Guidelines for care and management of captive elephants in India laid down by Ministry of Environment & Forests (Project Elephant)


Guidelines for care and management of captive elephants in India laid down by Ministry of Environment & Forests (Project Elephant)

Post no-1377 Dt 22/11/2019
& Dr. Naveen Pandey ,Deputy Director and Veterinary Advisor at The Corbett Foundation

Ownership certificate

1 All States/ UTs would carry out a fresh survey of the captive elephants in their territory within a period of six months and report the number to the Ministry. All the captive elephants shall be microchipped for which chips have been provided in adequate number to the state/UTs. Fresh ownership certificate be issued in the form annexed for a period of five years and should be renewed every five years in case there is no violation of the norms to be followed.

2. Illegal elephants ie. those which have not been declared under the declaration of the Wild Life Stock Rules 2-3 or are found without valid documents will be confiscated

3. It would be mandatory for the owners to declare in writing in advance to the nearest Divisional Forest
Officer or to the authorized officer by the State Government of the Pregnancy of the female elephants in order to get fresh ownership certificate of the calf. The certificate would be issued to the calves of the legal cows only after physically ascertaining that they are genuine offspring or after getting the DNA test done.

Transportation of elephants

For transportation of elephants, necessary permission from CWLW or any officer authorized by the government in this behalf shall be obtained as per section 48A of the WP Act 1972.
2 A valid health certificate from a veterinary doctor to the effect that the elephant is fit to travel by road or rail, as the case may be, and is not showing any sign of infectious or contagious disease shall be obtained
3. In the absence of such certificate, CWLW shall not give permission of transport
4. Permission, if any, should be given for transport to a particular destination and for a fixed period. It would be incumbent for the owner to bring back the elephants to the place of residence within this period.
Before the issue of transport permit, CWLW or the authority issuing the permit would obtain no objection from the CWLW of the state where it is to be transported about the availability of the adequate housing facility at the place where it is to be kept.
It will be mandatory for the owner to inform the CWLW of the state within 30 days where it has been transported Except for return journey, no permission for the further onward transport of the elephants to the states will be given by the CWLW of the State where it is in transit.
. In case any captive elephant found in any state without valid transport certificate, it is liable for confiscation
. CWLWs may consider banning of captive elephants entry in Municipal Limits under Sec 40 (2)

Norms and Standard for Transportation

a The elephant shall be properly fed and given water before loading
b. Necessary arrangements shall be made for feeding and watering the elephant en route c No elephant shall be made to walk for more than three hours at a stretch
d. While transporting elephants by walk during nights, two prominent reflectors shall be placed at the front and hind portion of the elephants
e No elephant shall be made to walk more than 30 krns a day and any transportation for more than 50 kms shall be carried out in a vehicle
f Trucks with length less than 12 feet shall not be used for carrying elephants except calves (height below of and 1.59 m)
g. One truck shall not be used to carry more than two weaned calves (height below 1.50 m) or one elephant with one unweaned calf or one adult / sub-adult elephant (height above 1.51m)
h. At least 12 hour rest should be allowed to elephants for every 12 hours of journey by trucks
i. Cow elephants in advanced stage of pregnancy shall not be transported by trucks.
j. While transporting elephants by rail, an ordinary goods wagon should not carry more than three adult
elephants or six calves on broad gauge, or not more than two elephants or three calves on meter gauge, or not more than one adult elephant or two calves on narrow gauge
k. While transporting elephants by truck or train, care shall be taken to maintain constant speed avoiding jerks and sudden stops and reducing affects of shocks and jerks to the minimum
1. Each truck or wagon carrying elephant should have at least two attendant mahouts
m. Sedatives, if necessary, shall be used to control nervous or temperamental elephants only as prescribed by the veterinary doctor
n. Vehicle breakdown is one of the most common problems contributing to unsuccessful translocation.
Therefore it should be ensured that vehicle is in order and a trained mechanic with tool must
accompany the vehicle. Vehicle must have drainage facility to keep it dry and must have a water storage facility.

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Housing of Elephants

a The owner shall provide, a stable (tethering place) in a clean and healthy environment with sufficient shade to keep elephants during its rest period
b. Each elephants must be ensured a minimum floor area as specified below
1. Weaned calf (height below 1.5m) 5mx2.5m
2. Sub-adult elephant (height 1.50m to 2.25m) 7m.x3.5m
3. Adult elephant (height above 2.25m) and
Cow elephant with unweaned calf 9mx6m
c. In the case of covered sheds, the height of the structure shall not be less than 5.5m
d. Corrugated iron sheets or asbestos when used for roofing of elephant stables shall be covered with
cooling materials like gunny bags, grass, cadjan leaves etc.

Care of Elephant

a. The mahout shall ensure that the elephant gets a thorough bath every day
b. If the elephant is found sick, unduly stressed or pregnant the mahout shall report the condition to the
owner, who in turn consult a Veterinary Doctor for providing treatment expeditiously.
c. Routine examination including parasitic checks shall be carried out regularly and preventive
medicines including vaccination be administered at such intervals as may be prescribed by the, Veterinary Doctor
d. The owner shall arrange for medical check up of the mahout responsible for unkeep of the elephant at least once in two years to ensure that they do not have any disease, which may infect the elephant
e. The organizers of festivals where elephants are used shall submit in writing the programmes with details to the Station House Officer and Range Officer having jurisdiction over the area, who in turn shall ,ensure the implementation of the provisions in these rules
f. The owner shall inform within 24 hours, to the Chief Wildlife Warden or the nearest forest officer,
the cases of attack of anthrax, rinderpest, hemorrhagic scepticemia, surra or any other contagious diseases and shall follow the instructions issued by the authorities regarding the treatments of the
animal or disposal of the carcass. The Chief Wildlife Warden or an officer authorized by him shall
ensure proper veterinary assistance and advice.
g. The owner shall obtain prior permission of the Chief Wildlife Warden or the officer authorized by
him before undertaking distortions, sterilization, vasectomy, tubectomy or any other population
control measures for the elephant and shall ensure the assistance of a competent veterinary doctor for these measures.
h. The elephant showing symptoms of musth shall be got examined by a veterinary doctor
i. No drugs or intoxicants shall be used to suppress musth except on a written prescription by a
veterinary doctor
j The owner of the elephant shall ensure that in case of musth, the elephant is secured properly and
does not become a hazard to the public at large
k. An elephant in musth shall not be put to any work
1. No owner shall put to work, any elephants having pregnancy of 12 months or above, or any cow elephants having a sucking calf of age below 6 months , or any elephant of height below 5 feet
m. No owner shall permit the use of nylon ropes or chains/ hobbles with spikes or sharp edges for tying the elephants
n. Weight of the chains and hobbles shall be commensurate with age and health of the elephant
o. No owner shall permit any type of harness which may expose the back or other sensitive organs of the elephants to pain and injury.
p. No owner shall permit his elephant to be trained by a trainer who is approved by the Chief Wildlife Warden or the officer authorized by him for the purpose
q The owner shall report within 24 hours to Chief Wildlife Warden or to the officer authorized by him,
the death of an elephant and the tusks, if any, shall be declared within one week to the Chief Wildlife
Warden for obtaining Ownership Certificate.
r The owner shall get the postmortem examination of the elephant done by a veterinary doctor and shall
submit the report to the Chief Wildlife Warden or the officer authorized by him within 15 days of the

Feeding of Elephants

a. The owner or the person who is managing the elephants on contract or the person who has taken the elephant for own purpose shall ensure timely supply of wholesome feed with variety in required
quantity to each elephant. Green fodder shall be supplemented by ration as prescribed by veterinary
b. The minimum feed supply for elephant shall be as follow:

Height of Elephant
Below 1.5m (weaned calf)
1.5 m to 1.8 m
1.81m to 2.25m
Above 2.25m


Green fodder
Not less than 100 kg
Not less than 150kg
Not less than 200kg
Not less than 250kg
(or 5% of its body weight)

c. Supply of sufficient quantity of succulent food to the elephant shall be ensured during hot climate
d. The owner or contractor or hirer of the elephant shall provide sufficient potable drinking water to the elephant, preferably from a river or any other source of running water

Work load of Elephant

a. The scale of load including gears, riders and materials for the elephant shall be as follow

Height of Elephant
Below 1.5m
1,5 m to 1.80 m

1.81m to 2.25m
2.26 m to 2.55 m Above 2.55m

Load Not to be used for carrying load
Not exceeding 150 kg (to carry only fodder and trainer)
Not exceeding 200 kg
Not exceeding 300 kg
Not exceeding 400 kg

b The load scale shall be reduced by 50% in hilly or other difficult terrain
c. The elephants of height below 2.10 m shall not be deployed for logging operation
d. The elephants of height 2.10 m 10 2.25 m shall not used for dragging timber logs exceeding 750 kg in weight
e The elephants of height above 2.25 m shall not be engaged for dragging logs exceeding 1000 kg in weight
f Ill designed logging harness such as exposing elephants back bone and chest to extreme strain and injuries, using tusks and jaws regularly for dragging timber logs, timber hauling over steep areas or rocky areas etc shall not be done

Retirement of Elephants

a An elephant shall normally be allowed to retire from its work on attaining an age of 65 years
b. Healthy elephants above 65 years shall be allowed to be put to light work under proper health certificate from the veterinary doctor

Records to be kept

a. Every owner shall maintain the following records and registers in respect of the elephant in the form given in appendix II and such records and registers shall be produced before the officers authorized by Government in this behalf for inspection at such time as may be called for
i. Vaccination record
ii. Disease and treatment record
iii.Movement register
iv. Feeding register
v Work register

Cutting tusks

a. The owner of the tusker shall apply for permission of the Chief Wildlife Warden or the officer
authorized by him in this behalf, for cutting or shaping the tusk through a letter sent by registered post including the location where it will be done and the name of the competent person who would perform the operation at least one month in advance.
b. The Chief Wildlife Warden shall issue the permission within three weeks to carry out the operation in the presence of an officer not below the rank of Forest Range Officer or Forest Veterinary Officer or Assistant Forest Veterinary Officer as instructed by the Chief Wild life Warden
c. The authorized officer shall report to the Chief Wildlife Warden , the details of the cut portion such as length and weight of the tusk
d. In case permission is not granted, the owner shall be intimated of the reason for rejecting the request in writing
e. The Chief Wildlife Warden, based on a written request with the details, shall issue permit to the owner for keeping the cut tusks in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

Acts which are tantamount to cruelty to elephants:-

The following acts shall be considered as acts of cruelty to elephants and is prohibited
a beating, kicking, over —driving, over-loading ,torturing or treating any elephant so as to subject to it
to unnecessary pain or suffering, or being an owner permitting any elephants to be so treated
b. employing in work or labour or for any purpose , any elephant which by reason of its age or disease, infirmity, wound, sore or other cause, if unfit to be employed, or being owner permitting any such
elephant to be employed
c. willfully and unreasonably administering any injurious drug or injurious substance to an elephant or uses drugs or intoxicants to control elephants particularly to suppress musth without proper veterinary
d. conveying or carrying, whether in or upon any vehicle or not, an elephant, in such a manner or
position as to subject it to unnecessary pain or suffering or cause accident
e keeping or confining an elephant, in any cage or receptacle which does not measure the specifications
given in rule 4
f. keeping for unreasonable time, an elephant chained or tethered upon an unreasonable short or
unreasonably heavy chain or cord
g. using an elephant for drawing any vehicle or carrying any load more than nine hours a day or for more than five hours continuously without a break or rest for the elephant or exposes the elephant to hot climatic conditions without ensuring enough succulent food and electrolytes.
h. failing to provide an elephant with sufficient food, drinking water or shelter
i. abandoning an elephant in circumstances, which will render it to suffer pain by reason of starvation or
j. offering for sale any elephant, which is suffering from pain by reason of mutilation, starvation , thirst,
over crowding or other ill treatment
k. not providing adequate veterinary care to a sick , injured or pregnant elephant 1. cutting the tusks of a bull elephant too short so as to expose horn cord/pulp
m. forcibly weaning away an elephant calf below 2 years of age from its mother
n. using heavy chains and hobbles with spikes or sharp edges or barbed wires for tying elephants
o. using “peti” (belly band) on cow elephants in advanced stage of pregnancy
p. using pad and Nundah of improper size on working elephant exposing its spinal cord to injuries
q. marching a sick, injured to or pregnant elephant or a young calf over a very long distances or for a
long duration at a stretch
r. marching an elephant over tarred roads or otherwise, during hottest period of the day and for a long duration at a stretch without rest for religious or any other purpose
tar sporting elephants on trucks of inadequate size or trucks with uneven floor, or tying them in an i,,proper manner- subjecting them to severe jerks during journey by truck
t. transporting elephants in trucks for over 12 hours at a stretch
u. transporting elephants through any conveyance without making arrangement for adequate fodder and drinking water during the journey
v. -carrying load on an elephant without proper pad
w. making an elephant carry load unevenly balanced on its back
x. making the elephant to stand in scorching sun for long duration, or put the ceremonial gears or
decoration for unreasonably long duration, or bursts crackers from or near the elephants for
ceremonial purposes
y. using the elephant in such a manner so as to cause any injury, over -stress or strain to the elephant for
tourism purposes
z. using the elephant for sports and games such a tug of war, foot ball etc. in such a manner so as to
cause over stress or strain to the elephant.

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Description of the Elephant
1. Name of the Elephant
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Colour
5. Colour of eye
6. Height
7. Length
8. Neck girth
9. Chest girth
10. Weight of the animal Kg.
11. No. of nail Front Rt Front Lft
Hind Rt Hind Lft
12. Length of Tusk/tushes
along the Curvature Rt Cm Lft .Cm
13. Any other identification

14. No. of the Insurance Certificate
dated of

15. No. of Veterinary Certificate
dated of

16. Present market value Rs.
17. Source of Purchase

18. Registration valid upto

Date: Signature of issuing authority with date
Office Seal



(This Certificate should be completed and signed by a Veterinary Doctor)

Date and Time of Examination :
Number of Elephants Name of Elephants Age/Sex
Number of Cages

1 That, at the request of (consignor) I examined the above mentioned
elephants in their traveling cages not more than 12 hours before their departure
2 That each elephant appeared to be in a fit condition to travel from the
area to .by road/rail and is not showing any signs of infections or contagious
3. That no cow elephant appeared to be under advanced stage of pregnancy
4. That the elephants were adequately fed and watered for the purpose of the journey
5. That the elephants have been vaccinated

a. Type of vaccine/s

b. Date of vaccination/s







(See Rule 10)

1. Vaccination Record
a. Name of the Elephant :
b. Sex
c. Age
Date of vaccination Name of disease Due date for next Signature of the
vaccination Veterinary surgeon

2. Disease and Treatment Record
a. Name of the Elephant
b. Sex
c. Age
Date of History Description Diagnosis Treatment Preventive Signature of

treatment by veterinary

3. Movement Register
a. Name of the Elephant :
b. Sex
c. Age
Date Place to Move Time
Starting Ending Starting Ending

Measures Veterinary

Signature of Mahout
4. Feeding Register
a. Name of the Elephant
b.. Sex
c. Age
Ration prescribed by the Veterinary Surgeon

Date Type of Food Quantity given Signature of the

5. Work Register
a. Name of the Elephant :
Sex Age
Admissible Quan of work
Date and Weather Type of work Duration Signature of the
From To Mahout

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