Post no-1441 Dt-08/01/2020
Compiled & shared by-DR RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542,
Dr Ashutosh Mishra,TVO,Patna
Showing dogs, or “conformation” is a popular and enjoyable activity for many dog owners. It gives you a chance to build a stronger bond with your dog, and also to show off your canine friend to an adoring public. But, before your dog can trot to success, you need to train it for the stage so it can steal the show. This will be easiest if you begin when your dog is still a puppy.
Getting Ready to Train
1.Make sure your dog is eligible to participate. Before you invest a lot of time and effort in training your dog, you will want to make certain your dog will be allowed to take part in dog shows.
• Only purebred dogs over six months old that are not spayed or neutered may take part in American Kennel Club (AKC) shows. That’s because the purpose of these events is to judge whether your dog is good breeding stock
• Your dog must also be registered as a purebred with the appropriate breed club and conform to all breed guidelines. If you got your dog from a breeder, they probably gave you the certification paperwork showing your dog is registered. If not, you’ll need to contact the appropriate breed club. The AKC has an online directory you can use to contact the club.
• If your dog is spayed or neutered, there are other events you can take part in. The United Kennel Club (UKC) has an “altered” class that allows these dogs to compete.
• If your dog is not a purebred, it can compete in shows organized by mixed breed dog clubs.
2.Attend some dog shows. The next step is to attend some dog shows to get a better sense of what it’s all about.
• This will help you get a better sense of what judges are looking for, and what you can expect when you enter your dog.
• This is also a great way to get more information about the show process and preparing your dog. Visit the club table or tent to pick up information on entering your dog and training classes offered by the club.
3.Get the right lead. When your dog walks out into the ring, you’ll need to have it on the right kind of leash or “lead.” The sooner you get one of these, the sooner your dog can get comfortable with being on it. Go online or ask at your local pet store for one of these:
• For small dogs, you can use a Resco “all in one” style collar with lead. The Resco is a loop with a slider to keep it snug on the dog’s neck.
• For a medium sized dog, you can use a martingale lead. These leads close up enough to keep your dog’s head from slipping out, but don’t tighten around a dog’s neck like a choke-chain. They also help to train your dog to keep its head held up high while showing judges their gait, and while stacking.
• The other commonly used lead is the chain and show lead. This is not as elegant as the martingale, but many handlers use them for larger, boxer breeds such as the Rottweiler. These also help your dog to keep its head held high, and to not run away in the ring.
4.Enter your dog in a local ring raft class. These classes help you train your dog for a show. Although this is not necessary, it is recommended.
• Ringcraft classes can help you socialize your dog to other people and dogs. They can also help the dog learn to walk on a lead without being distracted by other dogs
• These classes can also be a great source of information about shows and showing. They can be a good opportunity to meet other people involved in showing dogs.

Training your Dog for Show
1.Practice gaiting. Gaiting is moving your dog in a way that allows the judge to see their movement and structure. The correct gait is usually a trot, with the dogs head up.
• A trotting dog’s right front leg and left back leg move forward at the same time, then the left front with the right back. Trotting is the correct pace because it shows the dog’s true structure the best.
• To start, use treats to lure your dog to follow you around without a lead. The dog should remain at your left side.
• Once the dog is comfortable wearing the collar and walking beside you, formal lead training can begin. Attach a show lead to the dog’s collar, pick up the dog and carry it a short distance away from your home. Put it down and walk back toward your house at a speed that encourages the dog to trot, holding the other end of the lead. The dog should be happy to go toward home and follow you. Repeat this process, carrying the dog farther away from home each time.
• If your dog fights the lead, back away and offer it treats to come toward you.
2.Teach your dog to “hand stack.” To succeed, all dogs must learn to “stack,” or stand squarely and still. In hand stacking, you manually place each leg in position while standing or kneeling close to the dog.
• Dogs will have to stack several times during a show. Many people let dogs “free stack” most of the time, but hand stack right before the judge’s examination. This ensures the best possible stance for the dog.
• The specific position your dog should be in will vary by breed. Consult the guidelines for your breed, available from the appropriate club.
• To train for hand stacking, keep a good-sized treat in your right hand. Keep it partially covered so the dog can only nibble on it as you adjust the positions of the dog’s feet with your left hand.
• Adjust the dog’s front legs first, moving them at the elbow. Then, keeping your left hand on the dog at all times, move to the back legs and adjust them at the hock. Never stack by touching the dog’s feet, as this may cause it to shift its whole body. Repeat this until your dog is comfortable with the process.
• Finally, teach the dog to maintain that position. Pull the food away for a second and tell the dog to stay. If it holds the position, say “yes!” and give the dog a nibble of the food. If it doesn’t, restack the dog and try again.
3.Teach your dog to “free stack.” Free stacking is when your dog assumes the proper position on command, rather than with manual adjustment. This is most easily done with some training treats and clicker.
• To begin with, click and reward your dog whenever it stands. If it keeps standing, reward it again. Keep doing this until the dog offers the stand position spontaneously.
• Next teach “back up.” Step toward the dog and click and treat any shift of movement backward, which should result in the dogs back legs aligning. Repeat this process with the command, clicking and reward increasingly correct backing up behavior
• Then, teach the dog to align its front legs with the command “step.” To teach this command, step back and click and treat as soon as the dog moves a front foot forward. Once the dog does this easily, say “step” just before you prompt it. Repeat this until the dog aligns it’s front feet on command.
• Finally, teach the command “stack.” Click and treat every time the dog is in the correct position. Repeat if the dog holds that position. Eventually, you’ll be able to just use the “stack” command without “back up” and “step.
4.Bait train your dog. You want your dog to also look alert and happy when stacked. Most breeds should have their attention on the handler and the judge, and have their ears perked and their eyes on you.
• Training your dog to look at you is something you can begin the first time you feed the dog a meal. When you put the food bowl down, repeat the word “cookie” over and over. This repetition will teach the puppy to associate a food with that word.
• Later, use this command to focus your dog’s attention on you while offering it treats from your hand when it is in a stacked position. This causes the dog stretch its neck upward to look at you. This pose shows the dogs outline and balance to the judge.
5.Teach the dog tolerate examination. In a dog show, judges will physically examine a dog, touching its body and mouth. A successful show dog will need to tolerate this without complaint.
• A good first step in getting your dog accustomed to this is to to touch the dog all over its body daily, including inside its mouth. If you start this at a young age, your dog will quickly grow accustomed to it.
• Next, begin giving your dog regular inspections that approximate those of a judge. Closely examine the dog’s teeth. For males, touch the testicles. Do this on both a table and the floor, if your dog is smaller in size. While small dogs are usually inspected on a table, some judges will begin inspection while the dog is still on the ground.
• Finally, when the dog is comfortable with your inspections, bring in a second person and ask ask them to do the same. This way, your dog will get comfortable with inspection by strangers.
6.Start showing for local clubs. Before you try taking your dog to a major club show, try showing your dog with a small, local club. This can be fun, and a good way to determine if your dog is ready for the “big leagues.

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Ten Tips for Showing Your Dog

When it comes to showing dogs, everyone can use a few tips to help give their classy canine a winning edge over the competition. There are many aspects to consider, from socialization and training, to grooming and ring procedure. Each one can make the difference between losing or winning points, so learn as much as you can!
1. Don’t Slack on Socialization
A great show dog is either made or lost according to how well she was socialized as a pup. A puppy may have perfect conformation, but if she’s shy with people and wilts like a flower when you take her to new places, she will never perform well enough to win in the ring.
Once the puppy has been vaccinated, take her everywhere with you.
• Expose her to new places, people, situations, noises, etc.
• Walk her on grass, cement, carpet, linoleum and rubber matting so different surfaces don’t freak her out.
• Take her to puppy socialization classes, aka puppy kindergarten, so she becomes used to meeting a lot of other dogs.
• Encourage people to pet her and gently look in her mouth so she gets used to being touched by strangers (who sometimes happen to be judges).
All of these experiences will teach the pup to take everything in stride and give her confidence. Confidence is a key trait found in all top show dogs that gives them the winning stride and attitude that judges love to see.
2. Attend Conformation Training Classes

Most active kennel clubs offer weekly training classes instructed by experienced dog handlers, and they usually only charge a few dollars to attend. Classes like this are invaluable to a novice exhibitor because the instructors will teach you all the basics of how to present a dog in the ring. Your dog will also learn what’s expected from her when she competes at a dog show.
You’ll learn how to:
• Gait your dog around the ring
• Stack her for examination (on the table or on the ground, according to her size)
• Perform the basic patterns, such as the triangle, the “L,” and the down and back
• One additional bonus to attending conformation classes is that the instructor and other breeders can evaluate your dog’s conformation and help you decide if she really belongs in the show ring. This is a hard fact that many novice exhibitors don’t consider until they’ve wasted considerable money showing a dog that doesn’t really have a chance of winning.
3. Judges Like a Clean Dog
Although excessive grooming is discouraged in many breeds, no judge really wants to touch a dirty dog. Even if weekly bathing isn’t recommended for keeping your dog’s coat in proper texture, you can still spot bathe areas like the face legs and undercarriage to keep them fresh. Most breeds should be given a bath the day before the show weekend, and then brushed and spot bathed as needed to keep them in top condition.
4. Reduce Staining on White Fur
Stains can spoil the look of an otherwise white coat. Staining around the eyes and muzzle, as well as urine staining on the rear legs, can give the judge the impression that the dog is not well-cared for between shows.


To help keep stains at a minimum:
1. Combine one-part powdered boric acid with two parts cornstarch, and use a small makeup brush to carefully brush the powder into the stained areas daily. You can also use it at the dog show to brighten and dry damp hair, but remember to brush it out so your dog doesn’t shake it out in the ring and look like a powder puff. Judges can dismiss dogs from the ring for having foreign substances in their coats.
2. Protect areas prone to staining by wrapping and/or banding them. Just be sure to use high-quality rubber bands, or the hair might break with repeated wrapping.
3. You can also try using a shampoo formulated especially for brightening white coats, but these products do not work miracles. Keep your dog clean all the time, and staining will be minimal.
5. Trimming and Sculpting
Long-coated breeds like Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Yorkies and Maltese need trimming to keep them looking neat, as well as keep them from tripping on their hair and hindering their gait. However, the way you trim or “sculpt” the coat can affect what a judge sees, although a top-notch judge will not necessarily be fooled by a good trim once he puts his hand on the dog.
• If your dog’s legs are a little too close together in the front or rear, trim the outline of the paws slightly shorter on the inside to create a little more distance between the paws when the dog stands or moves.
• You can make an older dog look a little fresher and more youthful by carefully trimming a little length off the head fall, beard, ears and tail, as part of a regular trim.
• Trimming a small section of hair directly in front of the dog’s tail, as well as trimming a slight amount of hair away from the back of the tail just above the anus, can make a low tail set look a little higher.
6. Start Out in the Middle
When you enter the ring for your class, try not to be the first or last dog in the lineup. Sometimes judges will make all the competitors line up in order as printed in the show catalog, but if you have a choice, try to be somewhere in the middle.
You want to do this for several reasons:
1. If there’s at least one dog ahead of you, this gives you more time to have your dog stacked in perfect position and brushed (if she has a longer coat). The first handler in line doesn’t have as much time to fuss over the dog since the judge will examine that dog immediately after the entire group is gaited around the ring.
2. The last handler in line will also have to work quickly to make the dog look perfect because the judge will already be giving all the dogs one final look as the last dog in line completes her individual go around the ring.
3. If you’re in the middle, you have plenty of time to keep your dog looking good before the judge runs the entire class around the ring one last time and chooses the winner.
7. Always Keep One Eye on the Judge
A smart handler always knows where the judge is standing in the ring and what he’s doing. This allows the handler to make sure the judge never sees her dog standing incorrectly and revealing faults.
Keeping an eye on the judge also helps you look more professional. Each dog is allotted about two minutes to be judged, and judges do not want to waste time calling up an exhibitor twice when she’s not paying attention.
8. Learn to Gait Your Dog at the Correct Speed

It’s a rare dog that has perfect conformation, so most show dogs have a fault somewhere. If your dog’s fault is in somewhere in her gait, you need to figure how fast or slow you need to walk her so she moves at her best. Have a friend walk the dog for you as you watch.
Rear Movement
Look at how the dog’s legs move when she walks away directly from you. If they are weak and the hocks tend to lean in toward each other, see if moving the dog faster or slower makes them stay more parallel to each other.
Front Movement
Next, look at the front legs as the dog walks toward you. If the feet tend to converge close together, try moving the dog a little slower to see if this corrects the movement.
Side Movement
Finally, look at the dog from the side as she moves. Are her shoulders laid back instead of hunched behind her neck? Do her feet kick out behind her a bit as they should? Does her topline remain smooth instead of bouncing up and down? Practice with her at different speeds to find which one helps her move as correctly as possible.
9. Keep Your Dog Between You and the Judge
The judge is supposed to be judging your dog, not you, so keep the dog between the two of you at all times. If the judge asks you to walk your dog in the “L” pattern, make sure you switch hands with the lead and walk the dog on the other side of you so the judge can see her instead of your legs blocking his view.
10. Keep Yourself Calm
Nothing can spoil a show dog’s performance more than a nervous handler. If you feel keyed up and anxious, the dog will feel it through your hands and the show lead, and this will shake her confidence. Take slow, deep breaths to steady yourself, and pay attention to everything going on in the ring. If you’ve prepared your dog properly, there’s no need to feel nervous. The judge is the one who points the finger at the winner, and that’s something that you ultimately can’t control. Just focus on working with your dog as a team.
Gaining True Expertise Takes Time
Tips can help you move ahead a little faster in the dog show world, but gaining real expertise takes time and experience. If you have a dog that is truly show quality but you don’t think you’re winning as much as you should, take a look at what the winners are doing. Study your competitors’ dogs, and study how they handle them in the ring, as well as how they prepare them in the grooming area. Apply what you learn to how you prepare and show your dog, and you just might wind up with a champion.

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Tips to remember while taking part in a dog show
Prepare for the big day
As you would get ready for any big event, your dog needs preparation time too. Your dog will be required to show off certain skills, like standing still (depending on the breed), in order to compete. Train your dog to walk on the side of the judge while walking on a leash. And remember that you or the handler must never come between the dog and the judge. Different breeds of dogs require certain types of leashes. Using a leash the same colour of your dog’s coat will help in not disrupting the overall balance. Customizable leashes can be bought through mail order.
Dog shows can be quite long, especially if it’s your first time. Bring along a few items with you to make your dog more comfortable in this new environment. A food and water bowl goes a long way in doing just that. It is vital to bring along its vaccination book or passport and ID card, a show leash and a number clip – because every dog is given a catalogue number – which it has to wear and which also designates the place where the dog can sit, eat and relax. Some dog shows might not have cages, so make sure you bring one with you so your dog can have its own relaxing spot and get protection from the sun, rain and even the crowd as it may get too noisy (since these shows tend to attract a lot of dogs and visitors). Dogs used to peace and quiet may find this conflicting and stressful. This can impact their performance during the show. You can combat this by getting your dog used to noise by taking him outdoors initially.

Make room for grooming
Your dog will require a specific type of grooming, depending on its breed. Spaniels require hair to be removed from their toes, while terriers require trimming. You can even use a professional groomer. Remember that the earlier you start grooming your dog, the more used to grooming he becomes.
Judgment day
The judging standards have been established by leading international kennel clubs and federations (FCI, American Kennel Club, the UK’s Kennel Club). The criteria for judging a dog depends on:
Breed type: Here the coat type, colour and gait are important features to be judges. Make sure these characteristic are their shining best.
Harmony and balance: Your dog’s body should be proportionate to its head size, depending on its breed.
Disposition: Your dog’s attitude will be key in winning or not. Shy or dogs may not do what is expected of them.

Structure: Make sure your dog’s muscular and skeletal structure is lean and well defined, while standing and moving (walking or trotting).
General presentation: Your dog’s overall appearance is an important factor between winning and not. Make sure your dog’s coat is clean and shiny, well groomed and his weight is ideal.
Training: A well-trained dog will have more confidence in showing off its abilities compared to an untrained one.
A “good dog” is one that exhibits a greater number of characteristics which are common to its sex and breed, has the ideal temperament and attitude and well-trained to display its qualities.
And the winner is….
Before the judges declare their results, the participants will have to line up their dogs in the right order. The judge looks at each dog and examines them one at a time by touching them or walking them. Judges finally choose the dogs that best match their respective standard. Each participant gets a sheet which shows the summarized assessment of all contestants.
Now that you are ready and enlightened on getting your dog show-ready, go out there and enjoy the show with your dog.

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