Impact of Climate Change on Animal Production and Augmentation of Animal Diseases

Climate Resilient Animal Husbandry
Climate Resilient Animal Husbandry

Impact of Climate Change on Animal Production and Augmentation of Animal Diseases

Dr.Arjun kumar rao,BVSc & AH, MVSc Scholar

Department of veterinary Anatomy, Dr.G.C.Negi College of veterinary & animal sciences

Chaudhary sarvan kumar H.P. Krishi vishvavidyalaya Palampur-176062

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Registration No.  Himachal Pradesh State Veterinary Council – HVC1387/2022.


Animal illnesses are being encouraged to arise and resurface as a result of ecosystem change, which includes climate change. By creating more hospitable conditions for infectious disease agents to spread to new places where they may affect domestic animals, wild animals, and people, it is upsetting the balance of natural ecosystems. Previously exclusive to tropical regions solely, diseases are increasingly affecting previously colder regions as well. As the climate warms and/or the winters get milder, pathogens that were formerly constrained by seasonal weather patterns can invade new areas and discover new vulnerable species. Tropical infectious disease outbreaks are on the rise at mild latitudes, and this is related to global warming. There are currently pin-temperate regions where the vector for insect-borne illnesses. Climate change will have an impact on animal production facilities both directly and indirectly. The exchange of heat between the animal and its surroundings, which is influenced by temperature, humidity, wind direction, and thermal production, is one of the direct consequences. These elements affect both animal health and welfare as well as animal performance (growth, milk and wool production, reproduction, etc.). The intensity and spread of illnesses and parasites, as well as the amount and quality of fodder crops and grains, are some examples of the indirect impacts of the climate.

KeywordsProduction, climate change, animals, diseases etc.


Globally rising average sea levels and average air and ocean temperatures are causes of climate change. It is now the primary problem affecting local, national, and international natural eco systems. According to the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment , changes in global temperature and regional predicted patterns may have an impact on the prevalence and extent of many infectious diseases in endemic areas as well as their spread to free areas. These potential changes, however, will also be influenced by other factors, such as an increase in the movement of animals between nations and regions, trade in animal products, including those from wild animals, changes in livestock production systems, and changes in land use and land cover (for example, logging, crop cultivation, drainage of wetlands for public works projects, or the production of fuel) . A growing number of these illnesses, including ebola, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), monkey pox, Marburg infections, and around 80% of newly developing infectious diseases that impact people (zoonotic) are spread through contact with wildlife .The economy, public health, and the preservation of species might all suffer significantly from these newly developing illnesses. For example, SARS alone has claimed the lives of over 700 individuals and cost the world economy $50 billion. Confidence in the civil society framework intended to safeguard lives and maintain natural resources is undermined when such illnesses develop and spread unchecked .

Climate Change and Animal Disease         

There aren’t many research that go into detail into how climate change affects pathogen emergence or illnesses in cattle and wildlife. There have been several identified factors that are likely to affect disease onset, such as landscape changes that eliminate sections of host populations (for example, habitat alteration or destruction), changes in host movement patterns (for example, habitat fragmentation), or increased host density .

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Other contagious diseases are also susceptible to some environmental influence, such as parasite life cycles that can be spread by wind-borne aerosol spread . The geographical distribution of vector-borne diseases is influenced by the geographical distribution of both the vertebrate host (where one exists) and the vector . Increased precipitation may alter the frequency and severity of parasite infections, increasing host vulnerability. Increased precipitation may potentially alter the frequency and severity of parasite infections, leading to an increase in host mortality in domestic and wild species . The chance of being exposed to new infections and developing new illnesses in people and animals increases with the amount of interaction between wild and domestic species . In Chile’s Huemui deer, a species that is in risk of going extinct, neutralising antibodies against para- influenza PI-3, a virus that is very widespread in cattle, have been discovered . Climate may be more closely related to the seasonal prevalence of infectious animal illnesses than to their geographical spread. These situations apply to parasites or pathogens. illness rates, such as facioliasis, are higher when seasonality is considered as a whole, temperatures as a result of the parasite’s improved survival either boosted from outside the host or, conversely, shortened summertime drought that reduces their

Contribution of Climate Change to Animal Disease

The altering of disease patterns in humans and animals is one effect of large and long-lasting changes to our climate. New disease syndromes might emerge as a result of these changes, and the incidence of current diseases, particularly those brought on by biting insects, could shift. The transmission of diseases to new hosts can occur as a result of vectors expanding their geographic range and altering their patterns of dispersion to reach non-immune areas . According to predictions, climate change will lead to greater temperatures and more humidity, which will impact the quality of the plants. The impact on arthropods and their distribution is the most obvious of all changes linked with the climate that might affect arthropod patterns. Increases in vital titers, vector survival from season to season, and biting frequency are all caused by warmer temperatures . As a result, changes in the number of vector generations and total abundance of insect populations may be caused by temperature rises, which may then have an impact on the dynamics of the vector population.

Impact of Climate Change on Life Stock Production

The vulnerability of animal production is discussed in the IPCC Third Assessment Report’s section on how warming would effect both direct and indirect impacts on animal production facilities. The exchange of heat between the animal and its surroundings, which is influenced by temperature, humidity, wind direction, and thermal production, is one of the direct consequences. These elements have an impact on animal welfare and health as well as performance (growth, milk and wool production, reproduction) . The intensity and spread of illnesses and parasites, as well as the amount and quality of fodder crops, are only a few examples of the indirect impacts of the climate. Animal functions are negatively impacted when the magnitudes (intensity and duration) of unfavourable climatic conditions surpass specified thresholds with little to no chance of recovery.

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Links between Animal Production and Animal Disease

In general, increasing production systems will enhance the possibility for new and reemerging animal illnesses, thus management strategies must be created to reduce their negative impacts on output and profitability. This indicates that animal production methods will be modified or established in response to real or expected developing and re-emerging animal illnesses. The consequences of rising global temperatures will be highly diverse and varied depending on the area. It is recognised that people and places with the fewest resources, such as rural agricultural areas, would be the most vulnerable to climate change, even though the degree of these consequences is unknown . As some species that act as disease vectors, such as biting flies and ticks, are more likely to survive year-round, warmer and wetter climates (especially warmer winters) will increase the incidence and prevalence of animal illness. If there is more rain, several parasitic illnesses that already present could also spread geographically or become more common. This might accelerate the spread of illnesses, especially zoonotic ones .


Animal illnesses and livestock productivity are both directly impacted by climate change through several processes. Land use alters the setting of livestock (availability of pasture and land, density, height and temperature, water resources), as well as the environmental source of or exposure to animal illnesses. Livestock contributes to global warming. Climate has a direct impact on the distribution and incidence of animal illnesses, particularly vector transmitted diseases since temperature and humidity dictate the geographic spread of the vectors. . On the basis of the aforementioned results, the following suggestions were made:

  • Include methods for managing the husbandry system, outputs, and fewer farm animals raised and killed for food production to reduce emissions on a global, national, and local level.
  • Put policies in place to limit the growth and extension of all systems including animal husbandry. Make sustainable land use education a key component of your strategies to fight poverty.
  • Promote low-intensity or low-density agricultural policies and techniques.
  • Together with farmers, agricultural extension agents, specialists and advocates in farm animal welfare, political organisations, and farmers, develop sustainable adaption techniques and farming plans.
  • Include veterinary professionals and specialists in animal protection in catastrophe assessment teams.
  • Hold combined drills and trainings with specialists in animal welfare and disaster relief.
  • Require veterinarian offices and animal shelters to be earthquake, wind, and location resistant


Climate Resilient Animal Husbandry


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Enhanced colostrum intake and a subsequent biologically normal (intensive) milk feeding programme support body growth and organ development in dairy calves. Only providing traditional restricted feeding is detrimental to resistance to disease, life-time performance and leaves calves hungry for long periods of time. This practice is therefore not consistent with animal welfare principles. Other contentious practices in the dairy industry, like early cow-calf separation and subsequent individual housing of the dairy calf, gain increasing attention from the general public. Scientific evidence does not support the common opinion, that these practices are beneficial for the health of calf or cow. Profound changes in current calf management practices are needed to improve dairy calf health and survival, enhance long-time performance of dairy heifers and satisfy consumer interests in farm animal welfare.

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