How to increase livestock farmer income


How to increase livestock farmer income


Contribution of livestock & poultry in national economy in terms of GDP is 4.1% & 0.9% respectively. To increase farmer income there are three main ways increase gross production, reduce cost& stabilizing income. Increasing income by increasing production,  integrated under diversified farming, better market price utilization & special market  policy measures are needed. Meat  & meat products are the main livestock product exported. To improve farmer welfare by improving production , adoption of new technology is needed. Farming is very risky due to many unpredictable factors  like unpredictable weather, globalization, shrinkingwater table and natural calamities. Doubling real income of farmer indirectly influence food security and nutritional status of nation. It is possible only through proper implementation of appropriate strategies.

To increase livestock farmer income in real terms need restructuring livestock process and policy intervention. There are many hurdles in the process like improving the huge population  in whole in lowproducing animals a major challenge. Average milk production of Indian cattle is (1172kg) 50% of global average. Also there is deficit of green fodder, concentrate & dry fodder of  35%, 33%, 10% respectively. Frequent outbreak of disease like FMD, BQ, swine fever on vaccination failure, lack of availability of vet support  technical manpower , insufficient livestock coverage , lack of access to organised market and profit distract farmers from investing into improved technology under quality input.

Recommendations in improving income –

*Selective breeding , crossbreeding, upgrading are most effective ways of production improvement.


*Increasing funding, subsidy  and bank loans. Central government contributes 10% of total investment.

*Fodder production can be increased by raising fodder crop as catch crop between main cropping seasons.

*Building dairy cooperative networks like AMUL, URMUL besides handling liquid milk along with the value added products formation fetches more price.

*Compulsory livestock insurance by public sector.

* By programs like Krishimelain KVKs to provide information to farmers.

*By product utilization inedible offals and meat industry waste  have a large potential to be used as valuable protein and material of support.

*Promoting contract farming on poultry creates mutual benefits.

* Women livestock producing training as majority of livestock is managed by women worker.

* Implementing agri business hubs, ICT based agriculture extension brings incredible opportunities.

*Promoting breeding services like training and regulation of AI services.

*Popularising Kisan credit scheme , women self-help groups.

*Multipurpose usage in integrated farming.

* NDP implementation.

*Fixed Minimum support price for livestock product. Farmer is mainly concerned about profit he gets from any commodity. Upward push of price creates a good interest in farming activities.

*Make aware of schemes to illiterate people like Livestock health and disease control scheme, Dairy entrepreneurship development scheme, Rashtriyagokul mission, Feed and  fodder development scheme.

*Veterinarian play significant role by guiding farmer regarding animal husbandry practices like feeding house and health management , prevention of disease, timely vaccination ,  livestock policy schemes, etc.

*Breeding policy :recent report of government shows that pure breed of cattle, buffalo, sheep , goat are only 11.8% , 17.5% , 38% , 26.7% respectively.

*Health and House management: avoid over crowding, providing sufficient space of animals , proper ventilation, feed and water management , proper hygiene, all these factors may improve production of animals and also account for animal welfare policies.


*Fodder Banks development in fodder scarcity regions through dairy federation and organization can help small farmers in feeding their animals during scarcity period.

*Urea treatment, water irrigation, heat treatment methods are used to improve nutritional value of fodder.

*Reduction of herd size : It is necessary to create awareness among farmers to reduce herd size and optimal feeding instead of maintaining large number of unfed animals.

*Shelter management : Improved animal shelter model with east west orientation was developed and promoted that create comfortable microclimate to milch animals.

*Profit enhancing livestock waste management:

       1.Vermicompost: There is bio- oxidation and stabilisation of cow dung that includes combined action of earthworms, microorganisms and don’t involve thermophiles.

  1. Biogas production : Biogas production by anaerobic microbes is very famous process of fuel generation. Biogas is a clean, renewable source of energy.

       3.Manure management :Integration of fish with livestock farming is the best method for recycling of organic matter.

By implementation of these valuable strategies, animal production, animal welfare and farmer income can be improved. These strategies are really the game changers of livestock farming and can improve the condition of small farmers in real sense. These are highly recommended to be applied for better results.

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