Important Tips to Pet Parents  for Taking Pet From India to Europe and the UK



Important Tips to Pet Parents  for Taking Pet From India to Europe and the UK

𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 :

Sharing useful information and tips :

Indian Railways is one of the best transport to carry your pets to longer distance. It is safe, affordable, has easy laws and allows small, big, all kinds of animals.

There are two ways to take your dog with you in a train, either in the luggage compartment inside a cage or along with you inside the AC 1st class cabin. Taking an animal in the luggage compartment is always a bit risky. It is a small cage where your dog won’t be able to move properly or be able to sleep. There won’t be space to even pee or poo. Also, you will have to go from your compartment to give food and water to your dog and its the last compartment of the train and you will have to cover a lot of distance and you will have to prepare in advance for the stations where you can go and feed. Your dog might get health issues travelling in that cage, it’s always safer to keep the dogs along with you.

Booking a 1st class cabin : You cannot take your pets inside a regular sleeper or even 2nd or 3rd class compartment. The only way to take the pet is by booking a 1st class AC coupe or cabin. Coupe is a two passenger room and a cabin is a 4 passenger room. In case you have more than one dog with you, it’s always better to book a cabin. You will need to book the entire cabin, ie. 4 seats or if its a coupe, 2 seats. While booking online in IRCTC app also you have the option to select coupe or cabin after you select 1st class AC preference.

It would be best if you select a station from where the train is starting so that it is easier for you to get into the train without much rush and also if your destination is the last stop of the train but even otherwise it is possible.

Remember to have your pets vaccinated before the travel. Get a letter from the veterinarian saying that the pets are fit for travel by train and their signature and seal on it. Also keep copies of the vaccination records.

You will know if a coupe or cabin is allotted only on the day of the travel and in case you don’t get it then again, you will have to keep the pets inside the luggage compartment. So the best way is to write a letter either by email or post to the Chief Booking Officer of that particular railway station, quoting your PNR number of reservation and requesting that a coupe or cabin is alloted to you since you are travelling with dogs and you want to keep them with you.

On the day of the travel, arrive at least 2 hours early before your train time and go to the parcel office of the railway station. Submit the vaccination record as well as the letter from the veterinarian there and get travel slips from there for each animal as per their weight. Find out the coach position of the AC 1st class compartment of your train and wait there so that you will not have trouble getting into the compartment when the train arrives.

Always remember to take less luggage with you when travelling with animals so that it is easier for you to manage or else arrange for a coolie to handle the luggage while you can be with the dogs. Keep the dogs on a good leash and hold on to them so that they won’t feel scared with all the noise and rush of the railway station.

Keep lots of old newspapers with you so that you can put it on the floor of the coupe or cabin for your dogs to do poo and pee. It is not much safe to take the dogs out during stops as getting in and out from the train can be difficult and dangerous. Dog diapers are also available in pet stores and can be used during journeys. Also its good if you can carry an air freshener to use in the compartment so that other cabin and coupe passengers do not complain of any smell from your side. Keep bowls with you and give the dogs lots of water during the journey. It’s better not to feed them too much but in case it’s a long journey that takes more than 1 day by train then keep dry or wet packaged food ready with you to feed them.

All the same rules applicable while taking cats too.

Keeping your pet comfortable is the most important factor and an AC 1st class journey is one of the best experiences ever for them.


Arriving in Europe

when you land in Europe you can pick up your pet at the oversized luggage counter. Most of the time it will be waiting for you already as they get unloaded first. You should then report to customs (the red exit) after the baggage reclaim – don’t forget your suitcases in all the excitement!

The official vet will be called to check your pet’s EU health certificate, declaration of non commercial movement of animals (Part 3) and titre test. And they will scan your pets microchip.

And here you are! Your pet is a European pet now! Congratulations!


At the airport

In Mumbai you take your pet directly to the check in counter. The check in staff will check your documents and charge you the ticket fee. If you have a crate the airport staff will check it and call a member of staff to help you. You will see you furry friend again at your destination.

If your pets is booked as hand luggage you will have to take it out at the security check, have a harness or leash on your pet at least up to here it’s no fun having to chase a scared pet around the departure hall.

This is the last obstacle, now you can go to the gate.

If you have to wait for a long time and want to give your pet a chance to stretch it’s legs a bit, feed it and let it go to the bathroom take it to the family restroom.


The EU Health certificate

This seems to be the most daunting piece of paperwork, so many fields to fill in, so many pages, terms and questions.

But once you get started it’s not as bad and Google always helps.

Here is the link to the official website. All information is given here and you can download the form (called annex IV).…/eu…/non-commercial-non-eu_en

You can add the details of up to 5 animals in one form.

This is what you need to complete:

Page 1

1.1 your name and address in India

1.5 Your name and home address

1.7 India 356

1.9 your home country and Google it’s ISO code

1.20 number of pets (on this certificate)

1.25 tick the box

Page 2

The Latin name for cat: felis silvestris cats

Or dog: canis lupus familiaris

Gender: M or F

Colour of the fur


Date of micro chipping and chip number

Identification system: micro chip

Date of birth

Page 3


Page 4

Micro chip number and date of chipping

Date of vaccination

Name of the vaccine

Batch number

Validity of the vaccination

Date of blood sampling

(All this info you will have in your documents already)

Have it signed and stamped by your vet (just in case)

Page 5

Micro chip number

deworming treatment’s name and manufacturer

Date and time of treatment

Vet’s details, signature and stamp

(This is only necessary for dogs going to Finland, Malta and the UK but better do to much than too little and the details went into the fit to fly document too)

Page 6

Your vet can sign here

And it MUST be signed and stamped by the animal quarantine centre.

Part of the documents is part 3, an extra page on which you confirm that you are not importing pets in order to sell them. This needs to be signed by yourself only.

READ MORE :  Navigating the Landscape of Canine and Feline Oncology

Model animal health certificate EU

The timeline:

Min 4 months before departure: get your pet micro chipped

Min 4 months before departure and after micro chipping: rabies vaccination

Min 3 months before departure get a blood sample and send it in for testing

Book a flight for you and your pet

Organise transport to and if necessary accommodation at your port of exit

Get your pet used to the carrier/crate

Buy your travel essentials (treats, puppy pad, portable litter tray, water bottle, foldable bowls, a harness & leash…)

Ca 15 days before departure: make appointment with the quarantine office

Max 9 days before departure get fit to fly/travel, and EU health certificate filled in and stamped by your vet.

Max 9 days before departure get your export documents from the quarantine office and your EU health certificate endorsed.

Max 4 days before departure get your dog dewormed.


The fit to fly / fit to travel certificate

If you take your pet on a national flight or on the train you need a fit to fly certificate. It’s also essential for the export documents to take your pet out of India.

Your vet will issue it together with the EU health certificate and deworm and treat it against ticks and fleas.

The certificate is usually valid for 10 days.


Leaving the country

Now this is what you have been waiting for – taking your fur baby home. The biggest hurdle for us was that we were in Goa but our “point of emigration” was Mumbai. Even if we could have checked our bags through we would have had to go through emigration in Mumbai and crates with pets are not being transferred from one plane to the next there.

The export documents we would have gotten in Goa are not valid for Mumbai or Delhi. This is the same throughout the country.

We chose Lufthansa and Brussels airlines and they leave from Mumbai and Delhi. Mumbai is the shorter flight so that’s what we went for.

So the export documents need to be issued by the quarantine office in Navi Mumbai.

Animal quarantine and certification center

Kopar Khairane, Sector 11, Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400709, Indien

+91 22 2755 2021

Call them to make sure they are open on the day you want to go there and then call again a week before you actually go to make an appointment. They are very nice an efficient.

If you email them you will get an email with all necessary documents.

You need:

Fit to fly certificate

Microchip certificate

Vaccination record

Passport of the owner

Flight ticket of the owner

Airway bill if the pet flies unaccompanied

Two photos of your pet

Titre test

EU health certificate including section 3

And copies of all of the above.

Have all of this ready as soon as possible.

The export certificate is valid for 10 days.

The fit to fly is valid for 10 days as well.

The EU health certificate is valid for 10 days but the deworming (which needs to be noted in there) must be given between 120 hours (5 days) and 24 hours before landing in Europe. So plan accordingly.

On there is an option to search for pet friendly accommodation. You could get into Mumbai in the morning, head to the quarantine office and on to the airport but as we are in incredible India an extra night might be a good idea, and if it’s only to give your pet a break from travelling.

At the quarantine office you will be asked to leave your pet in an air-conditioned room while you head upstairs to the office for the paperwork. Once everything is recorded, all photocopies are checked, your pets micro chip will be scanned. Then you will go to the document check room and back to the first office where you get your export certificate.

They will also endorse your EU health certificate. This and the titer test results are what you need to enter the EU.

You’re almost there!


Indian Railways

If you have to travel within India you might want to take the train. And really, you can even take a camel of an elephant with you.

Have a read here:

With a first class ticket you are allowed to take your pet with you. When you book your tickets you can’t book for your pet as well, this needs to be done at the station on the day of departure.

At the station, about an hour before the train leaves, you need to see the station master or the cargo office. He will want to see your ticket, your passport and a fit to fly/travel certificate issued by your vet (have a copy of all ready, just in case). He will weigh your pet and write a bill for it which in our case contained lots of numbers and variables and in the end was much higher than it said on the website, but who wants to complain…

Indian train rides can be very long, we took pet food and a litter tray with us and let the pets roam free in the compartment. The conductor only showed up once, checked our tickets and gave us a big smile.

Theoretically the other passengers in your compartment can object to your pets being there and the pets will have to travel in a separate kennel but you can book a few kid’s tickets to have the compartment to yourself or win your fellow travelers over with charm, food and consideration.


Crates and carriers

Crates and carriers are expensive in India. If you are planning on taking a pet back it’s best to plan in advance or have a friend bring (maybe a borrowed) crate or carrier for you.

On the IATA website you find all the official pet regulations…/live-animals/pets/Pages/index.aspx

Including an 11 page PDF on crates.

You also want to look into the specific regulations of your airline and choose your crate/carrier accordingly.

If you need to buy a crate in India you can buy them on Amazon or Flipkart and have them delivered to your door.

At least a few weeks before departure it might be a good idea to get your pet used to its new mobile home. Put a couple of treats inside, a comfy blanket, make sure they feel good in it.


How to prepare your pet prior to booking

When do you want your pet to travel?

If you ship your pet as air freight, check with the airline to ensure the air freight facility is open so your pet may be claimed by the consignee. Note that it is preferable to ship your pet on week days as all staff are working and liaison is easier all along the route.

Contact the airline you have selected to confirm that they accept your pet on the day and flight that you prefer. Some airlines restrict the number of animals on a flight so the more advance notice you give them the better it is.

Transport of snub nose dogs, such as boxers, pugs, bulldogs and Pekinese, in hot season is not recommended. These animals have difficulty in maintaining a normal body temperature in hot weather.

Where is your pet traveling to?

Is your pet going to travel within your own country, or will it be traveling internationally? Do you intend to break the journey, or stopover at an intermediate station? What is the pet’s final destination?

What is your pet’s size and weight?

Only small dogs and cats can go in the cabin. Some airlines may not even allow them in, and will transport them as special baggage in a heated and ventilated hold. Do not worry, cats and dogs actually travel better this way because it is quieter and they will rest in a darkened environment.

Do you have a suitable container for your pet?

It is important that you purchase an appropriately sized container for your animal traveling by air. Airlines use the following indications to ensure the animal has enough space to turn about normally while standing, to stand and sit erect, and to lie in a natural position.



Guidance for Dimensions of Container

To assist in determining the approximate size of the traveling container, the following formula may be useful. When calculating the minimum internal height of the container, the height of bedding should be added to the height of the animal.

Animal measurements:

A = length of animal from tip of nose to base/root of tail.
B = height from ground to elbow joint.
C = width across shoulders or widest point (whichever is the greater).
D = height of animal in natural standing position from top of the head or the ear tip to the floor (whichever is higher).

Measurements A, B, C and D for determining the container dimensions must relate to the largest animal.

The calculated dimensions are internal container dimensions.

Minimum internal container dimensions for a single animal:

  • Container length = A + ½ B
  • Container width = C x 2
  • Container height E = D + bedding
  • Snub-nosed breeds require 10% larger container

Container width calculation for multiple animals:

  • Two animals: C x 3
  • Three animals: C x 4

How many animals will be traveling?

Weaned puppies or kittens may travel well together in the same primary enclosure. When crating puppies or kittens together in the same container/primary enclosure they must be from the same litter, not older than six months, weigh no more than 14 kg each and no more than three per container. Certain national regulations require cats or dogs to be crated individually unless the consignment is a litter over 8 weeks and travelling with the mother.

A maximum of two adult animals of comparable size up to 14 kg each, that are compatible in size and used to cohabiting, may be shipped in the same container/primary enclosure. Animals over 14 kg must be crated individually.

Remember, animals may become stressed and aggressive when traveling by air and should not be placed in the same container unless they are young puppies or kittens. Animals which share the same household may become stressed and aggressive towards each other when traveling by air.

Airline procedures

Airlines have specific procedures in place for the acceptance, handling and delivery of your animal. The environmental needs of the animals are duly considered during loading, off-loading or at a transit stop.  More about airline procedures

Finding the best airline

There are many airlines but not all of them take pets. At the moment AirIndia is the only airline to allow cats and dogs are on their planes. Theoretically you are allowed to take cats and small dogs as hand luggage but it’s up to the captain if he actually let’s them on board. As you need a soft carrier if you want them to travel in cabin and a hard crate if they are you travel in the hold it’s a bit of a gamble.

If you choose to fly within India note that you can only book in your pet at the airport or an AirIndia office, it’s not possible online or via the call centre.

It’s also possible that ground staff require a large tip or charge a much higher fee than stated on the website to make sure your pet actually gets on board. This sum needs to be paid in cash.

If you need to travel within India you can take your pet into first class on the train. There’s a separate post on this.

Lufthansa is a great airline to travel on with animals. They have lots of experience, they are easy to deal with and at the moment they have great offers to and from India. Brussels airlines and Swiss are also part of Staralliance and while their ground staff may not deal with animals that often they are efficient.

They also have a very clear pricing system.

If you are flying with a small pet I would recommend them as they are the only ones to allow them in cabin.

Qatar does not let pets fly in cabin but they have direct flights out of Goa and other Indian airports, so it might save you are trip to Mumbai or Delhi.

Larger dogs need a crate that fits the IATA regulations and the airlines requirements.

I would always recommend the shortest flight duration for your pet or, if you can, break up the journey.

So, to find you ideal flight check the airline’s pet policy, flight and layover times, and the price policy.

Note that you should not have to change planes within India. The export documents you get in i.e Delhi will not be valid in Mumbai.

If you plan on getting your export documents in Goa you MUST leave India from Goa. The same applies to all other cities.


The titer test

The next step is the rabies titer test. It needs to be carried out by a EU certified lab, all of which are listed here…/pet-movement/approved-labs_en

There are non in India and very few around the world.

Once you have chosen a lab download their form and have it filled in and signed by your vet. He will get a copy of the results as well.

Often the vet will offer to send the samples, which might come at a fee.

If you want to save money choose a lab in a country one of your friends is going to and can take the sample.

You can also courier the blood with FedEx or DHL but there is always the discussion if it is legal to transport the sample as it could potentially be contaminated with rabies.

What we did was packing the samples in a cool pack, put it in a plastic envelope and give it (frozen) and already with the lab’s address and postage on (you can buy and print stamps online in most countries) to a friend. They put it in their luggage and can post it right from the airport upon arrival.

The serum will be okay for even up to a month so don’t worry if it doesn’t arrive immediately. Before you send it off keep it in the freezer though – just to be sure

Depending on the lab you will get an email asking for payment in advance, or your payment will be deducted if you have given your card details.

The test usually takes 2 days, then you will get an E-Mail with the results. In order to pass your pet needs an antibody titre of 0,5 IU/ml.

This is your entry ticket to the EU – now it’s time to celebrate!!


The blood sample

After one month you can take your pet to the vet to have a blood sample taken. For the rabies titer test you will need 1ml of serum, that means the vet needs around 3ml of blood which will be centrifuged to separate the serum from the blood cells, this takes around 20 minutes. This is easier for dogs because of their blood vessels. Cats are likely to need a light sedation, so plan in extra time for them.

Make sure your pet has not eaten for at least 8 hours prior to having its blood taken. Otherwise the blood test might show toxicity levels too high for analysis or the results might be compromised to your disadvantage.

As the titer test is the most difficult and expensive part of the process you want get everything right the first time. Especially if you are on a tight time frame.

Maybe your vet has a laboratory they work with or you can choose your own. More on that in the next post.

Prices for taking a blood sample should be between 200 and 600 rps.



After the rabies jab

Now you have to wait for one month or a minimum of 21 days for the antibodies to develop. Usually one round of rabies vaccinations is enough but if you have time and want to be super sure let them have a second jab a month later.

In this waiting period you can get your pet vaccinated against the parvo virus and have it dewormed. Ask your vet for advice.

READ MORE :  What are The Benefits Of Dog Treats ?

You might also want to look into a flight home already, in 4 months you will be ready to go!


The rabies vaccination

Once your pet has been microchipped it can get it’s rabies shot. As per the EU regulations the animal has to be microchipped BEFORE the vaccination. If you have it done on the same day note the time.

Many vets offer free rabies shots which is a great thing, so if your vet does: spread the word!

You will get a vaccination record. If they have a little passport like booklet go for it. The airport staff loved it and treated it like a proper passport.

The stickers in from the vaccine will go into the record and the vet will add the date, stamp and signature.



The micro chip

The first step of the journey to Europe is getting your pet microchipped. The tiny capsule is the size of a grain of rice and is implanted subcutaneously between the shoulder blades of your pet.

The vet will give you a certificate including your details, your pet’s date of birth, breed and colour and of course the microchip’s serial number.

Keep the certificate, you will need it for the export permit just before departure from India.

You can buy the microchip yourself (i.e.on eBay ) or your vet will have one. The cost should be around 2000rps.

You can then register your pet in your home country. In case your pet gets lost and is taken to the police or a vet they can access your details and contact you. Unfortunately this does not yet work internationally, if you are living in more than one country you can register on several databases.


Adopting a furry friend will make their – and your – life turn into pure gold! But often we do so on a whim without thinking of the consequences and when it is time to leave India and head back home we don’t know what to do! But taking your pet home to Europe is easier and less expensive then you might think.

We’ve done the legwork for you and written it down here for you:

At first you have to get your pet microchipped. You can buy the chips on eBay or your vet will have them. They come with unique identification number which you can register in your home country. Your vet will issue a certificate with your and your pets details on it.

Next (this has to be done after the microchipping) they need a rabies shot. This is often free and your vet will give you a little pet passport (not the official European one, just a booklet by some pet food company most likely) in which he will put the sticker with the vaccine’s details and note the date.

Now you have to wait for 30 days until you can go back to the vet for the blood test. Your pet should not have eaten for at least 6 hours before the blood is taken or the results may be compromised. The labs need 1ml of serum, so the vet will draw blood and have it centrifuged to separate the red blood cells from the serum. You can keep the serum in a cool pack and in the freezer when you get home.

The blood sample needs to be analysed in an EU certified lab and it’s easiest when you have someone who can take the sample to Europe and can post it there. FedEx take blood samples but it may take a few more days.

Once the blood sample has arrived at the lab and they have received your payment it will take two or three days for you to get a result. If your pet has passed the test, it’s rabies antibodies are high enough you can book a ticket.

The earliest you can leave India and enter the EU is 90 days after the blood was drawn.

The cheapest and most efficient airline for travelling with pets is Lufthansa. Small pets, up to 4kg can travel as hand luggage for 75€, dogs need a crate and go in the hold for 300€.

Call the call centre and see if there is a free space for a pet, then book the ticket. If you already have a ticket you can add your pet on through the call centre as well. Lufthansa flies from Mumbai and Delhi. To get there you can take air India, they are currently the only airline to take pets. But most likely they will only be allowed to travel in the hold. You might have to book the ticket directly at the airport office. If you have a small pet or a tight budget you can take the train. You are allowed to travel with your pet in 1st class. You pay the fee directly at the station, be there about 1 hour prior to departure.

max 10 days prior to your departure you have to get your fit to fly certificate from your vet and make an appointment at the quarantine office in Mumbai or Delhi. Your local vet will also fill in the EU Health Certificate AnnexIV (you might have to do it for them) and will sign and stamp it. Max 120 hours and minimum 24 hours before you arrive in Europe your dog needs to be wormed, this needs to be noted and signed by your vet as well.

In Mumbai/Delhi you have to take your pet to the quarantine office along with two whole body pics of your pet, annex IV, the health certificate/fit to fly from your vet, vaccination record & microchipping certificate. There they will check your pets microchip and issue the export documents free of charge

With them you are good to go to the airport. Small pets who fly in cabin can go in a soft bag, so they can be stowed under the seat in front of you. Larger pets need a IATA approved crate, with a bottle of water attached to it.

At the airport you hand over all your documents at the check in desk. Lufthansa deals with several pets every week. So they know what you are doing. Other airlines might need a bit of help, you can direct them to the Lufthansa ground crew for support. You might want to have a set of Xerox copies ready for them but maybe they’ll only take pictures of everything on their phones.

Once you’ve paid for your pet’s travel you are good to go. Either the crate will be taken directly into the aircraft or you take your hand luggage pet through the security check. There you will have to remove it from its bag, so you might want to have it on a leash up to this point. After security there is one more check, where you need to sign in a book that you are the owner and then you can board your flight.

Upon arrival in Europe you will only need the Annex IV and the rabies test certificate. Your pet’s microchip will be scanned and: welcome to Europe!



Are you and your , , or inseparable?

Thanks to EU rules, your pet can join you on your trip to another EU country.


Microchip or readable tattoo with identification

Pet passport issued by an authorised vet

Maximum 5 animals

Happy travelling!


NB-Temporary Dog Entry Ban Into the USA
The US CDC’s temporarily suspended the entry of dogs into the United States from countries classified as high risk for dog rabies. More info & guidance on US dog ban.

Canada Prohibiting Dog Entry from High-Risk Countries
As of 28 September 2022, the CFIA is implementing a new measure to reduce the risk of introducing dog rabies from countries classified as high-risk into Canada. More info on the dog import restrictions.


Taking Your Pet From India to Europe and the UK


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