Anand Keshri *

2nd year BVSc& AH , RanchiVeterinaryCollege, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi-834006, India.

*Main& correspondingauthor;G-mail id –


Farmer’s income can be increase  through livestock sector by introduction of homeopathic medicine & alsodecrease the dependency on western/allopathic medicine. Fundamentally there are three ways In which income of farmers may be enhanced, viz., increasing the gross income, reducing the Costs, and stabilizing the income. Increasing incomes by improving productivity along with stabilizing income and risk Management through integrated approach are needed to increase the farmers income. Along with proper homeopathic medicine& with proper way of diagnosis, helps to decrease the chances of any discomfort to animals body& also increase the productivity of Livestock animals. In India,Cure well Homoeo Pharmacy, located in Aluva, Kerala, is one of the leading Homoeopathic veterinary medicine manufacturers and distributors in India. The Goal of homeopathy is to treat the patient’s symptoms while strengthening the immune system to help resist disease in the future.




“Veterinarians in the nineteenth century used homeopathic texts that were specifically developed for their profession”.  In the latter years of the nineteenth century, homeopathy began to decline in popularity with the development of the pharmaceutical industry, become popular again as a form of veterinary medicine in the past twenty to thirty years as animal owners and veterinarians alike explore it as a way beyond the limitations of conventional medicine. Homeopathy is routinely practiced in dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, and birds. Its use in other exotic species is growing.

“Homeopathic first aid for self-limiting conditions, can be readily taught to lay people. Because of the potential for harm if critical illness or chronic disease is assessed incorrectly, it is absolutely necessary to have veterinary training as well as training in homeopathic theory and practice in order to properly treat animal patients.

The historical background

A system of ‘Like cures like’ has existed since early times, appearing in Hindu writings of over three thousand years ago. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a German physician who was also a trained chemist, linguist and philosopher. It was while translating a herbal text by the Scottish physician William Cullen that the idea which led to homeopathy first came into his mind. Hahnemann disagreed with Cullen’s description of the action of the medicine Quinine and made some experiments of his own. Quinine poisoning has symptoms very similar to those of malaria, known at the time as ‘marsh fever’ and prevalent in the area. He took doses of cinchona bark (the source of quinine) until he became ill with symptoms that resembled those of malaria (a process he defined as ‘proving’ the substance), and then cured himself by taking minute doses of the same substance. Encouraged by this success he and his colleagues began a lifelong series of provings using higher and higher dilutions of the substances they were testing, and quite soon a body of evidence began to be put together. The information on the therapeutic action of these remedies and the many more that have been proved since Hahnemann’s time is collectively known as the homeopathic material medical. It is important to note that although provings have always been performed exclusively on human volunteers, and never on animals, homeopathic remedies work just as effectively when administered to animals. Hahnemann based his new system on three principles, known collectively as the Law of Similars.

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The Law of Similars

  • All pharmacologically active substances produce in a healthy and susceptible individual a set of symptoms characteristic of the substance used.
  • All ill subjects, human and animal, produce a set of symptoms characteristic of a particular disease or condition.

These can be defined as ‘rhanoes in the nature anHartinns’ nf the natien’

  • Cure, as confirmed by the disappearance of the symptoms of the illness, Can be effected by the administration of infinitesimally small doses of a Substance, which experimentally will produce in the healthy individual the Same symptoms as those of the sick patient.

Homeopathy Safety

Homeopathic remedies should never be administered without a proper veterinary diagnosis. Despite the popularity of telephone consultations among veterinary homeopaths, treatment using homeopathy in a critical illness should be considered to be inappropriate without adequate monitoring and follow-up evaluation by a licensed veterinarian. Homeopathy may produce side effects or a worsening of the initial complaint if the wrong remedy is administered, or if the correct remedy is overused. A Veterinary homeopaths are trained to use single remedies and correctly interpret symptom changes.

When used correctly and by a skillful veterinary practitioner, serious adverse reactions to homeopathic remedies are uncommon, but may occur. When the correct homeopathic remedy has been administered, it is common to see a mild worsening of the condition, called an ‘aggravation’.  Such aggravations should resolve within a short period of time once treatment is at least temporarily discontinued.

Need of hemopathic medicine

The society’s need for an alternative medicine has been increasing manifolds. Homeopathy has been found one of the best holistic and safest treatments for many people. This has been found true for animals and plants as well. Veterinary homeopathy is a safe, effective and powerful form of medicine, uses the principle discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Saxony. Homeopathy is useful as an adjunct therapy to manage post-operative pain and to speed healing after injuries. However, as a complete and well-developed system of medicine, homeopathy is effective as the sole form of treatment for most conditions, and is used that way by skilled practitioners.

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Various homeopathic veterinary medicine:-


Advantages of Veterinary Homeopathy Treatment –

  • Pregnant female are very sensitive to any eating products. But the medicines of Homeopathy can protect pregnant women as it proves safe for them.
  • The medicines of Homeopathy are well suited to young ones.
  • If a person has already been taking medicines. Then he can also continue with the treatment of Homeopathy.
  • It also controls the reactions caused by the medicines.
  • It does not encounter any side-effect.

Disadvantages of Veterinary Homeopathy

  • The treatment of Homeopathy does not work at the time of emergency.
  • It takes a long time to cure the disease.
  • Its treatment is restricted to eat so many things like the pickle, non-veg, oily food, etc.
  • Its medicines need due care to store.

Introduction of Livestock role in Farmer’s Income

Farmers earn income from various sources, viz. crop cultivation, horticulture, dairy, poultry, Fisheries, other allied activities, non-farm activities, and wage employment. During the last 30 Years, the income disparity between farmers and non-farmers has increased. In 1983–84 the average income of a farm household used to be about a third of that of a non-farm household. By the year 2004–05, this statistic had reduced to one-fourth. Livestock has been an Important source of livelihood for small farmers. They contributed about 16% to their Income, more so in states like Gujarat (24.4%), Haryana (24.2%), Punjab (20.2%) and Bihar (18.7%).

Problem in Livestock Sector To Increase The Farmers Income:

  • Insufficient prophylactic vaccination and deworming. Frequent outbreaks of diseases Like FMD, BQ, PPR, Brucellosis, Swine fever and Avian Influenza etc. continue to reduce Productivity and production.
  • Available veterinary support in terms of infrastructure (for hospitals and diagnostic Labs) and technical manpower are insufficient.

Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment:

Introduction of homeopathic medicine should decrease the chances of disease occurring& increase the immunity of animals. By the help of homeopathic medicine, it helps to Reduce Anxiety &Depression,Treat Allergies &Asthma , Treats Chronic Disease, Homeopathy for Weight Loss, Improves Body Resistance & Immunity , Use in Epidemic Diseases ,Surgery Avoidance & Cost Effective. And also decrease the cost of money which was used in allopathic medicine which are more costly as compared to Homeopathic medicine. So, it causes increment of  farmers gross income.



Application of homeopathic medicine in Veterinary is  far much better than allopathic. Because the medicine  will support the animals body at any age of years& with proper diagnosis it will get a good result & also increase the immunity, & kill the Disease causing organisms completely. The primary factor of medicine is  to give immunity& remove discomfort mode in animals&secondary factor will be the cost of money which is more cheap as compared to others medicine. By applying the homeopathy , the animals medicine i.e., cost of money will decreases & also give better productivity , which automatically increase the overall income of farmer. Homeopathy Treatment is found to be beneficial in some places. And some places it is not profitable. A large part of our population is moving towards the Homeopathy Treatment. Generally, people whose disease is not cured by allopathy. Are adopting its treatment as a last hope. To be cured by the treatment of Homeopathy a person should have patience as it takes a long time to cure the disease. So the homeopathy treatment has its place.


  • Chand, R.; R. Saxena and S. Rana (2015), “Estimates and Analysis of Farm Income in India: 1983‐84 to 2011‐12”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, No. 22, pp. 139‐145.
  • Narayanamoorthy, A. (2016). Farm income in India-Myths or realities.
  • Ranganathan T. 2015. Farmers’ income in India: evidence from secondary date
  • Report on Doubling Farmer’s Income by 2022.NABARD.
  • Report on Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017) Economic Sectors Volume II.
  • Everyday Homeopathy for animals by Dr. Francis Hunter, MRCVS, VetFFHom
  • ‘Homeopathy for the Herd: A Farmer’s Guide to Low-Cost, Non-Toxic Veterinary Care of Cattle’, by C. Edgar Sheaffer, V.M.D. ‘Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals’, by Paul Detloff, D.V.M
  • ‘Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production’, by Glen Dupree, D.V.M
  • Striezel A. (2001) Homeopathy as part of health management on organic farms. InHovi M. enVaarst M.(eds) Positive health: preventive measures and alternative strategies. Proceedings of the 5th NAHWOAWorkshop, Rødding, Denmark, 20-26


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