Fleas and ticks are common pests that are not only annoying, but they can also be outright dangerous for pets and their owners. The hot summer months mean dogs and cats will spend more time outdoors with their owners, resulting in increased exposure to parasites. A pet’s fur is a paradise for fleas and ticks, which can cause health problems that range from skin infections to Lyme disease.

While there is a long list of products to help protect pets, some animals are sensitive to the chemicals used in many of these items. Allergic reactions can include skin irritations, vomiting, diarrhea or even seizures.

Ticks are parasites found on the bodies of pets and survive by feeding on the blood of other living beings. These bloodsucking insects look similar to spiders and are most commonly found in tall grass and may attach to the bodies of cats or dogs that pass by. Though they are found throughout the year, you are most likely to come across ticks between spring and autumn.

Cause of Ticks

Our dogs pick up ticks from the environment and seldom from other animals. Ticks tend to get attracted to our pooches by their warmth, physical contact and odours, among other things. Ticks are most active in warm weather like summer or spring. It can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, equine encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and (in animals only) anaplasmosis.

Some of the symptoms are:

These troublesome parasites can cause a variety of problems for your pet. Spotting these tiny bloodsuckers in your pooches’ fur isn’t always easy but some of the noticeable symptoms are:

  • Fever
  • Itching
  • A lot of head shaking
  • Unexplained scabs
  • Small Bumps
  • Redness and inflamed skin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy

How to spot & remove ticks from your pooches’ fur?

Ticks are most commonly found around a dog’s head, neck, ear and feet. A tick feels like a small bump on your pet’s skin. Run your hands over your dog’s body when you get back from a walk to check for any lumps.

If and when you find a tick, never squeeze the tick’s body, or allow its head to get stuck inside your dog. Squeezing a tick’s body can cause it to expel blood back into your dog, increasing the risk for infections. Twisting them off your dog is the best removal method. You may ask your vet for further advice.

 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Fleas on Your Dog

If your dog is scratching and you think it’s flea related, there’s plenty of flea home remedies for dogs to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a home-made collar, comb, dip, scrub, or something else, we’ve got plenty of ways to treat fleas on dogs without using any chemicals.


Some essential oils make for excellent flea remedies for dogs. Citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary will all naturally repel fleas. If your dog doesn’t mind a spray bottle, dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil into a 300ml-400ml of water and spray directly onto your dog’s coat. It’s important to know that a number of essential oils, like tea tree oil, can be very toxic to pets unless it is diluted appropriately. Do not apply a homemade essential oil solution to your pet until you have confirmed its safety at an authoritative source like with your vet.



The beauty of apple cider vinegar is that it is a way to treat fleas on dogs naturally by balancing a dog’s pH levels, creating an environment that is optimal for your dog’s health yet unsustainable for fleas. Dilute six cups of apple cider vinegar with four cups of water, add a dash of sea salt, then spray directly onto your dog’s coat. Make sure to avoid your dog’s eyes.


This lemon bath is simple to make and will keep your pet smelling fresh and noticeably flea free. Simply dilute half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice into two cups of water, then add a squeeze of your normal pet-friendly soap or shampoo for a natural way of treating fleas in dogs.


Any pet-friendly shampoo that produces a lather will naturally kill existing fleas. When choosing flea remedies natural is always the best choice, so select an organic pet shampoo without any added chemicals. Once your dog is sufficiently lathered, leave the shampoo on for just a couple of minutes while it does its work. This is a great way of killing existing fleas before moving on to flea prevention remedies.

A natural formulation with Neem and citrus to alleviate flea and tick irritations. Note, this shampoo is not meant to address a flea infection, we suggest the TropiClean Maximum Strength formulation, seen above, for that.


If your dog enjoys playing in water, this Rosemary dip will seem like a fun game rather than a flea remedy. Steep fresh rosemary leaves in boiling water, then strain the mixture and dilute it well in warm water. When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, pour the mixture over your dog and let it dry naturally.

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Neem oil is a natural insect repellent and one of the lesser-known flea treatments. If you are able to obtain this oil, native to Burma, Sri Lanka, and parts of India, you can apply it directly to your dog’s coat, add it to your normal natural dog shampoo, or dilute it well to make your own flea spray.


By swapping out your usual dog shampoo for organic soaps such as organic peppermint soap or organic Rose soap, you can wash your dog as normal and get a flea-free and great smelling dog at the end of it.


If you’re familiar with aromatherapy, you can make up a batch of aromatherapy that will not only treat a flea infestation but also prevent future occurrences, whilst acting as a natural soother for your dog. Try sweet almond oil as the base oil, and add drops of Atlas cedar oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, geranium oil, bay laurel oil, common myrrh oil, and lavender oil.


Is there anything that coconut oil can’t do? Coconut oil can help in a number of ways when treating fleas. Rubbing a teaspoon of coconut oil directly into your dog’s coat will not only repel fleas but will make the coat shiny and reduce body odor. If added to your dog’s normal food, coconut oil can even help treat intestinal parasites due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.



A home-made flea collar is an ingenious way of keeping your dog’s flea protection constant without having to spray or rub them with the mixture. Either purchase or make a simple collar or bandanna, then dilute a few drops of lavender oil or cedar oil in water and apply it directly to the collar or bandanna.


Who knew that vodka was an effective way of treating fleas in dogs? Buy or make a simple dog collar, then soak it in a teaspoon of unflavoured vodka and let dry. You could also add a few drops of your essential oil of choice to make a scented collar, otherwise just using the vodka alone is a good alternative for dogs who don’t like the scent of essential oils.


Lemon is widely recognized for its abilities to both repel and kill fleas while being completely harmless to dogs and humans. Simply dip your dog’s regular comb or brush into fresh lemon juice and apply it to their hair as normal. For a short-haired breed, a cloth dipped in lemon juice will give the same benefit.


If you already have a store-bought flea comb, this is one way of treating fleas that we would recommend, and it doesn’t require any additional purchases. Flea combs don’t contain any chemicals but are specially designed to remove fleas and their eggs from your dog’s coat. If your dog is already infested with fleas, this is a great way of removing existing fleas before using other flea home remedies for dogs to keep future infestations away.


If your dog doesn’t like being sprayed or having products applied directly to their coat, this flea sashay is easy to make and will provide the same benefits. Buy or make a small bag of breathable fabric such as hessian or muslin, then fill the bag with lemon peel, dried lavender buds, and cedar chips. Tie up the top of the bag and place it near your dog’s sleeping area. The mixture may lose its potency after about a month, at which time you can simply reopen the bag and replace with fresh ingredients.


To combat and prevent fleas from the inside out, try dilating vinegar or apple cider vinegar in your dog’s drinking water. You’ll need to test them first to make sure they enjoy the taste as you don’t want to put them off drinking their water altogether. One teaspoon of your vinegar of choice for every four cups of drinking water is a good ratio to aim for. Not only will you keep fleas at bay, but your dog’s coat and skin will also see the benefits to.


Perhaps the least obvious way to treat fleas on dogs naturally is to start from the inside out. It remains true that healthy dogs are less likely to host fleas, and one way of improving the health of your dog while warding off fleas is to add a small amount of brewer’s yeast to your dog’s food. Just a half teaspoon of brewer’s yeast mixed in with your dog’s normal meal makes for an effective flea remedy

Fleas in the House

When there are fleas on your dog and you let your dog inside, what do you have? Fleas in the house, of course. If you’re wondering how to get rid of fleas on dog bedding and other items your dog has access to in your house, read on for plenty of ways of eliminating fleas at home.

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When you’ve got fleas in the house, the first step is to gather up all soft furnishings your dog spends any time on, including blankets, towels, beds, pillows, and mats, and put everything through the washing machine. It’s a big task, but it’s an essential one to combat your existing flea problem.


Washing your soft furnishings is important, but putting everything in the tumble dryer will be even more effective. Just 15 minutes in a hot tumble dryer will kill fleas in all stages of growth, including eggs, larvae, and adult fleas.


Your vacuum cleaner is going to be your biggest ally when it comes to treating fleas at home. A water-based vacuum cleaning system is ideal, as the fleas are drowned as soon as they are picked up by the vacuum cleaner. For dry vacuum cleaners, remember that the fleas you collected will try to escape as soon as you open up the canister or bag, so do this immediately and outside your home. Ideally, spray your vacuum cleaner canister with water as soon as you open it to prevent fleas from escaping.


By sprinkling baking soda directly onto your carpet and then penetrating and disturbing the carpet fibers by sweeping side to side with a broom, you’ll dehydrate fleas and their eggs. Leave the baking soda on your carpet overnight, then you can simply vacuum up the baking soda and the fleas in the morning.


Just like the baking soda method above, sprinkling salt on your carpet and soft furnishings before vacuuming the next day will dehydrate and kill fleas and flea eggs. An excellent flea treatment, salt still needs to be used with caution as it can cause your vacuum cleaner to rust if not properly cleaned out after you’ve finished vacuuming.


Lemon spray is a brilliant way of treating fleas that doesn’t require vacuuming afterward. Boil a thinly sliced lemon in water and then let the mixture cool down overnight. In the morning, fill a spray bottle with the mixture and lightly dampen your carpet and all soft furnishings in your home.


Steam cleaning your carpets and soft furnishings drowns fleas on impact and will also keep your home looking and smelling great.


Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder created – strangely enough – from the microscopic remains of algae. We’ll admit it sounds strange, but an incredibly effective way to treat fleas naturally is to sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your carpet and let it sit there for 48 hours. Ideally, block off the area so no one – especially your dog – can walk over it during this time. Afterward, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. Diatomaceous earth is an effective way of drying out and killing flea eggs, to prevent another round of infestation.


If you’re wondering how to get rid of fleas inside your home, this flea trap is an ingenious idea that doesn’t involve spraying anything on your soft furnishings. Simply fill a plate or bowl with warm water and add a few drops of your usual dish soap, then leave it on the floor overnight. The high viscosity of the mixture acts as a glue, trapping fleas onto the surface. In the morning, simply empty out the mixture and wash your plate or bowl well.


If you have a pestle and mortar handy, you can mix up a batch of Rosemary powder to prevent a future flea infestation. Add your choice of other ingredients including peppermint, wormwood, fennel, and rue to make a fine powder to sprinkle throughout your home.

Fleas in the Backyard

Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there. If your dog has a case of the fleas, there is a very good chance they’re lurking in the darkest, moistest areas of your backyard too. When it comes to outdoor flea remedies natural methods are always the best, and here are our top tips for treating fleas in the backyard.


Fleas love to hide, so the barer your garden is, the less likely it will be they’ll choose your garden to hide in. Trim or remove overgrown bushes and hedges, and keep your garden weed free.


Fleas thrive in damp, dark places, and they’ll avoid sunlight as much as possible. Examine your garden through the eyes of a flea and ask yourself where they’d be most likely to hide. With this in mind, remove twigs, dead leaves, and excess mulch from under bushes. Allow the sunlight to access your backyard as much as possible and avoid overwatering.


No one likes the idea of worms running rampant in their garden unless we’re talking about a certain type of nematodes – Steinerma Carpocapsea to be exact. These tiny worms eat fleas while being completely safe for your dog and your garden.



An excellent way to treat fleas naturally is to plant certain plants that naturally repel fleas. Spearmint, chrysanthemums, lavender, and Penny Royal are natural flea repellents for your garden, and there are plenty of others. You may need to do some research to discover which plants will grow well in your area before heading to your local plant nursery.

A Note on Essential Oils

You may have noticed a large number of essential oils mentioned in the various flea home remedies for dogs in this article. When it comes to flea remedies natural essential oils can be incredibly effective, and there are a number of different scents you can use. The choice will ultimately come down to the essential oils available to you, and your personal preferences.

Since dogs have such sensitive noses, we recommend first testing a very small amount of an essential oil near your dog to see how they react. Just like humans, dogs will have some scents that they enjoy more than others and some that they find almost repulsive. In your quest to treat fleas naturally, you should also keep in mind your dog’s preferences and avoid spraying all over their bedding with an essential oil they can’t stand.

Just imagine having to sleep every night with your head on a pillow scented with your least favorite scent, and you’ll understand the importance of letting your dog have a say in the scents and ingredients you choose.

Preventive Measures

  1. Juice them Away

Ticks are known to be repelled by citrus flavours & odours. Juice from a freshly squeezed orange or lemon can be lightly rubbed onto your dog’s fur before taking them out for a walk or short trips.

  1. Rub-a-Dub Tub

A thorough bath in a tub of water will wash away most of the ticks from your pet’s body. Using a gentle pet shampoo along with thorough brushing will also help remove most ticks from the pet.

  1. A Clean Home is a Healthy Home

Always keep your house and nearby surroundings clean as a dirty environment attracts ticks. Keeping your lawn, bushes, and trees trimmed. It will help reduce the number of fleas and ticks in your backyard. You can also get external help in clearing up your lawns or spraying with disinfectants.

  1. Natural Oils

Ticks carry dangerous bacteria which causes severe diseases in pets, therefore controlling such diseases is a priority. Some of the natural repellents are rose geranium oil and Tickweed which works efficiently in tick removal. One can also make their own tick repellent by combining 20 drops of either of the oil with 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Mix them and apply on your doggo’s neck.

  1. Suit them up/ Dress them

Ticks are usually found in tall grasses. Visiting such areas with your dog always brings ticks home. So, try and cover up your dog to avoid ticks when visiting an area with tall grasses & bushes.

Natural flea and tick prevention for your dog or cat

Homeopathic remedies can be prescribed to strengthen the constitution of your pet making them more resistant to parasites.

  • There are several natural flea and tick sprays, shampoos and dips available.
    • Deflea pet & area spray kills fleas on contact in 1-2 seconds just as fast as toxic, insecticidal sprays. Deflea kills ticks on contact in 2-3 minutes, therefore, it must be applied daily to twice daily in tick-infested areas. Deflea also makes an effective concentrated shampoo and strong dip for infestations.
    • Buck Mountain parasite dust used 1-2 times monthly is more effective in most cases to prevent ticks than fleas. If your dog runs through the woods and is covered in ticks then a collar or topical conventional product may be needed.
  • To prevent fleas only, you can make your own spray by mixing: one ounce of geranium oil diluted into 4 ounces of water. Avoid eyes, spray on the back of the neck, down their back to the tailhead region and belly where fleas commonly reside. Apply these oils to a bandana to make a natural flea collar.
  • Squirrels are infested with fleas that can easily jump onto your pet. Since bird feeders attract squirrels, keep them in an area far away from your pets.
  • A natural way to decrease fleas in your backyard is with nematodes – bugs that destroy flea larvae and cocoons. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the ground to dehydrate and kill fleas and ticks.
  • If you reside in high-risk areas for fleas and especially tickborne disease and natural prevention is inadequate then consider the Serestro collar which is less invasive than topical flea and tick treatment. Serestro is a time released, transdermal chemical that repels and kills fleas and ticks for 8 months.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


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