By-Dr V.Rajendra prasad.
Poultry Consultant
1.Nutritional including minerals,vitamins and protein .
2.Infectious diseases viral as IB, Astro and IBD or metabolic as (Ascites – Hypoxic conditions increases the production of uric acid. Ascites in initial stages can lead to symptoms of gout)
3.Managemental causes: Water deprivation or improper hatchery management like Improper egg storage ,Inadequate incubation conditions ,Improper conditions in chick holding room Chicks held for a long in hatchery or transported for a long distance without water .
4.Mycotoxins,drugs or chemicals.
Treatment includes :
5.No medication alters the course of IBV infection, but we can give antimicrobial therapy to reduce mortalities caused by complicating bacterial infections.
6.Immuno modulators along with Electrolytes , Vitamins and minerals in drinking water
7. Reducing the protein concentrations in feed and feeding only with maize grain particles.