Innovative Technology and Practises Transforming India’s Poultry Farming Sector


Innovative Technology and Practises Transforming India’s Poultry Farming Sector

Dr. Mukul Gabhane1*, Dr Renu Singh2, Dr. Diksha Singh1 and Dr Prashant rokade1

1MVSc Students, Department Of Veterinary Pathology, DUVASU, Mathura,

2Assistant professor, Department Of Veterinary Pathology, DUVASU, Mathura


India, a fastest growing large economy in the world is experiencing a rapid growth and development in many different sectors. Among this, Poultry industry is one of the fastest growing segments of agriculture sector in India. With the growing population and increase in demand of high protein food like eggs & meat, poultry sector has undergone a major change in structure and practices. Growing from small scale backyard poultry farming to large scale organized commercial production of chicken & meat, India has achieved a great milestone in fulfilling market demand of poultry products. Regardless of various challenges, poultry sector in India continues to grow and foresees further growth and industrialization with continuous application of various innovative technologies and practices.

What is Poultry Farming?

Term Poultry refers to the domestic fowl which are reared for their meat, egg and feathers. This mainly includes chicken, turkey, geese, quail, duck and guinea fowl. Poultry farming is domestically or commercially rearing of these birds, primarily for meat and egg production but also for feathers and show purpose. These are also classified based on their utility, like-

  • Broiler poultry- especially for meat production
  • Layer poultry- egg producing
  • Dual purpose poultry- used for both egg laying and meat production
  • Game poultry birds- for shows and exhibition
  • Fancy variety- these are ornamental breeds
  • Desi poultry- these are local breeds of free range poultry

Poultry is the most efficient transformer of low value feed into high value nutritional food for human consumption in the very short period of time. It is becoming a essential part of the farm economy as it provides additional income and job opportunities for the weaker section of the society.

It also plays a major role in meeting worlds demand of meat and eggs which is the best cheapest source of nutrients and play great role in health development. This forms a vital component of global agriculture industry.

Indian Poultry Industry

Indian poultry industry is one of the oldest industries. Here, poultry farming is been practiced from the ancient times and is mainly based on chicken production.  Until the mid 1900s, most of the chicken production was initially done in the people’s backyard and were managed by family members. Most of the people were rearing chicken in smaller number which was a supplementary source of income to the people mainly in rural areas.

Birds reared were mainly of desi, high input type and non-descript variety. Poor access to new advanced technology related to poultry and underdeveloped transportation system was among the biggest challenges faced by our country in earlier times. Soon after 1950’s, with increase in human population and development of the country, this sector in India has undergone a drastic change in the organization and functioning for poultry farms. There was a great increase in demand of chicken flesh, eggs, and chicken products.


According to history of poultry industry, it has been estimated that, in 1960-61, poultry population in India was around 114.20 million numbers, in which chicken were most numerous of poultry species. Total egg production and poultry meat production of India was around 2881 million eggs and 81000 tonnes of poultry meat per annum. During this period, modern, highly intensive and organized units for poultry meat and eggs production were been established everywhere in the world. New technologies were been adapted for development of high producing hybrid poultry birds with a good feed conversion ratios for broiler. Such intensive poultry production directed by increase in demand for cheap high protein food resulted in the spontaneous disappearance of traditional dual purpose or high input breeds of poultry. Some breeds that were most common during the 1960, like Orpington, Plymouth Rock, etc. had almost disappeared 20 years later. According to one source 74 percent of the world’s poultry meat and 68 percent of eggs are now produced intensively. The increase in numbers, especially in “Western” countries has largely directed by changes occured in human dietary habits.

Looking to this India has made enormous investment in the rearing, breeding, hatching, and processing of chicken products. This was major shift in poultry farming in India which further boosted the Indian poultry industry. Over the course of last 50 years India has achieved a great milestone in production and management of poultry. In this period, farmers shifted from the backyard raising of poultry birds to commercial poultry farming. Private players started large investment in poultry sector.

The major driving forces behind the rapid growth and development of India’s poultry industry are:-

  • Government support
  • Increasing number of non-vegetarian
  • Rising income
  • Rapidly expanding middle class in society
  • Emergence of Integrated poultry producers
  • Use of high producing birds
  • Reduced consumer price
  • Shift from traditional diet, which was mainly pulses, to egg, meat and dairy products to meet the protein requirement
  • Urbanization and expansion
  • Improvement in distribution channel
  • People moving towards organized poultry farming
  • Increase in demand of processed poultry products

Present Status of Poultry Industry in India

Today in 2023, Indian Poultry industry is growing rapidly and is one among the fastest growing agricultural sectors in the world. Most of poultry farmers in country became industrialized. According to official data of 2022, annual production of chicken meat in country was 4.78 million tones and eggs production has amounted to 129 billion eggs. It is been rising at a rate of 8 to 10 percent per annum. Due to this rapid development, today India ranks third in global egg production and 5th in global chicken meat production. Hybrid varieties of birds are being reared by farmers which offer fast growth, more production, good feed conversion and considerable amount of financial gain to farmers. Farmers are making use of professional and technical support. Furthermore, good quality of chicks, medicines, newly innovated tools and accessories are been made available. Application of new practices for production and management of poultry farm decreased mortality rate of birds and easy access to newly improved advanced medical facilities lead this sector more profit making. Because of less government interference, entrance of private finance, abundant veterinary support, feed storage process, this sector has grown to a large extent. At present, there has been gradual shift in consumers demand from live bird to fresh chilled and frozen poultry product in market. In spite of the fact that the wet market continues to dominate the poultry industry, there has been a remarkable increase in e-commerce with the expansion of home delivery of various poultry meats and processed meat products. Looking to the increasing demand for processed poultry products, it has been estimated to grow between 15-20% per annum in the coming years.

READ MORE :  Innovative and Technology and Practices transforming India’s poultry sector

Accomplishment of Indian Poultry Industry

The major accomplishments of Poultry Industry in India are as follows:

  1. Improved breeding stocks producing more eggs and meat for better profit
  2. Rationalized pricing of commercial and breeder stocks causing minimum variation in cost of production
  • Availability of large amount of nutritious feedstuffs in the market, like jowar, maize, fish meal, bajra, rice bran & polish, various types of premixes of minerals, vitamin, feed additives etc.
  1. Newly adapted technologies of feed milling help in production of precisely balanced poultry rations for optimum production of eggs and meat. Earlier, crushed maize or crushed grain were fed to birds but now a days birds are fed with compounded feed where various feed additives, pulses, by products are mixed and fed as per the requirements of birds
  2. Distribution of birds, poultry feed, farm equipment’s, etc. in all regions of the country help in expansion of poultry industry
  3. Availability of growth and production improving nutraceuticals lead to beneficial effects in improving and increasing the egg and meat production performance of birds
  • Improved feed conversion ratio cut down the cost on feeding of poultry birds lead to availability of poultry products in cheaper price
  • continuous innovative research and efforts of the poultry scientists and management experts engaged in our country upgraded the management of poultry industry
  1. Availability of modern advanced poultry farm machineries and appliances help poultry farmers to rear birds in best possible management on scientific platform
  2. Adoption of smart farming technology like automated poultry houses has enhanced the productivity of poultry farms
  3. Marketing of branded poultry products has improved the demand of poultry products over the years
  • Increase in demand of various types of processed poultry food products like chicken nuggets, frozen chicken, chicken sausage ,chicken keema, chicken popcorn, minced chicken
  • Financial support through government schemes and banking institutions makes easier for poultry farmers to raise large number of birds
  • Following the advanced technologies, Positive role of corporates players and integrators in industry enhanced the adoption of poultry farming practices by large segments of society


  • Regardless of rapid growth, the Indian poultry industry suffered many setbacks in recent times due to increasing feed cost, emergence of new or reemerging of existing diseases, fluctuation in market price of broiler and eggs, etc. which need to be marked to make the Indian poultry sector a sustainable enterprise.
  • Issues relating to animal welfare and environmental pollution by poultry units have been of increasing concern.
  • A major limitation affecting the growth of the Indian poultry industry is the lack of basic infrastructure for storage, transportation and maintaining cold chain. As a result, there is wide fluctuations in the prices of poultry products, i.e., eggs, broilers and processed products.
  • An inefficient marketing system- The presence of so many market intermediaries harms both the producer and the consumer.
  • The market price and availability of feed resources- Maize is largely used in poultry feed formulation, constituting 50 to 56 percent of broiler feed. As the broiler industry is growing at the rate of 8-10 percent per annum, the demand for maize and soya is also increasing.
  • Emergence and re-emergence of poultry disease


Poultry industry in India has come a long way and is undergoing great transformation by application of innovative technologies and practices. This has led to increase in productivity of eggs, meat and processed poultry products , economic growth and enhanced nutritional security of the country. As we move forward, it is most essential for all stakeholders in the poultry industry, including farmers, technology providers and policymakers, to continue collaborating and investing in innovative technologies and practices. Holding on to these transformative technologies and practices will not only secure future of India’s poultry farming sector, but will also contribute to nations food security, economic growth and environmental sustainability.


  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. (2021). “Annual Report on Poultry Farming Trends and Innovations.” Retrieved from
  2. Indian Poultry Federation. (2022). “Transforming Poultry Farming: A Comprehensive Overview of Technological Advances and Sustainable Practices.” Retrieved from
  3. BAH & FS BOOK 2015
  5. a look into India’s poultry industry, by Ryan Tseng, march 10, 2022
  6. BAH & FS BOOK 2015
  7. Indian Journal of Animal Health, December, 2015

Innovative Technologies and Practices Transforming India’s Poultry Sector

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