Improving Milk Production of Indian Livestock by Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Milk production is a crucial component of India’s agricultural landscape, providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions. As the demand for dairy products continues to rise, enhancing the efficiency of milk production becomes imperative. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) present a promising avenue for improving the reproductive performance and genetic potential of livestock. This essay explores the application of ART in Indian livestock to bolster milk production, considering the challenges, benefits, and potential for sustainable dairy farming.
To meet the increasing demand of milk and milk products of the country, it is important to improve productive and reproductive efficiency of livestock by various reproductive technologies. Several reproductive technologies are available so far such as Artificial Insemination (AI), Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer technique (MOET), In vitro fertilization (IVF), Semen sexing, Cloning and Transgenesis. These techniques increases reproductive efficiency, transportation and multiplication of germplasm becomes easier. With these technologies we can conserve germplasm for future use. The technologies like AI, MOET, IVF and Semen sexing increases distribution of superior germplasm and increases selection intensity. The techniques like cloning and transgenesis transform DNA and improve genetic determination of animals. India has the world’s largest Artificial Insemination Infrastructure producing 37 million frozen semen straws annually. Main advantage of using AI is the dissemination of superior germplasms, progeny testing under different environmental conditions so as to increase the rate and efficiency of selection. In commercial dairy production, over 80% of cattle are bred artificially. India has 54 functional frozen semen stations and In October, 2000 Government of India had initiated National Project on Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB) policy for improved artificial insemination service at the farmer’s doorstep, supply of genetic inputs as well as liquid nitrogen to a specialized autonomous and professional State Implementing Agency. Through AI, the overall conception rate of Indian cows has increased from 20% to 35% and the coverage of Indian breedable bovine population has increased to 25 %. The main proportion of success of AI in Indian bovines is due to improvement in genetic potential through the use of outstanding sire. In vitro fertilization technique in which the oocytes (unfertilized eggs) are extracted from a donor cow by ultra sounded method of aspiration and fertilized in vitro using capacitated sperm. In vitro fertilization creates the immediate benefit of multiplication of superior germplasm and serves as a tool for conservation of precious genetic resources facing extinction. In IVF superovulation of cows is not necessary, nor is it necessary to synchronize them. Cows can be aspirated every 20 days instead of every 60 as in In Vivo embryo collection. By IVF, animals can be harvested at a very young age thereby reduces the generation interval for the animals with a specific desirable trait. National dairy Research Institute, Karnal has produced IVF buffalo calf “ Pratham”, goat kid and Sahiwal calf “Holi”. Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) is the procedure used to optimize reproductive capacity in females through the use of superovulation, fertilization, embryo recovery and short term in vitro culture of embryos, embryo freezing and transfer. MOET can increase the rate of genetic improvement upto 20 per cent compared to other breeding tools, used for obtaining more than the normal number of offspring from highly prized (Superior) cows or breeds, can be introduced to organized herds for faster production and evaluation of bulls. There are two types of MOET 1) Juvenile MOET and 2) Adult MOET. In Juvenile MOET, selection of cow and bull done at 12-18th month based on ancestors performances. In Adult MOET, bulls are selected on the basis of ancestor performance plus full & half female sibs while cows are selected on the basis of ancestor performance plus their performance. Now a days, government, NGOs and private agencies are using MOET technology for faster multiplication of superior germplasm. Semen sexing is the process of predetermination of sex of offspring in livestock species. It has various commercial and research applications, alter male and female ratios in farm animals and increase the meat and milk production. Semen sexing is mainly done by Flow cytometry. Major government Institutions and organized dairy farms are using this technology for increasing the production of dairy animals. Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original organism. Clone can be called as group of two or more individuals with identical genetic makeup, derived by asexual reproduction, from single common parent or ancestor. Somatic cell or embryonic stem of animals can be used for cloning. The animals with desired traits can be produced. Multiplication of proven bulls for increasing production, offset losses of among endangered species populations and production of animal models are the various advantages of cloning. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal has produced cloned buffalo calf “Samrupa”, “Garima I”, “Garima II” and “Shresth” by cloning. SKUAST, Jammu had produced cloned Pashmina goat “Noorie” from adult ear somatic cell. Transgenesis is a procedure in which a gene or part of a gene from one individual is incorporated in the genome of another with intervention of man. Transgenic animals are used for drug and industrial production, model for the study of gene function and mechanism of action, disease models and organ transplantation. Over the past twenty five years, the above reproductive technologies have become a crucial part of cattle breeding in most of the developed countries. However, in India use of these techniques are limited because of high cost and lack of infrastructure. Therefore, in the present scenario, we should concentrate on following objectives to increase the milk production of the country:
1. Selection and multiplication of genetically superior animals at the institutional farms and progressive farmer herds 2. Establishment of quality germplasm production centers in the form of breeding bulls, semen, embryos and their dissemination 3. Conservation of germplasms particularly endangered breeds through AI, IVF, Semen sexing, Cloning. 3. Breeding facilities through establishing AI and Animal Health centers at the farmer’s doorsteps, well equipped with trained village level inseminators and para veterinary staff 4. Reducing the number of unproductive animals 5. Multiply the superior germplasm from reproductive failure animals also 6. Production of designer animals for drugs, food, disease models etc.
Initiatives and Achievements of the Department of Animal Husbandry Govt. of India , during the year 2022
- Rashtriya Gokul Mission:
New Initiatives undertaken under RGM
- Nationwide AI programme-IV to enhance AI coverage
Nationwide AI Programme has been initiated in September 2019 and under the programme AI services delivered free of cost at farmers’ doorstep. Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme (NAIP) Phase-IV has been initiated from 1st August 2022 covering 3.3 crores animals through artificial insemination in 604 districts with less than 50% Al coverage. As on 2nd December 2022, 4.20 crore animals have been covered, 5.19 core artificial inseminations performed, and 2.78 crore farmers benefitted under NAIP.
- Genetic upgradation using advanced reproductive technologies
- IVF technology
IVF technology and artificial insemination with sex sorted semen is being leveraged to produce female calves for the dairy farmers. IVF is important tool for genetic upgradation of bovine populationat rapid rate, work which is done in 7 generations (21 years in case of cattle and buffaloes) can be done in 1 generation (3 years in case of cattle and buffalo) through IVF. The technology has huge potential in enhancing farmers’ income through production of only female calves with genetic potential of producing 4000 kg of milk per lactation thus increasing farmers income by manifold. Accelerated Breed Improvement Programme for establishing 2 lakh IVF pregnancies in the identified milk pockets has been initiated. Under the Accelerated Breed Improvement programme 2 Lakh IVF pregnancies will be established in the country. Subsidy at the rate of Rs 5000 per assured pregnancy will be made available to farmers. The programme has already been initiated in the country. So far under the project total 402 IVF embryos transferred and 30 pregnancies established.Further 19 Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT)/ In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) labs have been made functional. From these labs 15375 viable embryos have been produced and 1178 calves born through embryo transfer.
- Sex sorted Semen
Accelerated Breed Improvement Programme using sex sorted semen is implemented to produce female calves with 90% accuracy. Farmers taking Al with sex sorted semen are incentivized @ Rs 750 per pregnancy and balance amount will be met by the farmer taking up pregnancy through sex sorted semen. So far, 27.86 lakh doses of sex sorted semen has been produced at Government semen stations assisted under Rashtriya Gokul Mission and 31.12 lakh doses from Milk Federation, NGO and private semen stations.
- National Digital Livestock Mission (NDLM)
The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India has taken up a digital mission, “National Digital Livestock Mission” (NDLM) with NDDB. This will help in improving the productivity of the animals, control diseases that affect both animals and humans, ensure quality livestock both for domestic and export markets. NDLM is about formation of an integrated ecosystem for the livestock sector. It was conceptualized by Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, with the guidance of the office of PSA to the PM.
In Uttarakhand a Pilot project has been taken up in two districts namely, Haridwar and Dehradun. The pilot exercise was initiated from 1st April, 2021. During the pilot exercise all the field staff has been trained for use of IT tools and other than the routine activities following firsts have been successfully implemented in the field during current year:
(i) Use of e-prescription for treatment of animals.
(ii) Integrated call center application with INAPH system has been successfully used for receiving requests from farmers and closing them through INAPH system after completion of requested service.
(iii) Sero Surveillance and Sero Monitoring (SS&SM) module launched in Uttarakhand pilot.
(iv) In Karnataka a Pilot exercise involving small ruminants like sheep and goat is being started in co-ordination with NCDEX e-Market Limited (NeML) has been initiated. Main aim of this exercise is to operate all the activities through digital e-markets. Output of this pilot exercise is very crucial for designing the small ruminants related modules as the functionalities developed for large ruminants are not applicable for small ones as their life span is much shorter.
- Breed Multiplication Farms
Breed Multiplication Farm component has been initiated to attract entrepreneurship for the dairy sector, and to simultaneously create the opportunity for developing a hub and spoke model of dairy farming where small and marginal dairy farmers can thrive with the help of a local hub of reliable dairy services. Subsidy of 50% (up to Rs 2 crores per farm) on capital cost (excluding land cost) is proposed to be provided to private entrepreneurs under this scheme for establishment of breed multiplication farms of minimum herd size of 200 heads of bovines in the country except for hilly states and north eastern states where the number is 50. Further, for bank loan the entrepreneur can get an interest subvention of 3% by integrating with the AHIDF Scheme. As on 2nd December 2022 the Department has supported for establishment of 28 Breed Multiplication Farm.
National Gopal Ratna Award 2022
National Gopal Ratna Award is one of the highest National Awards in the field of livestock and dairy sector. Awards are conferred in three categories, namely (i) Best Dairy Farmer Rearing Indigenous Cattle/buffalo Breeds; (ii) Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT) and best Dairy Cooperative. Award consists of a Certificate of merit, a memento and following cash amount in each category: Rs. 5,00,000/-(Rupee five lakh) for 1st rank holder; Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupee three lakh ) to 2nd rank holder and Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupee two lakh) to 3rd rank holder. 3 best dairy farmers, 3 best AI technicians and 3 best dairy cooperatives in the country were felicitated on the eve of National Milk Day on 26th November 2022 at Bengaluru.
- Animal Husbandry Startup Grand Challenge 2.0
In order to scout for innovative and commercially viable solutions to address the problems faced by the animal husbandry and dairy sector Problem Statements have been prepared by the Department for organizing Animal Husbandry Startup Grand Challenge 2.0 during 2021-22. The startup grand challenge was launched by FAHD Minister on 26th November 2021 and last date for submission of applications by startups was 31 Jan 2022. 250 applications from the startups were received online on the portal developed by Startup India. Winners of the startup grand challenge 2.0 were felicitated during World Milk Day on 1st June 2022. For each problem area, winner awarded with Rs 10 Lakh and a runner-up with Rs 7 Lakh as cash prizes. Masterclasses, mentorship and incubation are also made available through Startup India to all winners of Animal Husbandry Grand Challenge 2.0.
- IVF technology demonstration at Central Cattle Breeding Farm (CCBF) Hesarghatta
IVF technology demonstration was made at CCBF Hesarghatta on National Milk Day 1st November 2022. IVF facilities will be available to all the interested farmers at their doorstep from CCBF Hesarghatta through service providers as per rates discovered by Department through tendering process.
- Foundation stone laying for establishment of Training institute for professionals
Foundation stone has been laid on National Milk Day 26th November 2022 for establishment of training institute for professionals with State of art facilities. Training Institute will be made operational by March 2023.
Unique achievement for the Year 2022
For the first time in the world, whole genome sequencing and genomic chip for DNA based selection of buffalos has been developed with funding under Rashtriya Gokul Mission. This has led to 2.5% higher genetic gain among buffalo population in a sustainable manner.
This unique initiative has been conferred Dairy Innovation Award 2022 in the category “Innovation in Research and Development – Farming” by the International Dairy Federation.
Online portals
Online portal for High Genetic Merit (HGM) Bull distribution has been launched during the year 2022. Through the portal, Semen stations can submit demand of HGM bulls and disease free HGM bulls are distributed online to all the semen stations in the country. Online portal for Artificial Insemination with Sex sorted semen and for IVF technology have also been launched during the year 2022 by DAHD.
Signing of MoUs with advanced dairy nation:
Joint Declaration of intent has been signed between Ministry of Fisheries Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India and Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Kingdom of Denmark for cooperation in the field of Animal Husbandry & Dairying on 2nd May 2022 in Copenhagen Denmark. Establishment of Centre of Excellence in dairying is also part of Joint Declaration of intent.
- National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) :
14 new projects in 7 States were approved under NPDD scheme during January 2022 to November 2022 (As on 21st Nov’22) at a total outlay of Rs. 355.25 crore (Central Share Rs.244.14 crore). These projects primarily aim for strengthening of village level milk chilling, collection and testing infrastructure by installation of 638 bulk milk coolers (with a capacity of 1491.00 thousand litres), 2990 automatic milk collection units and 1419 electronic milk adulteration testing machines.
Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations engaged in dairy activities (SDCFPO) :
Union Cabinet approved implementation of Supporting Dairy Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations engaged in dairy activities (SDCFPO) as a part of Umbrella Scheme “ Infrastructure Development Fund “ from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with an outlay of Rs 500 Cr. The budgetary allocation for the year 2022-23 is Rs 100.00Cr.
Achievement in terms of physical and financial progress:
NDDB has conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs 151.02 crore against working capital loan amount of Rs 10588.64 Cr @ 2% p.a for 55 milk unions and released Rs 156.24 Cr (Rs 78.84 Cr as regular interest subvention and Rs 77.40 Cr as additional interest subvention amount)for the year 2020-21.
For the year 2021-22, NDDB has conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs 208.88crore against working capital loan amount of Rs 13748.85 Cr @ 2% p.a for 60 milk unions and released Rs 171.45 Cr ( Rs 93.20 Cr as regular interest subvention and Rs 78.25 Cr as additional interest subvention amount).
For the year 2022-23, NDDB has conveyed sanction of Interest Subvention amount of Rs 104.95 crore against working capital loan amount of Rs 7637.12 Cr @ 2% p.a for 23 milk unions.
- Kisan Credit Card to Animal Husbandry and Dairy Farmers
In order to provide Kisan Credit Card facility to all eligible Animal Husbandry and Fishery Farmers, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in association with Department of Financial Services have launched a “Nationwide AHDF KCC Campaign from 15th November 2021 to 15th February 2022. This campaign was further extended up to 31.07.2022 and further upto 31.03.2023. During this Campaign, District Level KCC Camps is being organized in every week by KCC Coordination Committee coordinated by Lead District Manager (LDM) for on the spot scrutiny of applications sourced. Under this campaign as on 04.11.2022, total 19,97,541 applications received and out of which 19,28,548 applications accepted by banks and 9,53,963 KCCs were sanctioned in the country.So far, total of 23.70 lakh fresh KCC were sanctioned for AHD Farmers in the country.
D.Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme (LHDCP):
- National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)
The programme envisages 100% ear tagging of the eligible animal population and their registration on the INAPH (Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health portal), in order to enhance the traceability, monitoring and control of animal diseases. So far, approximately 24.83 crore cattle and buffaloes have been ear tagged; 16.91 crore cattle and buffaloes have been vaccinated in FMD round-1; 13.84 crore cattle and buffaloes have been vaccinated in the ongoing FMD round-2(during 2022, total 9.11 crores vaccine have been applied) ; and 1.32 crore ( during 2022, total 1.05 crores vaccines have been applied for bovine calves between 4-8 months of age) have been inoculated in the ongoing Brucellosis vaccination phase.
- Livestock Health & Disease Control (LH&DC) Scheme
- Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme (LHDCP) include both NADCP and LHDC, with budget allotment (BE Rs.1470.00 crore and RE Rs. 886.00 crore). Out of this, 159 Crores have been released to the States/UTs under LH&DCP during current financial year under different components of LH&DCP.
E.Animal Husbandry Statistics :
As per 20th Livestock Census report, the Total Livestock Population and total poultry in the country is 536.76 million and 851.81 respectively showing an increase of 4.8% and 16.8% respectively over Livestock Census-2012.
- The Breed-wise Report of Livestock and Poultry (based on 20thLivestock census) has been officially released. This report consists of demographic particulars and geographical distribution of 184 registered breeds of 15 animal species and poultry.
- Integrated Sample Survey(ISS).
In order to digitize all activities under ISS Survey,a software has been developed, in collaboration with ICAR-IASRI, consisting of a web portal and an android application namely “eLISS” for collection of MLP data from Households. This development will ensure the timeliness and reliability of the collected data. During 2021-22, the data under ISS scheme were collected through the android application.
Prime Minister’s AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus package mentioned about setting up of Rs.15000 crore Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF). The scheme was approved on 24.06.2020. Under the scheme, Interest subvention is provided @ 3% to all eligible entities. So far, projects value worth of Rs 4770.09 Cr. has been sanctioned by Banks with term loan of Rs. 3280.37 crore under AHIDF for 171 projects till date. Also, the scheme has been converged with the PMFME and PMSKY implemented by the MoFPI. This has given added advantage for the beneficiaries to avail more credit. Due to the implementation of the scheme, 13.14 lakh MT milk processing capacity, 5.47 lakh MT meat processing capacity, 34.92 Lakh MT of animal feed processing capacity have been added in the existing processing capacity.
- NATIONAL LIVESTOCK MISSION: This is the first time, the Central Government is incentivizing to the Eligible Entities like Individual, Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs), Farmers Cooperative Organizations (FCOs), Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), Self Help Groups(SHGs), Section 8 companies for entrepreneurship development to establish the rural poultry hatcheries, private breeding farm for sheep, goat and pigs and also the feed and fodder establishment. The scheme is also envisaging for focused breed improvement for sheep, goat and pig and fodder seed multiplication chain.
- Initiatives of DAHD under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM)
The Department organized Conclave of 75 Entrepreneurs and Exhibition of 75 Indigenous Livestock breeds on World Milk Day, 1st June, 2022. A conclave of the Entrepreneurs assisted through AHIDF scheme was also organized on 14th July, 2022. The encouragement and recognition of the efforts of Entrepreneurs will pave the way towards Prime Minister’s vision of activating India fueled by the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat.
A novel initiative named as “A-HELP” (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) is being initiated in 7 pilot States/UTs (Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and J&K) and the same has been launched in in Madhya Pradesh on 23rd July, 2022 and in Jammu and Kashmir on 11th October, 2022.
The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying celebrated “National Milk Day” to commemorate 101st birth anniversary of the “Father of the White Revolution in India”, Dr. Verghese Kurien also known as the Milkman of India, as a part of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” in Bengaluru on 26th November, 2022. The prestigious National Gopal Ratna Awards 2022 were conferred during the event. More than 1500 farmers from different Milk unions of Karnataka participated in the event. 50000 farmers also joined the event virtually by way of 1000 Village level camps organized through Common Service Centers.
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, MoFAHD participated in International Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit (IDF WDS), 2022 organized at India Expo Centre & Mart, Greater Noida. The four-day long IDF WDS 2022 held from 12- 15th September, was a congregation of global and Indian dairy stakeholders including industry leaders, experts, farmers and policy planners centering around the theme of ‘Dairy for Nutrition and Livelihood’. Stakeholders, entrepreneurs were given full details of the schemes being implemented by Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
The Landscape of Indian Livestock Farming
Diversity of Breeds:
- India boasts a rich diversity of indigenous cattle breeds, each adapted to specific climatic conditions. However, many of these breeds face challenges such as low reproductive rates and comparatively lower milk yields.
Importance of Crossbreeding:
- Crossbreeding programs, particularly with high-yielding exotic breeds, have been implemented to improve milk production. However, challenges such as adaptability to local conditions and genetic preservation persist.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Indian Livestock
Artificial Insemination (AI):
- AI is a widely adopted ART in India, enabling the use of superior genetics for breeding. This technique has contributed to the dissemination of desirable traits, but challenges exist in terms of estrus detection and the availability of quality semen.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):
- IVF allows for the fertilization of eggs outside the female’s body, offering the potential to accelerate genetic progress. The application of IVF in Indian livestock can enhance the reproductive efficiency of high-value genetic lines.
Embryo Transfer (ET):
- ET involves the collection and transfer of embryos from genetically superior females to surrogate recipients. This technique is a powerful tool for rapidly disseminating superior genetics and improving the overall milk production potential.
Sexed Semen Technology:
- Sexed semen technology allows for the selection of the sex of the offspring, providing dairy farmers the opportunity to focus their breeding efforts on producing more female calves for future milk production.
Benefits and Challenges
- Genetic Improvement: ART facilitates the rapid dissemination of superior genetics, enhancing the overall genetic potential of the dairy herd.
- Increased Reproductive Efficiency: Techniques like IVF and ET enable the production of multiple offspring from a single female, improving reproductive efficiency.
- Preservation of Indigenous Breeds: ART can contribute to the preservation of indigenous breeds by addressing reproductive challenges and promoting their genetic traits.
- Technical Expertise: Successful implementation of ART requires technical expertise, which may be a challenge in certain regions with limited resources and skilled personnel.
- Infrastructure and Access: Adequate infrastructure and access to technology, such as quality laboratories for IVF and ET, may be lacking in some areas.
- Cost Implications: The initial investment and ongoing costs associated with ART may be prohibitive for small-scale farmers.
Sustainable Dairy Farming Practices
Integrated Approach:
- Combining ART with sustainable farming practices, such as improved nutrition, healthcare, and efficient herd management, ensures a holistic approach to enhancing milk production.
Community Education:
- Community education programs that focus on the benefits and proper implementation of ART can empower farmers to adopt these technologies effectively.
Government Support:
- Government initiatives and subsidies can play a crucial role in making ART more accessible to a wider range of farmers, promoting inclusive growth in the dairy sector.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies offer a transformative pathway to elevate the milk production capabilities of Indian livestock. By addressing challenges in reproductive efficiency, promoting genetic improvement, and preserving indigenous breeds, ART contributes to the sustainability and resilience of the dairy farming sector. However, the successful implementation of these technologies requires a concerted effort involving technical expertise, infrastructure development, and community engagement. As India seeks to meet the growing demand for dairy products, the strategic integration of Assisted Reproductive Technologies into existing farming practices can play a pivotal role in shaping a more productive and sustainable future for the nation’s dairy industry.
Compiled & Shared by- This paper is a compilation of groupwork provided by the
Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)
Reference-On Request.