Importance of Regular Deworming for Dairy Cattle


Importance of Regular Deworming for Dairy Cattle



Due to fluctuating environment and climate, cattle go through various health issues. However, worm infestation is a hidden disease that is prevalent in cattle in all around the world. Until and unless the growth of the worm doesn’t come to the advanced stage and shows outward signs, it is quite difficult to detect the presence of worms. It is suggested that if you are a dairy farmer, don’t wait for worms to have complete control over your cattle’s health. You better take precautionary measures by doing regular deworming of your cattle and keep the worms at bay. Deworming helps to keep your livestock healthy and ultimately supports your dairy farming business to flourish.

Effects of Worms on Dairy Cattle

Tapeworms, flukes, roundworms, and other internal parasites leave hazardous effects of cattle’s overall health. Being a responsible dairy farmer or animal parent, you should keep an eye on below signs or effects of worms on your dairy cattle and reach out to the veterinarian immediately.

Poor Health

Cattle with worm infection tend to be in weak physical condition. They become thin and poor in appearance. Their coat becomes unhealthy and dull. Even after providing a good amount of feed the infected cattle look poor because the feed gets consumed by worms and doesn’t benefit the cow.

Low Productivity

The intestinal worms feed off your cattle’s bodies and throw the nutrients out of the animal’s body. As cattle don’t get proper nutrition, it effects on their capability of producing milk and calves. In the past, if your cows have produced plenty of milk and healthy calves, you must check for worm infection problems.

READ MORE :  Effect of Heat Stress on Animal Health and Production


The intestinal parasites, including ticks and worms suck cattle’s blood and cause them Anaemia. If your cow shows signs like lack of appetite, lethargy, pale gums, and difficulty in breathing.


This is most common problem cattle with worms face. Due to diarrhoea, in some cases cows feel dehydrated as well as consumption and digestion of feed become challenging for them.

Deworming Schedule

As a dairy farmer, keeping cattle in good health must be important for you because only healthy cattle produce a good amount of milk and help you to develop your dairy business. Make sure you deworm your cows regularly and at the right time of the year. Below, we are sharing the deworming schedule with you. Follow this schedule and protect cows from worms.




Deworming Plan

Liver Flukes
Twice a year in an endemic year.

Round Worms
After birth, first dose at 10 days. Thrice a year with monthly interval up to 6 months.

Tape Worms
Twice a year. (Jan and June)

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