Insights into COVID-19 in light of Animal World embracing One Health concept


By-Harshit Saxena,
Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura

Milk, Meat, Eggs, Fabric, Pharmaceutical Products, aesthetic pleasure, warfare & companionship animals are used by humans since time immemorial. The relationship being so intense that compromise in affinities of one will be reflected to the other too. This holds true not only for animals under domestication but encompass entire animal biodiversity. The complex relationship between different niches is still unexplainable but genetic diversity nurtures stable ecosystem is well postulated. However relationship of humans to Animals is not always towards goods some negative & undesirable aspects can never be excluded. One such aspect is Zoonotic diseases that transmitted in between Animals & Humans. CDC 1 proclaims that 6 in 10 infections are transmitted to humans through animals & also 3 out of 4 new infectious emerging disease is from Animals only. The biggest example which the World witnessing is the COVID-19 pandemic that has created ruckus in entire humanity killing lakhs of people & shattering economies throughout the world & it’s a good payment to Interference of humans to nature in excess which often proves to be a reason for these diseases to emerge. Amidst nature is also self healing & this is also somehow proving a boon to animals especially wildlife free from human Interference
Studying COVID-19 & it’s consequences in light of Animals world is important in order to 1). To ensure Animal health & welfare under this hour of emergency 2). To support drained economies by increasing animal production , it’s efficient & successful marketing. 3). Understand roots of infection thus designing Control protocols & eliminate root cause of disease Hence this Article assimilates both negative & positive impacts along with stratigies mitigating these negative impacts. It also includes brief description about infection in Animals & testing.
Negative Impacts with Mitigation stratigies in near future
1).Pathos of Global Wildlife Trade revealed : This global crisis of COVID-19 has shammed the barbarous act of humans of which poor animals become victims since times. As origin of SARS-CoV-2 is believed to be from the wet markets of China where live and dead both animal are sold together. Though still epidemiologists are not clear of actual origin and dissemination of virus however the ‘spillover’ phenomenon from Animals to Humans is attributed mainly from Rhinolophus 14 genus of Horseshoe Bats considered as natural reservoir. But difference in the sample bat viruses and those from humans suggest involvement of some intermediate host like Pangolins and Civets too. And hence the Cruelity to Animals, Wildlife poaching , Animal trafficking and breach in basic morals and values of a Humans can be considered as sole responsible candidates.
According to a report a famous app called Dazhong Dianping in it’s menu gives list of hundred varieties of live animals and poultry ranging from wolf cups to mast farm civet les available with him from Snakes to Civets Cats 2 . As Chinese people put food as their primary need and it is not about ‘food to nourish but food to fancy’ in such countries wildlife commodification for public materialism for Fancy food, Traditional medicine, Exotic pets & entertainment and fashion apparels includes bringing these Wild Animals away from their natural habitat, breeding them in captivity & and get handsome returns. In China Traditional Asian medicine accounts for nearly USD 60 billion a year making China’s Pharmaceutical collect 3. As during these shift of animals from wild to commercial premises these creatures succumbs to the practices of business world getting meagre amount of food and facilities which led to increased disease prevalence in them which may be Zoonotic and can transmit to people working in close proximity to them. Understanding need of hour several countries like those of SouthEast Asia, Africa & China are shutting down these markets & strengthening laws and their enforcement.
Stratigies to tackle: For prevention of any future pandemic 1. Organizations like CITES (Convention on International trade in Endangered Species) inculcating public health along with wildlife protection by eliminating demands and closing markets. 2. Preventing degradation of animal habitats as it too cause spread of several Zoonotic diseases 3.Proper livestock management 4.Ensuring food security of such human populations that rely on food from Wild-Animals especially for protein. 5.Inducing Behavioural change in humans to reduce Wildlife consumption & Environment safety.


2).Impact on animal product markets- Marked financial drained is being noticed in the field of animal production according to Economic Times 4 in India poultry man is getting rupees 20 per bird where is the cost of production was rupees 80 even rupees. 70% drop in price of Chicken is noticed. According to a report 22500 crore loss 6 is being projected till the month of Feb this year in India. The unprecedented fall in animal products and its sale is attributed to following factors according to FAO:5- 1. Decrease access to animal feeds- movement restrictions
,unavailability of transport systems deprived farmers of proper feed requirements to maintain the production. 2. Reduced access to services and inputs- reduced medical aids caused increased disease occurrence, reduced or no availability replacement stocks completely nullified production in some livestock enterprises like poultry and pig industry. 3.Reduce access to markets- breach in logistical channel and decreased demand reduced production with low prices. Drop of price by 27% in 1 week is being noticed in American pig . Due to movement restrictions several intermediaries that somehow aggregate farmers, commercial processors and retailers are completely eliminated further worsening the scenario. 4.Decrease in processing capacity due to reduce labour, decrease in storage and conservation due to transport catch and change in consumption habit and most important is the end of informal business by small scale farmers that earlier used to hawk to cities to handle produce came to an end during Lockdowns 5.Restrictions on national and international imports and exports shattered a large part of business from Animal produce 6. Variation in purchasing power procurement and demand further discouraged the market 7. Rumours and fake news on social media in countries like India poisoned minds of people and discouraged them to buy animal products like animal meat.
Strategies to tackle: Several necessary steps are being taken around the globe in order to mitigate the negative consequences of COVID-19 on animal production. It includes setting up production supply nets, adopting emergency Management services and procedures making food markets to open while facilitating physical distancing, enumerating guidelines for COVID-19 control and prevention with supply chains issuing grants to increase packaging and freezing capacities with aim to develop products with long shelf life, organised group slaughtering, financial support to small and medium-sized business to mitigate effects of COVID-19 and making people self reliant, provide training and mentoring, subsidizing the animal farming sector and setting price control systems to ensure proper price of produce to farmers. In India government has announced animal husbandry infrastructure development fund of 15,000 crores in order to revive the sector.7 . Bio security measures are of great concern & should be necessarily taken in all animal farms.
Dairy Sector: despite of all the fuss going around dairy industry has proved someway a jewel of rainy day in this COVID-19 in maintaining economy and also supplying essential nutrients to people who under rumours had stopped consuming other animal proteins like meat. Though according to NDDB decline of about 15% is seen in the daily liquid milk sales by cooperatives in months of March and April and 8.8% decrease in the proportion of sales to procurement but the revival of industry is excellent. Recently US administration has announced package of $5.5 billion for dairy industry and India is planning to reduce GST on ghee and milk fat from 12 % to 5%. . High financial advancement of every stage of dairy industry is planning a new white revolution under this COVID-19 9 .
3). Fear of Infection from Pet animals- According to a report 8 isolated cases in three dogs from North Carolina and HongKong, 5 tigers from New York, three Lions from New York and 5 cats from Belgium Hongkong and New York found positive for SARS-COV-2 but CDC says that there is not enough evidence that could prove that there is significant role of animals getting infected from their infected owners and further propagating the infection. But this has created a bug in minds of people that their pets can prove as threat to them in near future this made several pet owners to abandon their pets on streets. Because the Virus captures host cell machinery by interacting with surface proteins ACE-2 10 that is present both in Humans & in Animals like Cat and dogs & as the jumping of virus is seen from animals to humans thus humans are trying to maintain distance from their Companion Animals. Several animals were therefore left orphan. become victim of accidents , or died of hunger as there no source of food around with all human inhabitations locked
Strategies to tackle: Only way is to educate people and inform them that animals should be considered safe not only this Companion Animals in a house of a person tested positive for covid-19 infection must be housed separately like other members of the house. Above all one should never forget the basic moral and ethics of being human. In this regard several social activist and people who you understand pain and agony of these animals came

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forward. In India Section 11(i) under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (1960) registers abandoning of Animal as offence.
4). Situations faced by Stray Animals: As people are logged in their houses and all restaurants and public places are closed thus the regular source of food for these animals vanished and what remains is hunger not only this theft of Stray dogs and cats for unbridled illegal trade is also a major concern.
Strategies to tackle: Several Governmental like Animal Welfare Board in India & Non Governmental organizations ensured food supply for Animals and served the needy. And shifting them to shelter homes.
5). Animal Health , Medical assistance and Vaccinations: Vetterinary services are considered under essential services during COVID-19. but alteration in routine veterinary practice is being made by following some (A) Operational measures like a).waiting of animal owners in vehicle during animal treatment b). Cashless payment avoiding direct contact c). Patient’s history by virtual or phone call, d). Visit of clients by appointment only, e). Telemedicine and Telehealth f). Treatment of only emergency cases g) separate hours for senior citizens. also some
(B) Precautionary measures like asking owners to maintain social distancing, timely monitoring of health parameters of staff, ensuring timely sanitization and maintenance of hygiene. Despite of this of some People who are choosing keeping locked rather than risking to outer environment discontinued Vaccination schedules of Animals and risked animal lives 11.
6). Companion Animals housed with patients tested positive for COVID-19: OIE 12 counsels that though epidemiological evidence of Animals transmitting infection from Animals to Humans is not present except a study that affirms possibility of infection from Minks but here Animals should be kept under same social distancing like other members of home. If one lives alone in his home pre planned preparations of foodstock and training of animal to feed at his own should be given as need to separate animal in emergency may be there. As Virus is undoubtedly Zoonotic thus limited contact should be with infected person. Such person must use proper face masks and hygiene measures must be adopted during handling animals. Kissing, Licking & food sharing must be avoided.
7). Psychological sufferings of Animals: According to a report both Stray as well companion dogs undergone behavioural changes & they are in a state of confusion due to closed Human dwellings & locked for the days in rooms respectively. As enterprises like Meat industry witnessed heavy financial losses the animals in replacement stock and those housed for sale were left away by business people once again revealed evil intentions of man.
Animals living in Zoos too missed human attention.
Positive Impacts:
Though positive side of coin accounts lesser aspects but they are ineffable because they are chanceworthy which these Animals perhaps might not thought & it includes Cleansening of Environment, Clean Water for Aquatic Animals, National Parks, forests , sanctuaries etc away of human interference, however increase in practices like poaching of animals is also reported. Animals are even leaving their wild territories and travelling around the cities portrays a paradoxical picture of animals on tour of human habitats. Chirping of wild flamingos in Navi Mumbai, parade of elephants in Wayanad town, and dancing peacock in backyard along with several other animals in different cities including bison, mountain goats, civets and migratory birds manifests rejuvenating picture of wildlife
13. Reduction in noise pollution due to reduced vehicles around provided calm environment to birds not only this
according to a report reduction in noise pollution has increased breeding efficiency in birds aquatic animals 14 as well as of Animals in Wild & in Zoos. In Ying Ying park of Hongkong two Pandas successfully mated after 10 years of attempt during this time 15.
Testing of Animals & Possible Clinical Signs:
As the world is looking towards embracing one health concept by ensuring animals health human health can be ensured. Decision for testing of animal shall be solely on the Epidimeological profile of the area and corresponding risks. Risk assessment should be carried by joint efforts of Public Proffessionals from both Human & Veterinary Science. The test available for only mammalian species and based on RT-PCR .For evaluation of the test for SARS- COV-2 epidemiological risk and clinical features are kept in mind and hence four categories as A,B,C,D are made.


All other ailments should be ruled out before testing. Though clinical signs are not strictly defined in the case of animals but it may include lethargy, coughing, difficulty in breathing, nasal and ocular discharge, sneezing, vomiting and diarrhoea 16.
Scientists are tirelessly working around the globe for finding the strategies which would ultimately bring this pandemic to an end whether it is preparation of vaccine or researching on efficacy of different drugs against SARS- COV-2. But amidst of all the biggest perturbation is solving mystery of how this virus has evolved and transmitted because the animal which transmitted this virus is still not known to us and might be continuously affecting people acting virus’s reservoir. Thus as the modern world owes the concept of ‘one health’ , work should be done by collaborating human and animal aspects.
Fate of this Pandemic is still not decided and graph of people becoming infected is steeping day by day around the globe. Hence there is urgent need to formulate measures in order to safeguard animal production which would ultimately support economies. Animal proteins including Milk, Meat & Eggs are basic food items that possess ability to enhance human immune system and hence confer protection against virus during this time.
Concludingly, ensuring Animal health and production along with timely monitoring of animals for infection & tracing back the root cause of the disease based on animal models will soon turn it in our story of triumph over virus & will surely make this pandemic a history. While solving the puzzle of this pandemic we must always remember that things can be made in favour of us only joint efforts are done to improve health of animals health of humans and health of environment . Above all what should be taken with us for our future generations is that we should not repeat those nefarious acts that perhaps become reason of this pandemic that has quivered the entire humanity.

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