Homeopathy: A Vital Phenomenon in Veterinary Science


Homeopathy: A Vital Phenomenon in Veterinary Science


Sudhanva Upadhya, P.

Veterinarian at Mangalore Veterinary Service Centre, Mangalore – 005





Homeopathy in veterinary field is growing steadily in recent times. The advantages of homeopathic medicines are that, they produce quick and effective cure with no adverse effects and are also very cost effective. The challenges of homeopathic practice in veterinary field are that it requires a keen observational skill and sufficient pharmacological knowledge. The access to homeopathic medicines may pose a challenge to farmers and veterinarians. Many medicines are indicated for a disease and the remedy must be selected based on the individuality, type and quality of symptom and modalities of the patient. If selected accurately, homeopathic remedy provides great relief to animal diseases such as mastitis, canine distemper, indigestion, parvoviral gastroenteritis, respiratory diseases, foot and mouth disease, papillomatosis, traumatic injuries, Downer Cow Syndrome, gynaecological diseases, hepatopathy, nephropathy and many more.




Key words:

Veterinary, homeopathy, vital, animal, disease





Homeopathy in veterinary practice is one of the fastest growing phenomena in the veterinary field today. It is heartening to witness that this wholesome system of medicine has entered the grass-root structure in veterinary science and that farmers and field vets alike are aligning themselves to the rise of alternate system of medicines that is taking place in the recent times. It is also refreshing to witness that the academia is steadily acknowledging and welcoming this new global phenomenon. The growth of homeopathy owes to the simple yet smooth and effective cure that is provided by this energy-based system of medicine.


Practice of Homeopathy in Veterinary Science

Often veterinarians get introduced to homeopathic system when dealing with ailments which have limited scope of treatment in the mainstream system of medicine. Initially homeopathy may familiarise itself in diseases such as canine distemper, paralysis, papillomatosis, haematoma and trauma where there is no satisfactory cure available in allopathic medical system. Although the true potential of homeopathic system is revealed to the veterinarian when he or she is able to successfully apply it to any disease and get miraculous recovery from it. Homeopathic medicines used with or without the conventional therapy will definitely render much quicker and smooth recovery, thus bringing down the requirement of antimicrobials or anti-inflammatories significantly and in turn minimising the adverse effects of conventional medicines. Also, the animal will be much cheerful and energetic during recovery period because of the flowing vital energy which is made optimal by the homeopathy medicines used. Homeopathic medicines have one of the least production costs of all medicines and thus are very pocket friendly to the farmers.

Application of homeopathy on animal diseases demands a sensitive mindset and sharp observational skills from the veterinarian. The symptoms observed and described by the patient is called subjective symptoms, whereas the symptoms observed by the homeopath are called objective symptoms. Veterinary homeopaths do not have the luxury of obtaining subjective symptoms from the patient directly, in comparison to the human counterpart. He or she may have to rely on the symptoms and modalities observed by the animal caretaker. Hence, it is also important to know how to extract essential information out of the caretaker by asking appropriate questions. For example, rather than asking if the animal prefers heat or cold, for which the caretaker may not know how to answer, we can rather enquire if the animal more often likes to be in the sun or in the shade / damp and cold places. Also, it would be helpful to find an accurate remedy if we dig more about the characteristics of symptoms or lesions present. For example, the colour of excreta or vomitus gives us more information on the pathology and thus selection of accurate remedy becomes easier.


The symptoms observed by the veterinarian in a case are objective symptoms. Objective symptoms become much more valuable to a veterinary homeopath as the subjective symptoms described by the animal caretaker may often be insufficient or unreliable. The fact that veterinarians are well equipped with physical examination to extract valuable information out of a patient, comes in handy in this situation. Sometimes, relying on the findings of a good physical examination can be much more rewarding than going with caretaker’s observations alone, as it may sometimes be concealing or confounding to the case. While the veterinary homeopath has to deal with the disadvantage of not getting valuable information straight out of patients’ mouth, often it can be a blessing in disguise not having to depend so much on the patient’s own description as sometimes it can be misleading, as we see in human counterpart.

It can be observed that animals, being connected so closely to nature, are highly sensitive to energy-based medicines such as homeopathic remedies. The ‘susceptibility’ to a change in vital energy is higher than human beings probably for the same reason. Hence, we can notice that, in general, an animal of lower life-form such as a chicken can respond much quickly and more effectively to a suitably selected homeopathic remedy in comparison to, say, a dog; and a dog can be more sensitive in response compared to a human being in general. This is definitely an advantage that a veterinarian enjoys in the world of veterinary homeopathy.

The selection of remedies must be done based on the similarity of symptoms in the patient and modalities. The scale and potency must be chosen based on the susceptibility, acuteness or chronicity and the nature of the remedy itself, among many other factors. The most commonly used scales of dilution are centesimal or decimal scales. The most commonly used potencies are tinctures (Q), 3X, 6X, 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M or higher.

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Administration of homeopathic medicine to animals is as important as the selection itself. The medicines can be given in either pills or liquid form. Pills can be charged with the liquid and administered directly in to the mouth in case of docile animals. If the animal is not cooperative, a few drops of the liquid in few teaspoonfuls of water can be given or put into small amount of drinking water. It is to be noted that, medicines are not to be mixed with food, unless as a last resort, in which case, a small amount of unflavoured bland food may be used.


Homeopathic Remedies in Various Diseases of Animals

            The selection of homeopathic medicines in a case must be tailor-made to that individual case. As per the experience, some of the commonly indicated medicines in a particular animal disease is mentioned here based on the general symptoms exhibited. Although, ideally the final selection of the remedies must be done by repertorising after considering the individual nature of the animal, symptoms exhibited and modalities.

A wide of variety of homeopathic medicines can be used in case of mastitis depending on the type and stage of inflammation and symptoms present. Some of the medicines that have given great success are, Bryonia, Phytolacca, Belladonna, Conium, Ars alb., Sulphur and Pyrogenum. A fibrosed udder can be remedied by Calc fluor.

For indigestion or other forms of gastroenteritis with or without flatulence / colic in animals, medicines such as Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg, Ars Alb., Lycopodium, Mag phos, Colocynthis and Pulsatilla have worked very well. In parvoviral gastroenteritis in dogs, in the haemorrhagic and septic stage, remedies such as Arsenic Alb., Phosphorus, Veratrum alb., Ipec., Pyrogenum and Merc cor. have proved to be incredibly useful. In shock conditions due to PVGE, China or Camphora have been useful.

In nervous form of canine distemper, homeopathic medicines such as Gelsemium, Agaricus, Cuprum met., Zincum met., Causticum, Kali phos, Avena Sativa, Alfalfa, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) have helped in reducing the symptoms significantly. Whereas in the respiratory or catarrhal form of canine distemper, Hepar sulph., Pulsatilla, Kali bich., Kali mur., Nat mur. or Bryonia have given success.

Any type of trauma calls for Arnica montana. Further, depending on the type of tissue involved and type of injury, remedies like Rhus tox., Ledum pal., Symphytum, Bellis per., Hypericum, Calendula, Calc fluor or Silicea may be employed in therapy. Any infectious inflammation anywhere in the body or an abscess may respond well to Calc fluor, Silicea, Calc sulph and Kali mur.

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Difficulty in parturition / dystocia without any physical obstruction most often responds to Caulophyllum. The remedy Pulsatilla, along with other remedies can be considered to treat infertility. For maintenance of pregnancy, Sepia may be an important remedy. The combination of five phos remedies acts on all tissues to optimise the cell vitality and function. Hence it is useful in inducing a normal parturition or in case of infertility. Post parturition behavioural problems such as rejection of young one, no milk let down or aggressiveness may be tackled by Ignatia, Sepia or Asafoetida.

In case of hepatopathy or jaundice, Chelidonium, Cardus mar., Ipec., Podophyllum, Phosphorus, Hydrastis, Taraxacum, Kalmegh and Natrum sulph have given amazing results, may it be a toxic or an infectious cause. In any type of kidney disease, either acute or chronic, the following medicines help in improving the kidney function: Phosphorus, Eel serum, Zingiber, Merc cor.

In case of Downer Cow syndrome, remedies such as Bryonia, Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox, Arnica or Pulsatilla may be few of the medicines indicated in successfully getting the animal back on its legs. Following it up with Five phos will help faster recovery.

Some of the commonly indicated medicines for warts or papillomatosis are, Thuja, Causticum, Antimonium crud., Calc Carb., Variolinum and Acid Nitricum.

Foot and Mouth disease in large animals is helped by following medicines: Ars alb., Rhus Tox, Merc sol., Borax, Acid nitricum, Kali mur or Natrum mur, based on symptoms exhibited.

Respiratory infections of animals such as IBR in bovines, Mycoplasmosis in small ruminants, Avian influenza or CRD in birds, Kennel Cough in dogs or Feline viral respiratory infections may be treated with homeopathic medicines such as, Bryonia, Ars alb., Gelsemium, Eupatorium, Hepar sulph., Pulsatilla, Antim tart, Kali bich, Kali mur among many others.



Until one experiences the magical cures of homeopathy, a part of one’s curative conscious remains unawakened. This is true for all the homeopaths who have witnessed their patients, may it be a human being or an animal get healed by this wonderful system of energy-healing. It is even more true once you experience the remedial effects yourself and also on your loved ones around you. It often makes you wonder in awe at the vital energy we all have within us which has the infinite potential to not only heal ourselves but also to attain supreme levels of awareness and bliss. For all of these reasons, homeopathy becomes one among the most spiritually inclined healing systems.


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