There is an urgent need of BLEND of veterinary and medical schools.
BLEND of Veterinary and medical departments,
BLEND of Veterinary and medical students BLEND of MICROBIOLOGY, VIROLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY,
This cocktailed ”MEDIVET” branch will make to come Medical and Veterinary fields on a single plateform to exchange knowledge and jointly curb down the mass killings of un exposed non prepared anti bodies lacking HUMAN RACE as these mutated virus are LETHAL WEAPONS and are exclusively made and mutated in our veterinary patient’s bodies as factories.
Origin is from our patients we know the nature of these ZOONOTIC MASS KILLERS
Bird flu
Swine Flu
Bat + reptilian flu (NOVA CORONA)
Anthrax,Brucella and still more to come in future ,after mutation or resistance.
I WARN THE WORLD HOLLOW ANTI VIRAL KNOWLEDGED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS THAT…WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF FMD virus is double mutated for human pathogenicity, long distance Aerosol or fomite infections will destroy the human race within few weeks except 100% Air Traffic Quarantined sea locked Australia,Greenland,Tasmania,New Zealand,England ,Ireland,Japan ,Shrilanka Medagaskar areas.
Seriously100% Quarantine is a myth,its a joke.
See how quickly Epihermal fever virus is mutating within same animal species ,20 years back it was only TDS now a days in cows and buffaloes it is going beyond 3 days paralyzing for few weeks
It is a warning strange sign!!!
FMD is mutating to become Foot & Mouth & Udder Disease in CB animals to indegenous, CORNEAL OPACITY is a new symptom in buffaloes ,,and failure of THERMOREGULATORY CENTERS OF BRAIN from CB to Local breeds both is becoming a new sequele.
”This is mutation”
Unusally I was also infected 3 years back where I faced some lesions on my hands when I was treating day and night in an infection of FMD especially after few days of washing the animals oral apthas by PP Solution,,, that time I also experienced fever, myalgia headache,mild abdominal cramps and surprisingly two bilateral pedal wounds and a wound in hand.
Thank god I was cured by myself after taking Augmentin 625MG BD×5D
No body listened and believed me.
Medicose dont know about FMD and they don’t want to know too
We know the symptoms, pathogenicity, severity,morbidity, prognosis,mortality and PM lesions of this disease in animals but keenly listen my statement that we practicing VETS are the worlds first victims and experts of these low mortality animal viruses may be turning in high Morbidity and mortality to infect as lethal human viruses in just 2 consecutive repeated mutations
1st.Mutation to get infectivity in humans
2nd.Mutation for capability of infecting human to human (transmission)
Dear experts U all know the rate of infectivity & speed of spreading of FMD virus.
1% Mortality in animals after mutation may attain 100% mortality in humans within few weeks.
My dear world I BEWARE U,you will have to look MED +VET in one eye u will have to take VETS valuable experiences of symptoms,diagnos and treatment,
U will have to respect and listen to vets as whistle blowers.
U will have to get knowledge for lethal BIRD FLU by our poultry experts
and Swine experts for ”SWINE FLU”.
U will have to give equal budget for research and analysis to save our Human race and Animals on this earth.
We vets can play an important role in saving ”Homo Sapiens” race of whole world as we and only we VETERINARIAN’S EXPERIENCE AND ANALYSE THE FIRST LETHAL MUTATION OF ZOONOTIC DISEASES of great variety of animals without any basic preliminary aids,where we are giving our best.
Dianosaurs Extinction was due to highly infective mutated novel virus this is my postulation.
Take it seriously,
Dear medical bros,
World will remember my words,
”Don’t dare teaching us in agricultural universities, don’t think that we are just made to tag,register,bookeeping, KCC limit expanders ,and GDP raiser’s.
Dear policy makers,
we are much more than that,,, respect, value and know and dont misuse our worth in making us ”HIGHLY EDUCATED TECHNICAL PERSON”
Dear Med.bros,
mind it,
Technically we are more sound than Aayush,Ayurved,Homeo,Unani,and Naturopaths
Use our grey matter not just to eat with curry but as the first line of defence in this COVID -19 world war like situation, believe us we will never deny and never back foot.
By-Dr Manoj Singh Tanwar, SVO,
First Grade Vet.Hospital, Basni, Tambolia, Jodhpur, Rajsthan.