Innovative technology and practices transforming India’s poultry farming sectors


Innovative technology and practices transforming India’s poultry farming sectors

Dr. Mankhiar Pranit Vijay, Dr. P.K. Singh, Dr.Priyanka Kumari and

Dr. Surabhi Kumari

Department of Animal Nutrition, Bihar Veterinary College BASU, Patna-800014


In recent years, the Indian poultry farming sector has undergone a remarkable transformation, driven by innovative technologies and practices that have revolutionized the industry. India, one of the world’s largest producers of poultry products, has traditionally faced challenges related to disease outbreaks, low productivity, and environmental concerns. However, the advent of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable farming practices has breathed new life into the sector, fostering economic growth and ensuring food security. The introduction of precision agriculture techniques has been a game-changer in Indian poultry farming. Farmers are now leveraging data analytics, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, and artificial intelligence to monitor and manage poultry operations. This enables them to optimize feed consumption, track the health of birds, and detect diseases early, thereby reducing mortality rates and improving overall productivity. Additionally, advancements in genetics and breeding have led to the development of high-yielding poultry breeds that are well-suited to Indian conditions. These genetically superior birds not only produce more meat and eggs but are also more resilient to diseases and adverse weather conditions, addressing some of the longstanding challenges faced by farmers. Furthermore, sustainable practices such as organic farming, cage-free systems, and improved waste management are gaining prominence. Consumers are increasingly conscious of ethical and environmental concerns, driving the shift towards these practices that prioritize animal welfare and reduce the environmental footprint of poultry farming. This article delves deeper into the transformative technologies and practices that are reshaping the Indian poultry farming sector. It explores how these innovations are boosting production, improving the quality of poultry products, enhancing animal welfare, and ensuring a more sustainable and prosperous future for both farmers and consumers. By adopting these advancements, India is poised to become a global leader in poultry farming, catering to the growing demand for high-quality protein sources while mitigating the industry’s environmental impact.

Data-Driven Farming

In the contemporary landscape of poultry farming, the integration of data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of precision and efficiency. These technologies have revolutionized the way poultry farmers operate, offering insights automation and decision-making capabilities that were once unimaginable. Here, we explore the critical roles played by data analytics, IoT devices, and AI in modern poultry farming.

  1. Data Analytics:

Data analytics is the backbone of data-driven poultry farming. It involves the collection, processing, and analysis of vast volumes of data generated on poultry farms. This data can include environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality, as well as the health and behavior of the birds.

Environmental Monitoring: Modern poultry farms are equipped with sensors that continuously monitor environmental conditions. These sensors provide real-time data on factors like temperature and humidity inside poultry houses. Data analytics tools process this information, allowing farmers to make informed decisions regarding heating, ventilation, and cooling systems. For example, if the temperature rises beyond a certain threshold, the system can trigger automatic adjustments to maintain optimal conditions, ensuring the well-being of the birds.

Health Tracking: Data analytics extends to the health monitoring of poultry. IoT devices, such as wearables and cameras, can detect changes in bird behavior that may indicate illness or distress. By analyzing this data, farmers can identify potential health issues early, allowing for prompt intervention and treatment. This reduces mortality rates and the use of antibiotics, promoting healthier flocks and addressing concerns about antibiotic resistance.

Feed Management: Data analytics optimizes feed management by analyzing consumption patterns. AI algorithms can predict when birds are most likely to eat and adjust feed delivery accordingly. This not only minimizes feed wastage but also ensures that each bird receives the appropriate nutrition at the right time. Consequently, poultry farmers can achieve better growth rates and improved feed conversion ratios.

Disease Surveillance: Perhaps the most critical role of data analytics in modern poultry farming is in disease outbreak prevention. Early detection is key to minimizing the impact of diseases like avian influenza. By continuously monitoring environmental conditions and bird health data, any deviations from the norm trigger alerts. These early warnings enable farmers to isolate affected birds, prevent disease spread, and protect the entire flock, reducing losses and safeguarding the industry.

  1. IoT Devices:

IoT devices are the sensory organs of modern poultry farms, providing a constant stream of data that empowers farmers with real-time insights and control.

Sensors: IoT sensors are deployed throughout poultry houses to collect data on temperature, humidity, air quality, and other environmental parameters. These sensors transmit data to centralized systems, allowing farmers to monitor conditions remotely and make informed decisions.

Wearable Technology: Birds can be fitted with wearable devices that track vital signs and behavior. These devices provide continuous health data, enabling early disease detection and intervention. Wearables can also monitor factors like feed consumption and activity levels, aiding in feed management and ensuring the birds’ well-being.

Cameras: Surveillance cameras are used for behavioral analysis. AI-powered image recognition can detect abnormal behaviors or signs of distress in birds. For example, unusual movement patterns or changes in feather condition can be indicators of health issues. Cameras also aid in security and theft prevention.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI is the brain behind data-driven farming. It processes and interprets the massive amounts of data collected from IoT devices and other sources, enabling automation, predictive analytics, and informed decision-making. Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms analyze historical data to predict future outcomes. In poultry farming, this can include forecasting bird growth, feed requirements, and potential disease outbreaks. Predictive analytics help farmers optimize resource allocation and minimize risks. Automation: AI enables the automation of various tasks on poultry farms. For instance, based on data inputs, AI systems can automatically control the temperature and ventilation systems to maintain optimal conditions. Automated feeders can adjust feed delivery schedules to match bird behavior patterns, improving feed efficiency.

Early Warning Systems: AI-driven early warning systems analyze real-time data to identify anomalies. For example, if a sudden drop in temperature occurs, AI can trigger an alert to the farmer’s mobile device, allowing for immediate action to protect the birds.

Decision Support: AI assists farmers in decision-making by providing insights and recommendations. For instance, AI can suggest optimal feeding schedules or treatment plans based on bird health data and environmental conditions.

Genetic Advancements

In the commercial poultry sector, formal intellectual property rights strategies have not been the primary means of safeguarding intellectual property investments in superior breeds. Instead, poultry breeding companies have found great success in protecting their intellectual property through a different approach. They have leveraged heterosis and the inherent genetic segregation of hybrid stocks in the subsequent generation to their advantage. By controlling access to the pure parent line stock, effectively treating it as a trade secret, and by selling F1 generation birds, these companies maintain exclusive ownership of valuable genetic material. While patents have not yet played a significant role in poultry breeding, the pursuit of disease-resistant breeds may potentially alter this landscape in the future. Since the inception of modern poultry breeding in the 19th century, a wide array of breeds has emerged. These classic “pure” breeds were crafted by harnessing distinct local populations with variations in numerous phenotypic characteristics, such as plumage colour, feathering patterns, and comb types. However, from the 1950s onward, developed countries have focused on creating specialized breeds and lines geared towards maximizing specific high-yield traits, transforming the landscape of poultry breeding. Local breeds are preserved and shared among numerous small-scale farmers, while the trend in commercial breeding leans towards consolidation, irrespective of whether these enterprises take the form of cooperatives or companies. Commercial poultry breeders sell various products, most of which are the result of mating three or four lines. These lines must be continuously developed at the pedigree level and reserve lines also kept despite the constant economic pressure to dispose of surplus lines (Flock and Preisinger, 2002). Loss of genetic diversity does not yet seem to be a major issue, since fixation of alleles and degree of homozygocity are low (Flock and Preisinger, 2002; Hillel et al., 2003).

READ MORE :  Innovative technology and practices transforming India’s poultry farming sectors

Genetic breeding innovation in poultry in India has seen notable advancements in recent years. These innovations are primarily driven by the growing demand for poultry products, including meat and eggs, and the need to enhance productivity and disease resistance. Some key developments in genetic breeding in the Indian poultry industry include:

Hybrid Varieties: The adoption of high-performance hybrid poultry breeds, especially broilers and layers, has become widespread. These hybrids are developed to maximize meat or egg production efficiency.

  1. Indigenous Breed Improvement: Efforts have been made to improve the genetic potential of indigenous poultry breeds in India. Selective breeding programs aim to enhance traits like body weight, egg production, and disease resistance while preserving the unique characteristics of these breeds.
  2. Disease Resistance: Given the susceptibility of poultry to various diseases, there is ongoing research into breeding for disease resistance. Genetic selection is used to develop poultry lines that are more resilient to common diseases.
  3. Nutritional Efficiency: Genetic breeding innovations also focus on improving the feed conversion ratio, reducing feed costs, and minimizing environmental impact by developing birds that efficiently convert feed into meat or eggs.
  4. Adaptation to Local Conditions: Breeding programs are tailored to suit the diverse climatic and environmental conditions across India. This includes developing breeds that can thrive in different regions and climates.
  5. Biotechnology and Genomics: Advances in biotechnology and genomics have played a significant role in poultry breeding. Techniques such as marker-assisted selection and genomic selection help identify and select birds with desirable traits more precisely.
  6. Private Sector Investments: Private poultry breeding companies have been at the forefront of genetic breeding innovation, investing in research and development to create new breeds and improve existing ones.
  7. Government Initiatives: The Indian government has also initiated programs to promote genetic improvement in poultry. These programs often include support for research and development, as well as the dissemination of improved genetic stock to farmers

Sensor innovation for Sustainable Practice:

The conventional methods of poultry farming are giving way to smart and intelligent techniques that utilize embedded system-based innovative applications. These advancements enable farmers to monitor and control environmental parameters in real-time. Hence, the significance of this research lies in examining and comprehending the implementation of a smart management system for poultry farming, with the goal of enhancing overall poultry productivity. The Cloud computing technique is employed and sensors has been developed and found to be an efficient and intelligent method of remote control for the farmers, which highly reduces cost, time and man power. This in turn provides improved productivity and profit for the farmers, (S. Arunkumaret. al. 2018). The development of an automatic chicken feeding machine can be very useful to the growth of the poultry industry, (Shubham Mitkari et. al.2019). Smart control system for poultry farm with their factors and the drawbacks of the previous techniques that are used in the smart control systems,  (Mohammad R. Ahmadi, et. al.2018).

Diagram of Sensor system

Wireless sensors and pocked general radio service network system provides an efficient automated poultry farm monitoring system to monitor the healthy atmosphere for chickens in poultry farm without human interference, (Geetanjali A. Choukidaret. al.2017).

  1. Temperature & relative humidity sensors: Temperature measurement is one of the most common forms of physical measurement utilised in poultry production farms. However, many temperature sensors utilised in these facilities are not located at a sufficient height (i.e. located at bird level) to provide adequate data on bird welfare. Air speed sensors are essential for ensuring a consistent and even distribution of air speed throughout the building. To monitor this crucial variable, it is advisable to strategically position multiple air speed sensors within the structure. Low air speeds falling below a specified range have the potential to hinder growth and productivity in broilers. Conversely, in colder climates, excessively high air speeds can lead to chilling, making it important to maintain an optimal balance. Air speed distribution can be evaluated from direct aerodynamic analysis by means of air speed measurements from farms. Due to the turbulent nature of air flow in ventilated buildings continuous measurement is required for subsequent calculation of averages (Blanes-Vidal et al., 2010).
  2. Carbon dioxide sensors: Play a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness of the ventilation system within the poultry house. Monitoring CO2 levels, along with other greenhouse gases, provides valuable insights into the well- being of the birds. Elevated carbon dioxide levels can induce drowsiness and confusion in birds, much like in humans. When CO2 levels reach a certain threshold, it can disrupt their feeding patterns, leading to decreased body weight gain-something producers aim to avoid. Therefore, the research findings underscore the importance of incorporating CO2 monitoring into poultry house systems, as it can prove advantageous for farmers by helping to maintain lower CO2 levels, which are conducive to improved poultry health and productivity.
  3. Ammonia sensors: Ammonia detection is a relatively new condition being imposed on poultry growers. Under the new EU Directive on bird welfare from 2007 (European Communities, 2007), growers are required to maintain ammonia below a level of 20 ppm. Ammonia levels were meticulously tracked through the use of Gastec detector tubes (specifically, no. 3L and ELa) in combination with a Sensidyne /Gastec pump (designated as kit 800). The study’s findings revealed noteworthy outcomes: in comparison to the control group with 0 ppm ammonia, the final body weight was notably reduced by 6% and 9% in the groups exposed to 50 ppm and 75 ppm, respectively. Furthermore, mortality rates were significantly higher at elevated ammonia concentrations, with a mortality rate of 13.9% observed in the 75 ppm group compared to 5.8% in the control group.
  4. Light sensors are instrumental in assessing the impact of varying light intensities on animal welfare. While some studies have advocated for higher light intensities as a means to enhance animal well-being, the farming industry predominantly follows low light intensity cycles. Future research in this domain should prioritize determining a light intensity range that strikes a harmonious balance between animal welfare concerns and energy consumption. Additionally, the measurement of light levels remains a crucial aspect of this investigation. During periods of warm weather, the minimisation of poultry house temperature gain is the major goal of any ventilation system (Bennett, 2008).

Robotics and automation:

The allure of robotics and automation lies in their capacity to minimize labour requirements, operate continuously round the clock, and provide remote monitoring capabilities. Robotic technology has the potential to motivate broiler breeders and layer hens to roam within the facility, thereby diminishing the occurrence of floor-laid eggs and enhancing fertility rates. This, in turn, leads to improved bird health and welfare while simultaneously reducing the labor demands on farmers.

A robot can effectively save as much as 50% of a farmer’s time, slash the number of required trips by two-thirds, and create an overall enhancement in working conditions .Leveraging robotic technology integrated with artificial intelligence to assist farmers in making data-driven decisions for broiler production has the potential to create a more robust and productive growth environment. By utilizing robotics to promote increased activity among the birds, it can effectively boost muscle mass, leading to significant enhancements in the feed conversion ratio. Robots provide benefits that extend beyond mere productivity and profits; their presence can also significantly enhance the health and welfare of poultry. For instance, certain robots are designed to continuously scratch the litter, preventing caking and wet spots. Additionally, other robots are equipped to monitor and map critical environmental factors such as ammonia levels, temperature, and humidity levels throughout the poultry house. This data is invaluable for producers as it allows them to fine-tune ventilation and promptly address localized issues that may impact bird welfare or productivity. Such timely corrections can effectively prevent a localized problem from negatively affecting the flocks.

READ MORE :  Role of Modern Technologies in Shaping the Indian Poultry Industry

 Innovation in feed

The most pressing challenge in poultry production today revolves around cost considerations. Within the realm of animal nutrition, there are significant issues pertaining to the availability and pricing of raw materials. The current global landscape is marked by an unusual scarcity of raw materials, accompanied by sharp price escalations. While it is anticipated that this situation will eventually revert to a state of normalcy, with prices settling at reasonable levels, the current imperative lies in prioritizing cost optimization more than ever before.

Precision feeding revolves around tailoring the poultry ration to align precisely with their nutritional needs. At its core, this concept embodies the philosophy of executing the correct action, in the appropriate location, through the right methodology, precisely when it is needed. The foundation of precision feeding is rooted in the acknowledgment that, within a single flock or farm, individual birds exhibit variations in age, weight, and production potential. Consequently, each bird possesses distinct and specific nutrient requirements

Achieving precision feeding entails several fundamental components:

  1. Thoroughly assessing the nutritional capabilities of feed ingredients.
  2. Precisely establishing the specific nutrient requirements of the birds.
  3. Crafting well-balanced diets that effectively curtail the presence of excess nutrients.
  4. Simultaneously fine-tuning the dietary composition and nutrient concentration to align with the meticulously evaluated bird requirements. Such timely corrections can effectively prevent a localized problem from negatively affecting the entire flock

Etablishing amino acid specifications in feed formulations within the poultry industry. The determination of requirements for the ten essential amino acids has been significantly simplified through the acceptance of the ideal protein concept. When it comes to amino acids and their requirements, various factors such as genetics, sex, physiological condition, environment, and health status come into play. However, it’s important to note that most alterations in amino acid requirements do not result in changes to the relative proportions of different amino acids. Consequently, any actual changes in amino acid requirements can be expressed concerning a balanced or ideal protein. In this ideal protein framework, lysine serves as the reference amino acid, and the requirements for other essential amino acids are established as percentages or ratios relative to the lysine requirement. Table 1 illustrates the ideal protein balances for meat chickens at different stages of growth. The benefit of this approach lies in its ability to calculate the requirements for all other essential amino acids once lysine requirements have been determined for various conditions.

Table Ideal amino acid ratios of meat chickens for three growth periods

Amino acid 1-21 days 22-42 days 43-56 days
Lysine1 100 100 100
Arginine 105 108 108
Histidine 35 35 35
Isoleucine 67 69 69
Leucine 109 109 109
Methionine + cysteine 72 72 72
Phenylalanine + tyrosine 105 105 105
Threonine 67 68.5 68.5
Tryptophan 16 17 17
Valine 77 80 80


Feed Management Technologies

By focusing on the specific nutritional requirements of animals, precision feeding can effectively curtail the excretion of excess nutrients in feces or urine, all the while sustaining or enhancing animal production and the overall economic feasibility of the operation. This reduction in nutrient content in manure also leads to decreased airborne emissions. Precision feeding management techniques encompass strategies such as segregating animals based on their distinct nutritional needs and production potentials, constraining the presence of surplus nutrients, and optimizing the efficiency of nutrient absorption

Phase and Split-Sex Feeding

Precision feeding employs two distinct practices for animal separation: phase feeding and split-sex feeding. In phase feeding, animals are segregated based on factors such as age or production stage, aligning diets with the unique nutritional requirements of each phase. Conversely, split-sex feeding necessitates the separation of animals by gender, with diets being adapted accordingly. Presently, phase feeding is the prevailing method in use, while the adoption of split-sex feeding has been limited due to practical complexities. However, it’s worth noting that in the case of broilers, the implementation of this feeding strategy is indeed feasible.

Limiting Excess Nutrients

Excessive nutrients that go unabsorbed in the digestive tract find their way into the excreta. Dietary protein, which supplies essential amino acids, nitrogen, sulfur, and other vital elements crucial for reproduction, growth, and egg production, serves as a prime example. Interestingly, birds utilize less than half of the nitrogen contained in their diet, with the surplus nitrogen being excreted in their feces. To mitigate emissions, it’s beneficial to curtail crude protein levels in the diet, aligning them precisely with the bird’s actual utilization, thereby minimizing nitrogen excretion in the form of uric acid protein-limited diets with appropriate supplementation of amino acids can effectively reduce nitrogen excretion and ammonia emissions from swine, poultry, and dairy and beef cattle operations without a loss in animal productivity. Commonly used amino acids are lysine, methionine, and threonine, which usually can be added to feed without additional costs (Applegate et al., 2008).

In general, each 1 per cent reduction in crude protein with appropriate amino acids supplementation in poultry and swine diets results in approximately a 10 per cent decrease in nitrogen excretion. Greater reductions in ammonia emissions have been reported for swine and poultry fed reduced protein, amino acid-supplemented diets (Powers et al., 2007).

Alternative to antibiotic

This negative effect of the ban on application of antibiotics in poultry nutrition was attempted to be alleviated by improved housing conditions, quality feed and water, management and poultry selection focusing on higher resistance to certain diseases (Wiebe Van Der Sluis, 2004). Besides these strategies, antibiotic replacers were introduced. Among the numerous alternatives like probiotics, prebiotics, acidifiers and phytobiotics, the plant origin compounds attracted more interest. Many plant extracts have proved to deliver multifaceted functions viz., antimicrobial action, augmentation of immunity, antioxidant activity, gut microflora manipulation, nutrigenomic effects, digestibility enhancement, stress lowering as well as cholesterol-lowering effect (Prabakar et al., 2016).

  • Probiotics are the functional food ingredients. They are used therapeutically to improve lactose tolerance and to prevent diarrhoea (especially viral diarrhoea in infants, antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea and traveller’s diarrhoea). (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)
  • Attached bacteria are able to inoculate newly ingested food. Lactic acid- producing bacteria moving with digest to the intestine serve to influence that microbial community.
  • Body weight gain of birds fed diet supplemented with mg/kg of probiotic were significantly higher during +, + and days than birds fed the control diets. (Ahmad Khaksefidi and Taghi Ghoorchi 2006)
  • The use of probiotics has many potential benefits and include modified host metabolism, immuno-stimulation, anti-inflammatory reactions, exclusion and killing of pathogens in the intestinal tract, reduced bacterial contamination on processed broiler carcasses, enhanced nutrient absorption and performance, ( J. Poult. Sci. 5 (2) • May 2003)

Food Industry Byproducts as Starting Material for Innovative, Green Feed Formulation


Rising global populations and improved living standards in developing nations have spurred a heightened worldwide demand for food, particularly meat. While bolstering broiler meat production seems like a viable solution to address this demand, there are prevalent health concerns associated with broiler meat. These concerns encompass issues like the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and diminished meat quality. Consequently, the exploration of augmenting poultry feed with vitamins and antioxidant  compounds, such as polyphenols, has emerged as an appealing avenue for research within this sector. These supplements can be acquired through the extraction of agricultural byproducts, notably grape pomaces, artichoke leaves, and bracts. Such an approach not only holds promise in enhancing poultry feed but also contributes to the reduction of overall waste biomass generated by the agricultural industry. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the impacts of supplementing poultry feed with bioactive extracts derived from grape pomace (including skins and seeds) and extracts sourced from artichoke leaves and bracts.

Agricultural Waste as a Source of Antioxidants for Broiler Nutrition

Agricultural waste presents a valuable resource that can be effectively repurposed for animal feed production, yielding significant benefits in terms of animal welfare, growth, and meat quality. This transformation is made possible by the rich presence of functional ingredients and bioactive constituents, notably polyphenols and dietary fiber. One intriguing avenue involves the development of animal feed supplements using agricultural waste materials. In the context of broiler nutrition, agricultural waste, particularly grape waste products, offers an opportunity to harness valuable antioxidants. Grape (Vitis spp.) cultivation is among the most widespread in the agricultural landscape, with grapes serving as the raw material for various human-consumed products, including wine, juices, jams, and vinegar. These grape-based products are of immense importance in human consumption. In a separate study, researchers explored the effects of dietary supplementation with grape pomace (as a raw ingredient) or grape seed extract in chickens. This investigation sought to determine the potential advantages of incorporating grape waste byproducts into the diet of broilers.

The study involved an analysis of food-derived phenolic compounds present in the plasma and thigh meat of the broilers subjected to experimental diets. Remarkably, a total of thirty-two phenolic compounds were identified in the plasma, and notably, significant distinctions emerged between the two grape-based diets. Among these differences, eleven metabolites were exclusively detected in samples from chickens fed with grape seed extracts. Furthermore, some metabolites exhibited notably higher concentrations in either one or both of the grape-based diet groups, as compared to the control group.

Artichoke Waste and Bract

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) has been used as food and as a traditional remedy since ancient times due to its high quantities of bioactive compounds ( J. Food Compos. Anal. 2011). Similar to the winemaking industry, the industrial processing of artichokes produces substantial quantities of waste biomass. Despite being considered waste, these discarded materials retain a diverse array of bioactive compounds that possess therapeutic properties.

Artichoke leaves emerge as a significant reservoir of bioactive molecules with potential applications in poultry feed supplementation. Numerous studies have highlighted the positive impact of incorporating Cynara scolymus (artichoke) into broiler diets, often resulting in increased body weight and enhanced feed intake, while the feed conversion ratio remained largely unaffected. Furthermore, the introduction of artichoke-based supplements did not exert any discernible effects on broiler carcass characteristics. Notably, the primary observed effect of such supplementation appeared to be the reduction in circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thus contributing to the maintenance of lower blood pressure.

Innovation in poultry welfare (Musical Therapy)

There is no doubt that the intensification of livestock farming has exasperated stress among animal species grown for various products. The father of the concept of stress—Hans Hugo Selye—has said that stress is a natural part of everyday life, and should be treated as a normal response of the human body (with a specific pattern) to a particular stressor .( Int. J. Arts Sci. 2013),

The sense of hearing is of utmost importance for birds, and their auditory system demonstrates remarkable sensitivity within a frequency range spanning from 10 to 12,000 Hz [80]. In the case of hens, their optimal sensitivity to sound falls within the range of 3000 to 5000 Hz. This intricate auditory system constantly adapts to process complex acoustic stimuli, allowing for the precise recognition of temporal and spectral information found in the vocalizations of similar bird species. Notably, the development of hearing in chicks begins as early as the embryonic stage. While there was a consensus in the 20th century suggesting that chick embryos could perceive auditory stimuli as soon as day 10 of incubation, subsequent research has failed to detect such auditory activity at such an early stage.

Excessive stress induced by noise can have detrimental effects, including a decrease in muscle pH, leading to the production of low-quality meat, such as PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat. Additionally, it can result in hyperactivity among birds, such as nervous wing-flicking, which can lead to conditions like DPM (deep pectoral myopathy). Another study involving broiler chickens found that playing A. Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” at 75 dB for 3 hours a day from days 1 to 35 of age resulted in increased live weight gain and reduced blood corticosterone levels up until 7 days of age. Therefore, it can be concluded that the piece has a stress-reducing effect within the considered period, with significant differences observed mainly in the first week of age.


Innovative technologies and modern practices are significantly reshaping India’s poultry farming sector. These advancements encompass a wide range of areas, including genetic breeding, disease management, environmental monitoring, and automation. Automation include sensor technology to reduce labour and robotics and automation has potential to motivate broiler breeder. As India’s population continues to grow and demand for poultry products increases, these innovations are poised to play a crucial role in meeting the nation’s evolving agricultural needs, ensuring sustainability, and enhancing the overall productivity and welfare of the poultry industry.


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Innovative Technology & Practices Transforming India’s Poultry Farming Sector

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