Government Releases Breed-Wise Report of Livestock & Poultry Based on 20th Livestock Census


Government Releases Breed-Wise Report of Livestock & Poultry Based on 20th Livestock Census

The findings are based on breed-specific data obtained during the 2018-19 Livestock Census.


Indigenous and nondescript cattle make up 73% of the overall cattle population of 19.35 crore, while exotic and crossbred cattle account for about 26%. However with regards to the fowl population, desi fowl account for just 36% of the overall fowl population of 80.78 crore, whereas improved species account for 64% of the total fowl population.

These findings are based on breed-specific data obtained during the 2018-19 Livestock Census. Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairy, issued the report on Thursday. The Census was noteworthy in that it was the first time that the government used tablet computers to gather data, and both livestock and poultry birds were tallied according to breeds recognised by the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR).

Given the importance of the livestock industry, policymakers and researchers must identify various breeds so that the species may be genetically updated for maximum product performance and other purposes, according to an official statement published following the release.

The NBAGR has recorded 184 recognised indigenous/exotic and crossbred breeds of 19 different species in this report. This study covers four exotic/crossbred cow breeds as well as 41 recognised indigenous breeds. Cattle account for 36.04 percent of the livestock population, according to the Census.


In total exotic/crossbred cattle, Crossbred Jersey has the biggest proportion with 49.3% vs 39.3% for Crossbred Holstein Friesian (HF). Gir, Lakhimi, and Sahiwal breeds account for the majority of the 14.21 crore indigenous cattle population. The Murrah breed, which is popular in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, provides 42.8 percent of the buffalo population.

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In terms of sheep, the nation has three exotic kinds and 26 indigenous breeds. The Corriedale breed is the most common pure exotic breed, accounting for 17.33% of the total, while the Nellore breed is the most common indigenous breed, accounting for 20% of the total.

There are 28 indigenous goat breeds, with the Black Bengal breed contributing the most (18.6%). In pigs, crossbred pigs account for 86.6 percent of the total, with Yorkshire accounting for 8.4 percent and indigenous pigs accounting for 3.9 percent.

The major highlights of Breed-wise Report of Livestock and Poultry are summarised below:

  • The report has covered 184 recognized indigenous/exotic & crossbred breeds of 19 selected species that are registered by the NBAGR (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources).
  • There are 41 recognized indigenous whereas 4 exotic/crossbred breeds of cattle covered in this report.
  • As per the report, the Exotic and Crossbred animal contribute nearly 26.5% of the total cattle population whereas 73.5% are Indigenous and Non-descript cattle.
  • Crossbred Jersey has the highest share with 49.3% as compared to 39.3% of Crossbred Holstein Friesian (HF) in total Exotic/Crossbred cattle.
  • Gir, Lakhimi and Sahiwal breeds have major contribution in total Indigenous Cattle.
  • In Buffalo, the Murrah breed majorly contributes with 42.8% which is commonly found in UP and Rajasthan.
  • In Sheep, there are 3 exotics and 26 indigenous breeds were found in the country. Among the pure exotic breeds, Corriedale breed majorly contributes with 17.3% and in the indigenous breeds the Nellore breed contribute the highest in the category with 20.0% share.
  • In Goats, there are 28 indigenous breeds found in the country. The Black Bengal breed contributes the highest with 18.6%.
  • In exotic/crossbred pigs, crossbred pig contributes 86.6% whereas Yorkshire contributes majorly with 8.4%. In indigenous pigs, Doom breed major contributes with 3.9%.
  • In Horse & Ponies, the share of Marwari breed majorly contributes with 9.8%.
  • In Donkeys, the share of Spiti breed contributes with 8.3%.
  • In Camel, Bikaneri breed majorly contributes with 29.6%.
  • In Poultry, desi fowl, Aseel breed majorly contribute in both backyard poultry and commercial poultry farm.
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