Govt to give credit card to 15 million dairy farmers


Pashudhan Praharee Network,

2nd June 2020.

Under the dairy cooperative movement, approximately 1.7 crore farmers are associated with 230 milk unions in the country.

The government will provide Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to 1.5 crore dairy farmers belonging to milk unions and milk producing companies within the next two months (1st June-31st July 2020) under a special drive.

The Department of Animal Husbandryand Dairying in association with Department of Financial Services has asked all state milk federation and milk unions for implementing the scheme on a mission mode.

Under the dairy cooperative movement, approximately 1.7 crore farmers are associated with 230 milk unions in the country.

In the first phase of this campaign, the target is to cover all farmers who are members of dairy cooperative societies and associated with different Milk Unions and who do not have KCC.

“Farmers who already have KCC based on their land ownership, can get their KCC credit limit enhanced, though interest subvention shall be available only to the extent of Rs 3 lakhs,” said an animal husbandry department official.

The special drive to provide KCC to 1.5 crore dairy farmers is part of the Prime Minister’s Atma Nirbhar Bharat package for Farmers. Finance Minister on 15 May 2020 has announced to cover 2.5 crore new farmers under the KCC scheme.

“This will provide an additional liquidity of Rs.5 lakh crore in the hands of farmers, who are suffering from the recent downturn of economy,” the official said.

Source- The Economic Times.

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