How we work towards bringing the GOOD change!


India, ever since the “milk revolution” has taken a gigantic transformation from a milk deficit country to World’s largest milk producing country. The whole co-operative society movement has changed the shape of the milk industry in India, for good. This movement was started by Late. Verghese Kurien, an Indian social entrepreneur, who happens to be known as the FATHER of White Revolution in India for his initiative popularly known as “Operation Flood.”

But of late, there has been various agencies that are claiming that their quality of the milk and related products are does not meet the required parameters. There have been some startling claims that have come to the front in recent times that 88% of the samples taken from the State of UP (India) were found to be adulterated. It does not end here, there have been some more startling fact out about the quality of milk supplied both loose or in packets that 68.4% of the samples collected from rural and urban areas of all Indian States failed food safety and standards (FSS).

Keeping note of these alarming numbers, it clearly indicates that there is a lot that needs to be checked. As such, things only happen when there is scarcity of proper dairy management systems, lack of procurement software’s in the market, lack of automatic milk collection units by co-operative societies, etc.

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