Bird is one of most economical bird of world. It takes 2kg chick feed 7kg grower feed(9 to 17 weeks) & 36kg layer feed. Egg is very good quality.
Birds lay 3-5 pullet eggs. Highly prolific. Birds even take 44-45kg throughout life cycle. Mortality rate is very low during growing.
Birds are highly sensitive to heat and may come down to 70gms feed intake & drop 25% egg productions. Birds are suitable for moderate weather EC houses.
Birds do not lay much pullet eggs e.g 3-5 eggs. Feed consumption is insignificantly less than cobb e.g may be 500gms less than cobb. Birds suffer from chicken anaemia but mortality rate remain up to 10% while in cobb it may go up to 35%. Feathering of birds is very good. Overall mortality during rearing is not more.
Birds are sensitive to heat at 40 degree Celsius It may drop to 15-20% while cobb drops to 10% fall in production . If temperature continue for 20days (40-43 degree Celsius) Mortality rate may be 4-5% while in cobb it may be 3% at different phases it takes 0.5% more protein i.e at phase I cobb performs at 16.0 to 16.5% C.P while Bovn has to be given 17% C.P similarly at 72-85 weeks. Cobb birds can perform at 12.5 to 13% protein bovn has to be given 15% C.P. Also bovn is sensitive bird performs at par with cobb in E.C house or isolated farms with low density of birds. Birds do not become bald. As birds start laying 10-12 days after cobb egg size is good. Flightiness or nervousness is less as compared to cobb. Only difference in production is may to July when it remains 5-8% less than cobb. Over all it requires rich feed, better management & better weather to perform at par with cobb. Birds need continuous oil 1-2% or Rice bran in feed during summer. As oil requirement & protein requirement of bird is more as compared to cobb. in crux we may have to give about Rs. 15-20/Bird extra up to 72weeks as compared to cobb in terms of higher protein cost and oil cost & late production. However quality of eggs do not deteriorate much after 60weeks unlike cobb. Birds perform better than cobb after moulting or we can say second inning of bird is better. Perhaps this is the reasons that market share of bovn is more during April to July while rest of months market share of cobb is better. Birds cannot tolerate Mycotoxins like T2 toxins well and problem is more seen in Bovns. Recently Bovns has launched a breed with economical & technical feasibility up to 100 weeks. The results of same are awaited. Presence of Gumboro CRD, MD, etc. are not related with both the diseases. However pasty vent or white diarohoea is more common in bovns which leads to picking. It is generally seen in July to September. Because of higher bacterial and fungal load 1-2%. Birds may die due to classical M.D from 8-18 weeks.IT STARTS LAYING AFTER 18 WEEKS.
It is heavy breed and start laying at 1500gms weight. An ideal weight for laying is 1600gms.
It is excellent egg producer & do not face any disease during growing. Excellent quality of eggs . We do not get any pullet eggs. Birds perform very well up to 89-85 weeks and after molting.
Like boun it is sensitive to heat. Unless birds achieve 1500gms body weight laying is very poor. Bird requires minimum energy 2600-2700kcal & protein level 16-17%. So practically not possible on the part of farmers to import both the things energy and protein are costly. Birds do not get much market share because of its high energy requirement and it is sensitive to heat. In moderate conditions & if farmer has chicken anaemia and wing rot this bird can be replaced.
- We get white colour & sticky chicks with yolk on head?
Ans. It is due to high temperature in Incubators.
- Generally light brown colour eggs are coming production drops to 15-20% Hatchability drops to 15% Birds become off fed?
Ans. These are symptoms of LPAI in breeders. Mortality of chicks increase up to 5-8% in first week with respiratory symptoms.
- Birds have open mouth respiration & vomits blood in feed?
Ans. Suspected for ILT. Give chicks Embryo vaccine after outbreak is over. It takes 10-15 days & is followed by LPAI. Vaccine is generally given eye drop vaccine for ILT is given & cell culture vaccine is given at 30days. Followed by chick embryo vaccine at 20weeks as preventive if the farm is endemic with ILT.
- Regarding vaccination of CRD. should we go for vaccination?
Ans. It is very costly affair if we get lameness in males at 10-12 weeks. We can think of giving single vaccine of M.S live vaccine However 2 vaccines may be given of M.G one at weeks other at 16-18 weeks .
- Despite the fact .Low level of protein is given in some flocks we get disturb CV. e.g. few birds become more fatty?
Ans. This is because of 2 things Ist after exposure of any viral attack corticosteroid secretion takes place causing release of glucose by breaking, protein Molecules and secondly there is drop in production & requirement of protein at viral exposure needs to be reduced. We need to give 3-4 times feeding in order to maintain desired body weight so obese birds is the cause of corticosteroid release.
- Lightening of birds can we get better eggs production due to light?
Ans. Birds do not need 14hrs at the time of laying and no light required after 8 weeks. Even there is less light birds get their light from feather receptors . Even in layers birds have been seen to produce good production without light.
- Which Medicine for control of CTC with Mycoplasma is better Tylosin or Tiamutin?
Ans. In such cases studies have proved that tylosin gets early resistance than tiamutin. Also tylosin has higher MIC value i.e treatment dose is 110mg/ton while treatment dose of tiamutin is 20mg/ton. Tiamutin given 2-3days in breeder at prove desired results while etc. has to given for 7-10days. So Tiamutin is more economical Always give tiamutin / tylosin with 1:2 ratio.
- Chronic E-coli is seen very frequently in flocks?
Ans. Water quality feed quality are main reasons. If both are disinfected e.g water with Hydrogen peroxide & feed with CLO2. We should think that birds is exposed to some virus and monthly course of enrofloxacillin, Neomycein Amoxycillin, Chlorphenicol, CTC with tylosin or CTC with tiamutin may be done.
- Whether pellet/ Crumb feed should be given to breeders?
Ans. One thing is internationally clear that pellets are given for better body weight. So In any case chicks and grower pellets perform better while in Adult. There is saving of wastage with extra expense.