How to Take Care of Your Dog During Rainy Season


How to Take Care of Your Dog During Rainy Season

Dr. Supnesh Jain , Dr. Ranbir Singh Jatav , Dr. Rakesh Dangi , Dr. Tanya Singh , Dr. Rahul Kumar

College of  Veterinary Science and AH , Jabalpur

Monsoon brings down temperatures and pollution. This means your spirited pooch can enjoy more time outdoors. However, monsoon comes with a lot of joy as well as disease risk to your pets. Pets are more prone to water-borne diseases, pododermatitis (inflammation of the paw skin) and ear infections during monsoon. Most of these conditions are caused or aggravated by contaminated water and high humidity. Damp-smelling coats, ear infection and ticks are also common at this time. Maintaining your furry baby’s health and hygiene during the wet spell will require you to put in some extra effort. Here are some tips that’ll ensure your pooch enjoys every downpour without falling ill.

  1. Take care of their paws- Your pet’s paws comes in contact with the ground and various viruses and bacteria. That is the major risk of infection to your pet. They tend to lick their paws to maintain hygiene, but unfortunately, this could cause digestive issues. Pets love to walk on grasses that may lead to allergic dermatitis in dog. To prevent them from infection your pets’ paw must be cleaned and oiled during the season. You can protect the paws with right pet shoes/boots. In case your dog rejects the idea of doggie foot wear, clean its paws thoroughly using warm water and a towel after its strolls. Your pet nails must be trimmed routinely to prevent them from slipping on the ground.
  2. Keep your pet’s fur dry and use an ideal rain gear as and when required- During the rainy season there is an increase in moisture content in the atmosphere. Moisture and pets body heat makes a favorable condition to grow bacteria and fungus on your pets’ body so it is necessary to pat dry your dog’s hair using a towel before and after its daily walks and outdoor play time. Always carry a comfortable, dog raincoat so even if you’re caught in unexpected showers while on your walk, your dog’s coat is protected. Remember to ensure that your pet’s harnesses and leashes are dry before you put them on.
  3. Offer a diet rich in fiber- Fibrous vegetables and fruits will aid in proper digestion and regular bowel movements in the absence of long walks and outdoor activities due to constant rains. In the absence of fibrous food availability or lack of pets interest in vegetables and fruit, you can add fiber rich supplements in your pets food. Many fiber rich food supplements preparation comes in the market. Indoor exercises can be employed to compensate for a lack of outdoor play time. Running up and down the stairs or a game of fetch with the pet are some ways in which you can exercise the canine inside your house. The amount of food your dog consumes in a day must be in accordance with its level of activity to avoid issues such as obesity.
  4. Keep its ears cleaned & check for infections- The wet period increases moisture in the pooch’s ears. It’s important to keep the ears dry and wipe off the wax to avoid ear-infections. Dry the ears after every outdoor play session as well as baths. Ears that are long and closed are at a greater risk of getting infected.
  5. Deworm your pet and vaccinate them- The risk of respiratory infections and worm-related illnesses increases during the monsoon season. Always consult your trusted veterinarian to make sure your pets receive the appropriate deworming tablets and vaccines, if any, based on their specific immunization schedules.
  6. Prevent tick and flea attacks- Warm and humid weather conditions lead to a rise in the population of these pests. These pesky parasites can transmit a number of deadly diseases to the canine. It’s important to keep your dog’s sleeping spot clean and free of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and other bugs. Some preventative strategies include using anti-tick shampoos and collars on pets. Additionally, tick powders and sprays are also excellent at killing and deterring these pests.
  7. Make sure your pet food is contamination free- warm and humid weather can contaminated your pet food with fungus and bacteria which can cause serious gastrointestinal issues in your dog. Make sure your dog food should be moisture free and kept in air tight box.
  8. Create a secure resting space for the pooch to tackle fear caused by loud thunder- Your pet must be allotted its very own private and safe resting spot in the house. It can run to this space to feel secure whenever the sound of thunder frightens it. A pup may feel safe hiding under its human’s bed. If this is the case with your furry pal, leave your bedroom door open for it to sneak in when feeling scared and anxious.
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