Dairy farming
Animal husbandry


Dr Annarao M.V.Sc Scholar Department of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary College Nandinagar KVAFSU Bidar Karnataka India 585401. E mail id

 Cell number: 918660875540



Animal husbandry is one of the main sources of income in rural part of the country. Livestock farming supports the livelihood of nearly two third of the rural population. Veterinarian working in Government Veterinary Dispensary advised and trained some interested farmers for various animal husbandry activities based on the demand of livestock products in that locality. He trained and motivated farmers for the animal husbandry activities and got success in the different farming.  Farmer’s followed various farming activities such as indigenous animal dairy farming, buffalo farming, cross bred dairy farming, Goat farming, Sheep farming and poultry farming. Along with farming some farmers also followed organic farming of vegetables, fruits and fodder cultivation. Farmers got income from selling of milk of cow and buffaloes and also by sold the manure, indigenous cow ghee, indigenous bulls, heifers and cows. Goat farmers got best income from selling of goat kids. Poultry farmer got income via selling of adult birds and poultry litter waste for horticulture farmers. Reasons for failure of livestock farming are enlisted and conclusions were made based on field experience and with practical farming approach. So a veterinarian and dedicated farmers will be the better combination to increase the income of livestock farmers of India.



Agriculture is the back bone of our country. Farmers are the lifeline of agriculture. Livestock are back bone to farmer and agriculture. India has highest livestock population in the world. India holds first rank in Buffalo population, second rank in Goat population and Fish production, third in Sheep population, 5th in Duck and Chicken population, 10th in Camel population. India is number one in milk production and Cara beef production and 3rd in egg production.           Livestock sector contributes 4.11% of GDP and 25.6% of total Agricultural GDP. Livestock provides employment to total 8.8% of population. Livestock provides income, employment, food, social security draft and dung to farmers. So livestock will improve the income of farmers. So we will study some success stories created by Author with the dedication of farmers are as follows.


          A veterinarian designated as Veterinary Officer worked at State Government Veterinary Dispensary KalagiTqChittapurDistKalaburagi in Karnataka state from 23/11/2010 to 03/11/2019; with his regular daily work as per prescribed job chart of State Government, he motivated farmers for various animal husbandry activities through routine animal treatment and various extension activities. He took help of KITSARD, State Bank of India sponsored farmers training center, Krishivignayana Kendra (KVK) and State Government farmers training center for former training. He also went to training with farmers for awareness. Few farmers started animal husbandry activities like Goat farming; Dairy farming and Poultry farming with veterinarian guidance got full time employment and good amount of income. When farmers with dedication meet with the veterinarian’s vision leads creation of success stories, which increase the income of livestock farmers. So finally veterinarian plays an important role in motivating the farmers and helping them to achieve success. Veterinarians helped to increase the income of farmers by rearing the livestock in the scientific and economical manner. Some of success stories are as follows.



  1. Farmer named Sudakar Patil1 from Rajapur Tq Kalagi Dist Klalburagi started Deoni cow dairy farm in 2011 with 6 animals under the counsel of veterinary officer, veterinary hospital Kalagi. He prepared ghee from Deoni cow milk and sold ghee at Bangalore city in organic farm outlets @1,000 INR per kg. After 2011 his farming converted into organic farming using the manure of cattle. After that he got 20% gain in crop yield in agriculture. In 2015 he sold some bulls, heifers and cows with the worth rate of 8 Lakh INR. From his farming he has given full time employment to 10 people from his village. He earned more than 5 Lakh INR per year from third year of farming. He also started Osmanabadi goat farming from 20+1 Goats after 4 years number of animals became 120 animals. Every year he sells 100 Goats with average price of 5,000 INR each Goat and earns 5 Lakhs INR. He is very careful on animal health, insurance, vaccination, deworming and good managemental practices in the farm and grazing. He received Best Animal Husbandry farmer Award from Govt of Karnataka in 2019.
  2. Farmer named Baber Shah2 from Kalagi town with his brothers started buffalo farming under the guidelines of veterinary officer. Baber Shah sold milk to 15 hotels of Kalagi and also covered some households. He sold the milk 60 INR/litre. He used buffalo dung/manure for fodder cultivation and vegetable cultivation under green shed net earned good amount of money from dairy farming and vegetable farming. His annual earning is more than 6 Lakhs INR. He insures all his buffaloes every year.
  3. Farmer named Hanmantaraya Uppin3 living in Suguru (k) started milk producers co-operatives society in suguru(k) village under the suggestion of veterinary officer kalagi, started his own cross breed dairy farm with 6 animals and milk was marketed through milk producers co-operatives society. He earned more than 40,000 INR per month. He used cow manure for fodder cultivation. He supported other local farmers with milk market in the village via MPCS. He also grows green fodder and vegetable and sells in nearbyKalagi town. He follows regular deworming, vaccination and external parasite treatment as per veterinarian advice. He is very active person in animal care and management and recently took artificial insemination training programme from Karnataka milk federation (KMF). He received Progressive Animal Husbandry Farmer Award from Taluka Administration Chittapur, Kalaburagi District Karnataka State in 2019.
  4. NagappaHalagi4 an unemployed youth from Rajapurvillage started Osmanabadi goat farming with the guidance of Veterinary Officer with 3 pregnant ewes with the investment of 10,000 INR in 2011. He worked hard for grazing of goats. After 4 years his Goat number became 36. Now he is selling 60 Goats every year and nearly earns 3 lakhs per year. The manure of goats was also sold by 50,000 INR as an additional source of income.He regularly follows deworming, vaccination, grooming and dipping of animals as guided by the veterinarian.
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  1. Farmer namesAmruth pujari5 living in Rajapur village was rearing sheep and goat in traditional method. Every year he lost 10-15 sheep and 5-6 goats amoung 60 sheep and 30 goats. The cause of mortality was diarrhea, disease outbreak, poor management and foot rot. After taking proper advice from the local veterinarian from veterinary hospital kalagi, he followed scientific rearing method, deworming, vaccination feeding habbit, care and management of pregnant doe, separation of sick animals, hygiene, proper ventilation and foot baths for foot rot infection. After 2-3 years, with these measures taken by the farmer mortality rate was declined. Now he is earning more than 5 lakh INR per annum. The manure of sheep and goat used for his own land for cultivation of Red Gram and Sorghum and he got good yield of crops from agriculture.


  1. Omkar Rathod6 23 year unemployed youth from DevikalThanda ofkalagi town, started poultry farming with low amount of investment with the training and advice from Kalagi veterinary Officer. He reared Vanaraja variety chicks brought from the Telengana state and desi chicks collected from villagers of nearby town. As per the guidelines given by local veterinarian he followed rearing in deep litter system of poultry. After 3 months he sold birds @500-600 rupees/ bird and earned 1 Lakh INR from 260 birds within 3 months. The litter and waste material also sold by 40,000 INR. Yearly he rears 3 batches of Poultry.


  1. KITSARD7 Farmer training institute. This institute located in Kalaburagi town. Veterinarian of Kalagi occasionally attended to KITSARD as resource person for training of farmers. With the help of KITSARD he trained more than 400 farmers, women, youths of Kalagi area on Goat farming, Dairy farming which in term helped him to create some more success stories in his area.


Results and discussion:

  1. Success story 1 suggests that from indigenous cattle breed farming has a great impact on his income. In India, as per 20th livestock census there is decline in male cattle population. So there is huge demand for the bull and bullocks for agricultural work. For organic farmingindigenous animals dung and manure are very much essential. Indigenous breeds farming will uplift the economy of the farmers who are dedicated in farming. Veterinarian advice and technical inputs are essential for successful and income generating farming. Compared to cross bred cattleto indigenous breed animals are resistant to tick infestation and drought prone conditions.


  1. Success story 2 suggests that Buffalo farming is worthy where ever there is requirement for buffalo milk. Farmers who are rearing Buffaloes nearby cities are having an asset of large market area for milk as well as its products. Fodder and vegetable cultivation can also done by using its manure. It gives additional source of income. Veterinarian support, town milk market and livestock insurance are the security to success in Buffalo farming. Buffalo breeding and feeding are challenging tasks for farmers.


  1. Success story 3 conveys message that a farmer with veterinarian suggestion can create a milk market in the village through MPCS. Same farmer was role model in villages by starting cross breed dairy farming. He earned income via selling milk,excessive green fodder and organic vegetables grown on in his land. Cross breed animal were good producer of milk and it will increase the income of farmer. According to recent reports that India has deficit of 11% in green fodder, so along with livestock farming growing of fodder can also be source of income for farmers. Creation of co-operative societies in the village level is a difficult task. Cross breed a cattle rearing also needs initial investment, very careful care and management with guidelines of veterinarians gives the successful income generating source to the farmers.


  1. Success story 4 suggests an unemployed youth without land and low investment capacity can start a small scale goat farming in grazing method. Local market has more demand for chevon compare to mutton. In north Karnataka, Osmanabadi goat has good breeding profile, twice kidding with twins and triplets in a year leads to increase the number of animals in the flock. Unemployed person become entrepreneur in short period. Grazing of Goat is a challenging task in village during rainy and summer season.


  1. Traditional livestock farmer success story 5revealed that sheep and goat farming were economical and successful with the good management practices and regular following of deworming and vaccination schedule as per the veterinarian advises. It will help to increase income of livestock farmer. Disease outbreaks and conditions like foot rot, worm infestation can cause severe morbidity in small ruminant farming. Rainy season management of small ruminants is a challenging task which is cover with the regular deworming and vaccination of animals.


  1. Unemployed youth in success story 6 in poultry farming given information that till today desi breeds of poultry having good demand and rate from consumers so backyard poultry farm with veterinarian guidelines can lead to increase in income of livestock farmers. Litter waste of poultry having high demand from horticulture farmers. Feeding and protection from predators is challenge task in backyard poultry farming.
  2. Farmer training institute 7 are very much essential for scientific livestock farming. So active veterinarian, interested farmers and a well equipped farmers training institute combination can make a revolution for farmer’s economical boost up activities. Dedicated staff for training is must. Field visits in training are important source of knowledge exchange.

Reasons for failures in the livestock farming in India.

Lack of knowledge of basic management and feeding habit of animal, fraud in livestock market during initial purchase of livestock, more investment in shed construction and less investment on animals. Negligence on animal health care and lack of veterinary facilities, unscientific management and feeding practices. Lack of knowledge in marketing of livestock products, shortage of labor, fodder and water, extreme climatic conditions affecting the production of animals, sudden death of livestock due to disease or poor managemental practices. Lower production of animal due to low genetic potential, disease out breaks leading high morbidity and mortality and lack of Veterinarian support and lack of insurance or exgretiafacility. Heavy internal and external parasitic infestation causing severe fall in production, lack of bio-security in poultry. For successful farming farmers have to consider the above drawbacks in the farming by taking better management practices from successful farmers and expert veterinarian to increase the income from livestock.


Livestock farming is the integral part of agriculture and livelihood of Indian farmers. Livestock products like milk, meat, egg, wool, hair, hide and pelt are having very high demand. As day by day human population is increasing demand for livestock products also increasing. Bullocks are the backbone of Indian farmers in agriculture.  Livestock acts as the biological weed control in agriculture land. Livestock provides full year employment and its products gives economical support to the farmer in every condition likes flood, drought and economical emergency of family. So for increase in the income of livestock farmer active veterinarian and dedicated farmer combination is very much important. Other factor like fodder, water facility, market, climatic variation and agriculture also contributes for the successful livestock farming. So finally topic concluded in terms of advices to farmers is as follows.

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Advices for the farmer to increase the economy by rearing the livestock

  • Control of internal and external parasites to avoid the disease transmission and loss production due to undesirable effects of parasites including the anaemia.
  • Following ofregular vaccination schedule to the livestock for the control of major morbidity and mortality of the diseases. Ex: FMD, BQ, HS, PPR, RKT
  • Extension activity such as scientific livestock farming and good management practices training should be conducted at the village level for the unemployed youths, farmer and farm women.
  • Animal husbandry extension activities should be conducted for farmers by active veterinarian.
  • Before starting new farm activities farmer should be aware the market activities of the livestock products and also they should work in the farms which are already running successfully.
  • Calf per year approach should be followed in dairy farming.
  • Bio-security should be strictly followed in poultry farming.
  • Oestrus synchronization should be followed where numbers of female animals in a dairy farm are more than 10 animals.
  • Silent heat management in buffalobreeding should be monitored.
  • Fodder preservation techniques like silage making, hay making, dry fodder densification and growing of fodder trees in the farm land should be done to optimize the production from animals.
  • Disbudding, deworming and primary vaccination should be followed in calf management.
  • In calf rearing as per the demand of market farmer can rear the calves. Ex: indigenous male calves for draft purpose and cross breed female calves for milking purpose. Calf rearing is income generating source for small scale farmers.
  • Seasonal management of livestock, deworming and vaccination should be followed by the farmers as per veterinarian advice.
  • In sheep and goats, rearing of 4-5 months age male kid/lambs are popular method of rearing toget early income to the farmers. This type of rearing also known as broiler goat or sheep farming. In this method 3-4 month age of male goat or sheep animals will be purchased and they were reared up to 4-5 months and sell the animals at the peak of the demand months like festivals such as Dussera, Bakrid, etc.
  • Cross breed dairy farming is profitable where milk producer co-operatives societies are working and marketing facilities are available.
  • Buffalo dairy farming is profitable where farms located nearby towns and having milk supplied to hotels and milk products manufacturing units.
  • Milk products such as ghee, cheese, pannier, milk powder, also have need in the market. Some of farmers should be focus on the milk products and it will increase the economy of the farmer.
  • In small and medium scale farming, family member involves in the farm activity to reduce the cost of labour charge and avoids the dependency on labours.
  • Clean and hygienic management of animal shed and avoid water stagnation in and around the farm to control the insect population which in term causes nuisance and acts vector for various diseases. Area specific mineral mixture feeding to be done to avoid the mineral deficiency related problems. Veterinary services such as artificial insemination and emergency care, Vaccination and deworming should be available to farmer at anytime.
  • Now a days marketing of desi organic products is demand of people. So approach of cooperatives with society helps in better economy of the farmer.
  • Sheep farming will be suitable in stall feeding where as in mountain region goat rearing is best.

Article reported as Indian animal husbandry lacking or having short fall in 11.24 % of green fodder, 23.4% dry fodder and 28.9% of concentrates.



  1. Special thanks to Dr Basalingappa S Diggi Assistant Director Veterinary Hopspital Chittapur, farmers from Kalagi area, Officers and Staff Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Government of Karnataka for whole hearted support and continuous encouragement.


  1. Gratefulness to Dr Vivek R Kasaralikar Professor and Head of Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, Dr Ravindra B G Associate Professor, Dr Halmandage S C Associate Professor and Head of Department of Veterinary Medicine and Dr Dilip Kumar Dean Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Bidar Karnataka State 585 401 for their guidance, support and encouragement for this competition participation.


  1. Fodder shortage in India major reason behind rise in milk costs. Samyak Pandey 11/01/2020
  2. Role of livestock in Indian economy- Vikaspedia.
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