

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