Homeopathy – Paving Ways Into the Animal World


Homeopathy – Paving Ways Into the Animal World

Sanjiv Kumar*, Kaushal Kumar and Apoorva Vatsa

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna



Homeopathy gives outstanding outcomes in animal especially dogs, cats and even cattle. Saving animals from the hazardous side effects of conventional medicines and giving them a better life.  Homeopathic medicine is so lesser in dose that it produces its effect like nanopharmacology.  Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole in which the drug has relationship with disease providing individual therapy for individual patient and application of single medicine at a time with minimum dose. Also, it has no addictive effect on animals so it gives extraordinary results. This therapy never interfere with other drugs hence can be easily used with other system of medicines effectively with no negative side effect. Homeopathy being a very cost effective can be well used as preventive medicine and feed supplements with no drug remains in animal product which eventually lead to its higher value in animal product market. The peculiarities of homoeopathy that make it a very sensible choice of treatment in animals include: no side effects, no dependence on diagnosis but only a dependence on symptom observation, no need for laboratory trials in animals for the proving of medicines, whole patient treatment, Homoeopathy appears to work with the body’s own disease-combating mechanisms to effect a cure and this constitutes a most natural, humane and effective method of cure. Like other system of medicine, homeopathy also has its certain limitations as it requires skill, time and pledge. Also in animal side, there is scarcity of knowledge, availability of limited data and research which needs a high profile awareness towards history and signs.

Key words: economical, potential, No dependence, immune booster, biological.

Homeopathy is definitely singular phenomenon in the history of medicine. The term homeopathy originates from the Greek words homeo, meaning alike, and pathos, meaning disease. Hahnemann is known as a father of Homeopathy. Dr John Honigberger was the first person who brought homeopathy in India in 1829-30. FDA Act, 1938 has approved the homeopathic remedies as a Drug in 1950. The Government of India and Veterinary Council of India. has also taken intense interest for growth of Homeopathy and established a separate Department of AYUSH. Animal homeopathy is growing in popularity and many doctors and veterinarians across the world are using homeopathy for animals. Most veterinarians take homeopathy due to the chronic and recurring nature of many ailments in animals. The idea behind using Homeopathy is to support the immunity of the animals and treat the disease from the roots.

READ MORE :  Application of Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine

The principle of homeopathy is based on ‘like cures like’, or that if a material in toxic doses is capable, in producing a set of pathologic symptoms is also capable, in much lower doses, of curing the same set of symptoms regardless of their perceived cause. Homeopathy therapy is gaining acceptance in the veterinary field in the recent time and is one of the important systems of medicine very useful in animal husbandry as certain benefits over allopathic like it has no side effects, relatively low-priced and biological.

Today, homeopathy occupies a matchless place in the world of therapeutics in veterinary practice. Excellent cures affected by harmless cures have attracted many veterinarians as well as farmers towards this therapeutic medicine. More and more Veterinarian’s are taking keen interest in Homeopathy therapy but due to lack of information, recommendation and handiness of homeopathy medicines at grass root level act as a barrier for its expansion. The basic belief of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curanter”, means Let like be cure like. It does not subdue the symptoms but it can permanently extinguish the disease from the root, thus the permanent cure is possible. In veterinary practice, the homeopathy is complimentary to modern medicine and their action is synergistic in nature. From the economic point of view, homeopathies are rational drugs and the cost will vary according to the precise condition being treated, the time spent on the case, and the response of the patient. The main benefit of homeopathy is that it cooperates with the body natural immune system by catalyzing its modifiers and also it plays a vibrant therapeutic role in both preventive and curative condition.

According the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy, any problem that can be treated conservatively can be solved with homeopathy and that too without any side effects. Reappearance rates are also almost negligible with Homeopathy. Examples of diseases in animals that respond very well to Homeopathy are: asthma, IBD, epilepsy, skin allergies, ear infections and many other conditions. Homeopathy can rapidly treat acute diseases like traumatic injuries, infections and poisonings as well. This medication is also very helpful in curing certain operational conditions like warts, hematoma, fistula chronic abscesses etc. and also fastens the process of healing.

READ MORE :  Homeopathy Remedy for Dog and Cat in Sadness, Loss & Grief

Homeopathy for Dogs

Homeopathy has been used broadly in dogs too. Right from allergies to arthritis, and from skin diseases to osteomyelitis, dogs have been largely benefitted with Homeopathy. Just as humans, the typical approach of homeopathy is applied for dogs as well.. While taking the record from the pet owner, data such as the nature of symptoms, time of occurrence, frequency of symptoms, the pet’s overall behavior should be well considered.

Disease type & Symptoms                              Medicine indicated

1.Diarrhoea in racing dogs                            Arnica-Montana.

2.Dogs belated in intelligence                       Baryta crab for some time with interruptions.

3.Ears infection                                             Belladonna-30 twice daily.

4.Canine Distemper                                      Belladonna, Cocculus, Kali-C, and Rhus-tox.

Eczema Sulphur in 12th or 30th potency.

6.Eyes Inflamed                                            Euphrasia-tincture 10 drops

7.Panting of dogs Bryonia, three times a day.

8.Respiration with fever Breathlessness Aconite 30, Bryonia 30, China 30.

9.Skin diseases Mercurious 200 or Sulf  200 alternately.

10.Sore hoofs of dogs Graphites

11.Digestive disorders                                 Arsenicum Alb 30.


Medicines for Horses

  1. Brain affections in Horses Belladonna 200
  2. Colic Colchium 200

3.Cough in horses and violent cough.                Nux Vomica 1M

4.Diarrhoea in running horses Rheum off

5.Fatigue in horses Arnica internally

6.Lameness of horses                                        Rhus tox.

7.Sore Hoofs of horses Graphites


Medicines for farm animals like cows

Diarrhoea                                                                       Ars. 30 one dose daily until it stop.

Colic                                                                              Colchium 200

Tendency for abortion and its prevention                     Thyroidinum  30.

Milk cows—(a) To increase the milk of cows.            Phytolacca 3x

Some cows draw up milk when they are milked.       Belladonna 4x

Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s inner strength and boost the immune system to work well i.e. to reduce the disease load and to improve the overall health. Homeopathy also plays a remedial role in treating different disease conditions like difficult urination in cats; babesiosis, idiopathic epilepsy and paroxysmal tachycardia in dogs; fattening of, miscarriages, and diarrhoea in pigs; infertility, mastitis, anoestrus, and control of mange in cattle; diarrhoea in calves; parasitism in sheep etc.

READ MORE :  Diagnosis of Major Poultry Diseases and associated Homeopathic intervention

Description of Potencies:

‘X’Potency = substance is diluted at a 1/10 (decimal) dilutions

‘C’ Potency = Substance is diluted at a 1/100 (centesimal dilutions)

‘M’ Potency = Substance is diluted at a 1/1000


Homeopathy is an substitute therapeutic system based on the “Principle of Similars” and the use of “minimum” doses. In era of global warming and climate change this environmental and nominal cost effective of medicine is very beneficial to farmers. It’s very effective in treatment and prevention of disease with no drug remains. Although homeopath may be most effective in the treatment of conditions in which grave side effect, has not yet occurred in the animal’s body, it can also be very helpful in treating chronic cases. It can also be effective in ameliorating discomfort associated with cancer.

Looking to better scenarios of homeopathy in veterinary and dairy husbandry good extension strategy is required for better adoption for benefit of animals and farmers too. Homeopathy for animals gives outstanding results in animal ailments especially dogs, cats and even cattle. Saving animals from the hazardous side effects of conservative medicines and giving them a healthier life, Veterinary Homeopathy is surely a great act of kindness that we can offer to the animal world. Belonging to the class of alternative medicine, nowadays homeopathy have a decisive place in veterinary medicine family. In the contest of treating with conventional and complementary therapy, homeopathy is an enhanced option for veterinarians and also in favour of animal.



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  • Lees, Peter, et al. “Comparison of veterinary drugs and veterinary homeopathy: part 1.” Veterinary Record7 (2017): 170-176.
  • Ram Naresh and Varshney, (2004). Evaluation of a homeopathic complex in the clinical management of udder diseases of riverine buffaloes. Homeopathy. 93: 17–20.
  • Sundqvist, Christer. “Scientific evidence for homeopathy part 1.”  com30 (2020).
  • Lees, Peter, et al. “Comparison of veterinary drugs and veterinary homeopathy: part 1.” Veterinary Record7 (2017): 170-176.
  • Das, (2002). Difference between the Homeopathy and Allopathy. A Treatise on Organon of Medicine Part-I. pp: 11011
  • Vockeroth, Wanda G. “Veterinary homeopathy: an overview.” The Canadian Veterinary Journal8 (1999): 592.
  • vethomopath.com



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