How Smartphones can Improve Cattle Management?


Smartphone has adjusted itself in every life either it’s of technology or Homo sapiens. The tremendous changes on the positive side have enabled all the possibilities which can shift ‘zero’ to a huge success.
Today the “A to Z” information-rich mobile apps has granted full opportunity to improve the cattle management and dairy farm to enhance the per capita income.

What are the aspects to see in a good cattle management software?

Taking care of a cattle can never count on easy doing list. If you are fully dedicated to your mooing animals, then you won’t disagree with my words. So, to become a good caretaker of the lactating animals, you need guidance and assistance.
Well, if you have a smartphone, then it can turn your things easy. There are many farm mobile apps and software which indeed lessens the burden.

1) Right-Diet-bright: A good diet brings good health and bright look and this rule isn’t just limited to humans. Cattle too need a right diet for bright health. Maintaining good health of your agricultural pet can be only possible through a well-balanced diet. Good cattle management software assist you in designing a balance ration without stressing on the budget. A farm app keeps the details and provides the ration as per the need of particular breed and its age.

2) Feed the details: Sometimes it’s really hard to keep the records. Noting down the event dates and then missing the paper, it has been in practice from the past. Breaking this chain, a good farm app connects the user to IoT and enables to store the important data over the cloud. Farmers can fill the information like heat date, calf rearing, and PD date etc. for each lactation.

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3) Milk Recorded: A dairy farm management software will keep animal-wise milk production record. It will store individual lactation-wise milk production acknowledging about improvement and reduction in milk yield to farmers.

4) Overall Inspections: Diet, regular check-up does not end the term ‘cattle management’. Cattle management have other aspects to be considered as well. Cattle management software offers farmers to store data like Farm Herd average & Wet average, farm cleanliness, airiness, farm construction, etc. for future purposes.

5) Notifies you: Well, if you are inputting so many data of your mooing animal in a software then obviously you expect a good output. A dairy farm management software notifies the important events like Heat, PD check, Drying up, Weight check, Calving, Vaccination, etc. via message. It sends alert informing about the event to proceed for a particular animal.

Today, technology-skyed globe has provided latest solutions to mince the difficulties that barred earning and progress. The revolution in the mobile app has changed the success scenario on the positive side.

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