Goel Vet. Pharma
Goel Vet. Pharma


 The origins of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a popular form of complementary medicine which was founded on the medical traditions and beliefs of the Greeks and Romans many thousands of years ago. Its real potential was not realised until the late eighteenth century and the pioneering work of the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Medical treatments of the day seemed to rely on a large amount of good fortune. It appeared that the more pungent and unpleasant a medicine, the more effective it was likely to be. Many of the treatments, such as bloodletting, were harsh and most cures probably occurred as a result of the patient’s own ability to recover rather than as a direct benefit of any treatment.

Animal homeopathy, a branch of alternative medicine, is growing in size and popularity along with society’s interest in alternative medicine for humans. Homeopathy was first devised in the 1790s by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Its key concept can be found in its name: homeopathy comes from the Greek word for like or similar, and that’s what homeopaths believe: “like cures like.”

As a consequence, Hahnemann gradually became disillusioned with the medical practices of the time. Instead, he advocated the provision of a good diet, increased exercise and better living conditions, basic commonsense advice which applies as much today as it did in Hahnemann’s time. Eventually ceasing work as a doctor, he decided to earn a living instead, by translating medical texts into German.

His work on one book in particular, Cullen’s Materia Medica, was to become of major significance in the development of homeopathy. Cullen’s book suggested that the benefits of quinine (isolated from Cinchona bark) in treating malaria was because of its action as an astringent. Knowing that other and more powerful astringents had no effect in treating malaria he set about trying to discover how and why quinine worked.

To do this Hahnemann took repeated doses of Cinchona bark over the course of several days and noted the effects. Somewhat surprisingly he developed a set of symptoms closely resembling those seen in malaria. However once he stopped taking the medicine, the symptoms disappeared rapidly and he returned to normal once more. This experiment he termed a “proving” and concluded, after repeating the test on other people, that like is capable of curing like. In Latin this translates to similar similibus curentur or “like cures like”. This is the basic principle on which homeopathy is founded.

Basic principles

The first rule of homeopathy is that something which causes certain symptoms in a healthy person is the best treatment for those symptoms in someone who is sick. This is a principle that is known as the Law of Similars5 and clearly reflects a metaphorical approach to disease which, in modern medical science, has been replaced by specific pathophysiologic explanations derived from scientific research. Apart from this flaw, however, the Law of Similars has the obvious problem that if you give an ill patient something that creates symptoms of illness in normal individuals, you will often make them worse.

Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy, discovered this problem through trial and error with his own patients.5,6 Instead of recognizing his basic principle was flawed, however, he took the approach of greatly diluting his remedies, which reduced their ill effects. In the absence of the harm done by the traditional remedies used at the time, many of which were toxic to a certain degree, some of Hahnemann’s patients recovered after taking his diluted preparations. Since the only evidence available at the time for assessing efficacy was anecdote and subjective experience, this was interpreted as successful treatment.

This “success” led Hahnemann to develop the second principle of homeopathy—the Potentization by Dilution and Succussion. This is the idea that homeopathic medicines become more potent the less active ingredients they contain. (Succussion refers to shaking the remedies, since Hahnemann apparently also believed the agitation his medicines received as he traveled on horseback to see his patients somehow increased their curative power.)

Finally, homeopathy relies on a complex process for individualizing the use of homeopathic preparations by evaluating the physical and mental experiences of patients and comparing them with experiences reported by healthy individuals testing specific homeopathic remedies. The details of this process are too involved to summarize here, but they involve a purely subjective and anecdotal process that has not been, and probably cannot be, validated through controlled scientific research.


Testing the theory

Over the following years Hahnemann tested a number of other substances on himself and on friends. In each case he carefully noted down the symptoms, both physical and mental, which developed as a result of taking each individual substance over a period of time. These he compiled into his own “Materia Medica”. By listing what a substance could cause, he was able to predict what symptoms it was capable of curing. He was able to put his theories into practice by successfully treating a typhoid outbreak during the winter of 1812-1813.

The Dilution Factor

Hahnemann was very aware that some of the remedies he tested were quite toxic and produced side effects, so he set about finding the minimum dose needed for a cure. To do so he began diluting his medicines finding that as he did so, that they became more effective. This is, of course, in direct contrast to modern drugs, which become less effective when diluted. His discovery that infinitely diluted medicines could be used to treat patients meant that a wide range of substances could be used to treat illness without worrying about side effects. In fact almost any substance can be made into a homeopathic medicine including metals, minerals, snake venoms, plants, bacteria as well as both healthy and diseased tissue.

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Potency & Dosage

Potency refers to the strength of the homeopathic remedy. The most common potencies available are a 6C, 30C, 200C, or 1M. Potencies of 30C or lower are called low-potency remedies or medicines, and potencies of 200C or higher are considered high-potency medicines.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in professional laboratories using a complex process. A 6C dilution is made by mixing one part of the original mother tincture with 99 parts of water or alcohol. Then the next dilution uses one part of this mixture added to another 99 parts of water and so on until the process has been repeated 6 times. For a 30C potency the process would be repeated 30 times and for a 200C the process would be repeated 200 times. However, between each dilution, the substance is “succussed” or shaken which is how the essence of the remedy is released into the dilution. This is key to manufacturing potentized homeopathic remedies.

The conundrum for chemists regarding homeopathy is that the strength of the remedies increases with the number of dilutions. In other words, the more dilutions that are prepared the more dilute the remedy becomes but the stronger the effect is on the body. This can be explained by the concept that we are not using an increase of molecules to generate potency; rather we are building strength through the vibration in the preparation. The vibrational or energetic frequency increases with the number of times a remedy is succussed.

Lower potencies cover a wide range of symptoms and can be effectively used at home for both the human family and the pets. Generally, the lower the potency the more often it can be repeated as needed. As a rule, unless otherwise instructed, discontinue the remedy as soon as symptoms improve. If symptoms reappear, repeat the remedy and use as needed. If the symptoms do not improve after 2-3 doses discontinue the remedy and choose another one that is better indicated for the current symptoms.

For more severe or very acute symptoms the higher potencies are well indicated but are not repeated as often. This is because the benefits of even just one high potency homeopathic remedy can last for months or for years. Higher potencies are also able to stimulate healing aggravations, so it is better to use these when working with the guidance of a professional homeopath.

Dosage refers to the quantity of the remedy that you use for a dose. For example, if using a remedy in the form of pellets give 2 pellets for a cat or very small dog, and 3-5 pellets for larger dogs. If using a liquid form give 5-10 drops mixed with a small amount of clean water and drop or syringe into the mouth. The Goel vet’s  homeopathic remedies are combination remedies which are in a bottle with a convenient dropper which you can use to drop the liquid directly into the mouth, or into a little drinking water. The alleged strength of extremely dilute solutions is one of the paradoxes of homeopathic medicine. Critics argue that a solution so dilute that it contains no chemically measurable trace of the ingredient on the label can’t have an effect on anything and that homeopathy must be a hoax, or its cures are caused by the placebo effect, or its satisfied patients are under the spell of a mass delusion.


Potent differences

The potency of homeopathic medicines is measured according to the number of dilutions and successions they have undergone. The centesimal scale, which is commonly used in the United States, measures dilution by 100 and uses the abbreviation “c.” One drop of the original or “mother” tincture diluted in 99 drops of water is a 1c preparation (1 in 100). One drop of 1c solution in 99 drops of water is a 2c preparation (1 in 10,000). One drop of 2c solution in 99 drops of water is a 3c preparation (1 in 1,000,000); and so on.


The decimal scale measures dilution by 10 and uses the abbreviation “x.”

While the most common potencies (6x, 3c, 6c, 12c, and 30c) are available over the counter in homeopathic pharmacies, health food stores, drugstores, mail order catalogs, and online, higher potencies are reserved for professional use. Very high homeopathic potencies, such as 1M strength (1M equals 1,000c), are considered the most powerful and usually require a written prescription.


How Remedies are Produced

Preparation of an individual remedy involves a number of serial dilutions with vigorous shaking in between each individual stage. This process is known as succussion and is vital to the correct preparation of a remedy. Dilutions (termed potencies), are commonly carried out in stages of 1 in 10, giving decimal dilutions denoted by the suffix x, or in dilutions of 1 in 100 giving centesimal potencies. This range is denoted by the suffix c. Once the desired dilution has been reached a few drops of the remedy are added to the delivery medium ready for dosing the patient.

Matching the Symptoms

Correctly applied homeopathy can be a remarkable and effective system of medicine, which has the benefit of being safe and without side-effects. The remedies can be used to treat any type of animal of any age without fear of doing any harm. However, the key to using homeopathy successfully lies in matching the patient’s symptoms to the symptom picture of the remedy, as accurately as possible. The closer the remedy matches the patient’s symptoms, the more likely the chance of a seeing a response. If the wrong remedy is given then quite simply nothing happens.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Sciences

Care & Storage

Homeopathic remedies are available in various forms, usually liquids, tablets, granules or powders. As “energised” medicines they need special care, handling and storage. They are easily deactivated by strong smells and vapours such as camphor and eucalyptus. Because of this it is best to store them well away from any aromatherapy products. Bright light, heat and electromagnetic radiation (e.g. from televisions, mobile phones and computers) can also deactivate or depotentise them, rendering them less effective. Stored properly though, the remedies will keep for many years (particularly if stored in glass) without losing their efficacy. In tablet form they should not be handled as this also can also deactivate them.

Liquid remedies (as in the Goel vet Pharmaceutical range) are often easier to use where animals are concerned particularly bearing in mind the difficulties in handling the tablets. The remedy drops can be tipped straight into the animal’s mouth, onto a paw to be licked off, added to food or even added to drinking water.

Dosing your Pet

The  Goel Veterinary Homeopathy range of popular homeopathic remedies in liquid form can help with a wide range of everyday problems. The dose is irrespective of the breed, age or size of the animal. For all the remedies , the recommended dose is:

  • For Acute problems 5 drops every 2-3 hours until the symptoms resolve
  • For Chronic illness give 5 drops 2 or 3 times daily

If you are unsure what dose to use, please contact your nearest Vet.


  Product Range

Medicine Indications Presentation
Teatasule Mastitis Kit For Acute Mastitis Teatasule No. 1 + No. 2
Teatasule Liquid Kit For Acute & Chronic Mastitis Teatasule L No. 1+No.2
Teatasule Fibro Gold Kit For Fibroid & Fibroadenosis Fibro + No.1+ No.2
Fertisule For Repeat Breeding 21 Days Course
Uterogen A Multi Purpose Uterine Remedy 105 ml
Milkogen A Galactagogue 100 tab.
Hit-O-Gen For Anoestrus condition 1 Day Course
Foomasule (Prevention) For Prevention of F.M.D. 2 X 2 Bolus
Foomasule (Treatment) For Treatment of F.M.D. 2 X 2 Bolus
Prevento For Heat Stroke 100 ml
Septigo For Septic Conditions 200 ml
Wormisule For Expulsion of Worms 30 ml
Pyrosule To Normalize Body Temperature 30 ml
R. Bloatasule For Indigestion, Anorexia 30 ml
Mandgole For Physical Irritability 100 ml
Hemisept For Respiratory Problems 100 ml
Diasule For Diarrhoea 60 ml


Suggested remedies & their uses:


Arnica is the one remedy that no pet owner should be without. It’s keynote is INJURY – accidental or otherwise. It helps prevent BRUISING, limits bleeding, encourages HEALING and reduces pain and the effects of SHOCK. It can be used in any situation from minor sprains and strains to helping with serious traumatic injuries such as a road accident. It is a good idea to give Arnica a day or two before any planned SURGERY (such as spaying or castration) or dental work and for a day or so afterwards. By doing so you can help reduce the risk of haemorrhage and associated complications and ensure that wounds heal quickly with the minimum of bruising or infection. You can use Arnica for dogs that have been over exercised or are just exhausted. It can assist in recovery from STROKES and help revive newborn puppies or kittens.


Arsenicum album has been famed as a classic poison throughout history. Since good poisons make excellent remedies homeopathic Arsenic has a multitude of uses. One of its main indications is in treating GASTRO-ENTERITIS, particularly from eating spoilt food or rubbish. NAUSEA, VOMITING and RETCHING are prominent and food is refused. There is thirst for small quantities of water, which may be vomited back immediately. The Vomit can contain blood, bile, food or mucus. There is often simultaneous DIARRHOEA, which is offensive and may also contain blood. The animal is very cold and hugs the fire. Symptoms are often worse around midnight. Arsenicum is also a major SKIN remedy where there is ITCHING, REDNESS AND FLAKING (DANDRUFF) which is often ALLERGY based. It is also a remedy for ANXIETY or RESTLESSNESS especially where this is a problem at night with pacing around.


Bryonia acts chiefly on joints and on the chest. It is used for treating ARTHRITIS where the symptoms are better for rest and in cool weather and worse in hot weather and for using the leg. Affected joints are sometimes hot or visibly swollen. Bryonia is also used to help with DRY COUGHS where bouts of coughing are induced by the animal moving around. Other uses for Bryonia include CONSTIPATION (with very dry stools) and IRRITABILITY.


Cantharis is a well known remedy for CYSTITIS where prompt use can bring immediate relief of the main symptoms which include straining to pass urine, frequent urination and sometimes blood in the urine. This is also the remedy for RED, RAW SKIN as is sometimes seen in some forms of ECZEMA and DERMATITIS. Cantharis can also help with healing SCALDS AND BURNS.


As its name suggests, Euphrasia can help with EYE PROBLEMS predominantly. It is commonly used to help with cases of CONJUNCTIVITIS where the eyes have a sticky yellowish discharge and where they appear sore.


Fragaria has a reputation of helping dissolve dental PLAQUE from teeth and in PREVENTING THE BUILD UP OF PLAQUE after teeth have been cleaned.


Hepar sulph is often used for treating infections such as PAINFUL ABSCESSES or infected WOUNDS where there is a discharge of pus. Affected areas are sensitive to the slightest touch. SKIN and EYE INFECTIONS where there is a mucky, foul discharge often respond well.


CONSTIPATION is the main indication for Nux vomica. It works well where the dog or cat strains, but either little or nothing is passed. In fact, if straining is absent then Nux vomica is not the correct remedy. It is also a remedy for the LIVER and for helping restore the DIGESTION after an upset. In this context it is useful after surgery where it helps DETOXIFY THE LIVER and stimulates the appetite. It can also be used for VOMITING caused by overeating, change in diet or rich food and for colitis induced by similar problems. Nux vomica is indicated for strengthening WEAK BACK LEGS where there is a tendency to drag the feet and for low grade LOWER BACK PAIN.


Phosphorus has a great many uses. Amongst these it has two important indications. Firstly VOMITING. It is useful where there is thirst for large quantities of water, but as soon as the fluid becomes warm in the stomach it is vomited back. If food is brought back, this happens soon after eating and is returned in large amounts and is mostly undigested. It is also a prominent LIVER remedy especially where there is jaundice. The other main use for phosphorus is in helping to arrest BLEEDING or haemorrhage from any cause including tooth extractions, wounds or tumours. Animals that respond well to this remedy tend to be bouncy and bright, craving affection and company. Phosphorus is also one of the remedies useful in dealing with FEAR of THUNDER and other sudden noises (such as FIREWORKS) and in treating DRY COUGHS. It also acts on the NERVES and can help where there is nerve weakness affecting the back legs.


FALSE PREGNANCY in bitches is one of the principle indications for Pulsatilla where symptoms include nesting, milk production, variable appetite, seeking attention or company and submissive behaviour. Pulsatilla is also used for CATARRH, RHINITIS and SINUSITIS where there is a creamy yellow colour discharge and for DIGESTIVE UPSETS caused by rich, fatty foods.


Rhus tox grows in the USA and is renowned for its effects on the skin. Contact causes intense itching with redness and blistering. This effect might suggest that its main use is in treating skin problems, however it is better known as a remedy for ARTHRITIS, STIFF JOINTS, BACK PAIN and RHEUMATISM. It is one of the most frequently prescribed remedies. Rhus tox works where stiffness is evident and is worse in damp, cold weather and after rest. Symptoms ease with warmth and gentle exercise, whereas prolonged activity tends to make things worse. Sometimes the joint or muscle pains make the animal restless, resulting in moving around from place to place in an attempt to get comfortable. These symptoms may be especially noticeable in the evening or at night. Rhus tox is also the main remedy for STRAINS and SPRAINS, especially to muscles, where the symptoms match. This remedy is also used to treat SKIN PROBLEMS, especially those that are ALLERGY related including where there is inflammation of the skin around the eyes or genital region.


Ruta grav is a lot like Rhus tox and is used mainly for treating STRAINS. It acts on tendons especially where they attach to bone. It also acts on the periosteal (outer) layer of bone and is important in treating INJURIES to BONE including FRACTURES. It is another remedy to be considered in cases of ARTHRITIS especially where symptoms are worse for resting and in damp weather. Animals that respond well often have great difficulty getting to their feet after lying down or have a tendency to flop down as their legs give out easily.


Silica is well known for helping expel FOREIGN MATERIAL from the body such as thorns or grass awns or seeds. It can be used to help resolve ABSCESSES which have burst and to heal discharging sinuses or fistulae. Conditions like CHRONIC CATARRH and SINUSITIS often respond as well. Silica will also slow the development of CATARACTS and will aid the healing of EYE ULCERS.


Sulphur is best known homeopathically in the context of treating SKIN PROBLEMS. It can help with cases of FOX MANGE and with FLEA ALLERGY DERMATITIS and with many other skin conditions especially where there is an allergic basis. Sulphur is also used to help in general with ITCHING, SCRATCHING, nibbling and rubbing as well as DANDRUFF, SCABS, SORES and SMELLY, (SEBORRHOEIC) GREASY SKIN.


The common name of Symphytum or Comfrey is ‘Knitbone’ and, as the countryside name suggests, it is useful in speeding up and in ensuring that FRACTURES heal well. It is also extremely useful in helping with JOINT, CARTILAGE, LIGAMENT and TENDON injuries in general. It is often used alongside other remedies. General injuries to the EYE can also benefit, where it can assist in healing ULCERS.


Source-Mradul Goel  (Director Marketing)
Goel Vet. Pharma Private Limited

B-165, Major Dhyanchand Nagar
Delhi Road, Meerut – 250002 , Uttar Pradesh , India
Phone : +91-8191006007
Email : care@goelvetpharma.com
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