International e-Conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector


International e-Conference on  Water Management in Dairy Sector (on virtual platform) ,

12 October, 2021  ,Organized By-Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence &

IRMA Water Centre, Institute of Rural Management Anand Anand 388001 (India)


 The current water supply on Earth comes from surface water runoff, groundwater, and snow, etc., which is threatened by over-development for agriculture, Dairy, Industrial purposes, domestic, increasing need for growing population, urbanization & other usages. Only three percent of the Earth’s water supply is made up of freshwater, with only half a percent of that available for human consumption. Thus, water conservation plays an important role in ensuring prudent use of the limited resource and ensuring that the future generations are not left with a dry earth.

India is the largest user of groundwater in the world with an estimated usage of 230 km3 per year. Globally, areas under groundwater irrigation are the highest in India (39 million ha), followed by China (19 million ha) and the USA (17 million ha), and at present 204 km3 of groundwater is pumped annually in India.

Sustainable use of water is becoming critical in India and requires effective participation from local communities along with technical, social, economic, policy and political inputs. The sustainable management of water requires considerations of both demand and supply side aspects of water sources and how the two are harmonized to achieve equity, livelihood improvement and sustainability.

India is the highest producer of milk, accounting for 21% of the global milk production. Dairy farming is a water intensive activity involving not only direct consumptive water use as drinking and cleaning water for animals, but also water required for feed. Sustainable Water Management by increasing water use efficiency and balancing the competing water needs with inextricable linkages to food security, peoples’ need, industrial growth, and ecosystem services is a challenge for our country today.

In view of the critical issues of water is being faced by us for all purposes, IRMA has taken lead for organizing the e-Conference with the aim to create a platform for dairy industry experts and researchers, civic societies to discuss various issues of enhancing water use efficiency for dairy production and processing and to chart out actions for drawing up future roadmap for research and development in the sector.

An e-Conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector has been planned by the Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence (VKCOE) & IRMA Water Centre, IRMA on 12 October 2021 with the participation of national & international experts from Industry, civic societies/ practitioners, Government and Academic Institutions.


The theme of the e-conference is centered on “Water Management in Dairy sector (for production & processing)”. Dairy industry is aiming towards becoming water saver and carbon neutral by adopting various means to achieve these goals. Efficient water Management is one of the most important steps in the world for living beings. The conference will have speakers from Industry experts, policy makers/planners, academicians, researchers and presentation of original research of the scholars in various areas on water management in dairy industry.

Some indicative areas of research are given below:

A.     Water usage in Milk Production
  • Water requirements for different types of feeds and fodder
  • Water requirement of different breeds of milching animals
  • Effect of lactations and milk yield on water requirements
  • Water requirement for dairy animal
B.      Water usages in Dairy Processing
  • Water requirements for different processing steps like cooling, pasteurization, sterilization, etc
  • Water required for manufacture of different types of products
  • Optimization of water usage in cleaning and sanitization
  • Measures for water conservation, management & recycling

We shall also organize a competition among the budding researchers with their research outcome related to efficient water management in the dairy sector and their presentation.



  1. Inaugural Session


B.      Expert’s presentations

A few invited lead papers on the theme topic will be presented and published in the proceedings.


C.     Young Scientist presentation and Poster session


The original research work on various aspects related to water management as listed above will be presented by young scientists and scholars in this session. Selected papers will orally be presented while some other will be selected for presentation as posters.

Presentations and poster will be judged by a panel of experts and the best presentations in oral & posters will be awarded prizes with a certificate.


                    CALL FOR PAPERS


Original research papers on the theme and befitting to any aspect of water management are invited for presentation at the conference. Each paper will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract. The authors may submit the extended abstract.

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The last date for submission of extended abstract by email on is 25th September 2021. The authors will be informed about the acceptance of their papers within 10 days. Full paper would be accepted within 13 days after the e-Conference (positively before 25 October’21) by email only in word doc). Only a registered delegate shall be allowed to present poster & papers. Participants from fresh students pursuing research (Masters & Ph.D, Post-doctoral) and young scientists in the dairy sector will be encouraged and accorded priority.

Format for extended abstracts

  • Title
  • Authors with affiliation & address
  • Email and mobile number of corresponding author
  • Objective
  • Methodology & Samples
  • Results with tables/figure & Silent findings
  • Conclusions/recommendations


The paper may have around 1500 words based on secondary and primary data sources. Technical review with extensive research and analysis for drawing conclusions may be accepted by the Committee. Non-technical, unorganized paper or less than 1000 words abstracts will not be accepted.



Proceeding of the conference in the form of a book with ISBN number will be published. The manuscripts received from experts, original papers and abstracts from young researchers/ academicians will be edited and published by the organizers.


There are no registration fees, but it is mandatory to have advance registration for participation in the conference. All the registered participants will be issued a certificate of participation after receiving their feedback forms.

About VKCoE

Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence (VKCoE) was established the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) in the name of Padma Vibhushan Dr Verghese Kurien to take his legacy forward. VKCoE is actively engaged in research, consultancy, extension and outreach while striving to contribute to policies related to Dairy and Cooperative Sector including agriculture cooperatives and other forms of organizations. The centre also provides consultancy services to cooperatives, producer organizations and large dairy entrepreneurs. The research outputs are disseminated at various forums through publications. It is ensured that the research findings reach the target beneficiaries through workshops, seminars and meetings with stakeholders. The research carried out at the centre ultimately lead to policy contributions in the dairy sector by bringing in the opinion of leaders, decision makers and development practitioners. VKCoE is open to collaborate with you in the interest of Dairy Industry in general and milk producers in particular. Being a dairy professional it is our moral duty to work for the prosperity of millions of our dairy farmers.

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Water scarcity and poor water management are the burning issue facing the planet today. The ramifications for India are far more serious compared to many other countries on account of agriculture & dairy sector for meeting growing challenge of food security for growing population for rural & urban areas, low water use productivity, need for value added purposes, etc. Given the enormity of the water challenge, IRMA has set up the ‘IRMA Water Centre’ as a Centre of Excellence in research for efficient conservation, water use efficiency, water institutions and policies on management issues, with special focus on water security for rural communities. The Centre’s objectives include, but not limited to, research and consultancy; education and capacity building; and action-oriented research on sustainable water management. Deliverables of IRMA Water Centre are Sustainable Water Management Models, Policy Briefs on Rural Water use, Education & professional development, Effective Water Institution building/ strengthening and Knowledge sharing among stakeholders. IRMA Water Centre is committed to make some positive contributions towards sustainable agriculture & rural livelihood.

For any clarification and support, pl. contact:

Dr JB Prajapati                             Dr Uday Shankar                                                                    Saha

Chairman, VKCOE                                                                                         RBI Chair Professor

IRMA, Anand, Gujarat 338001      IRMA, Anand, Gujarat 338001 Email:,                         Email:


Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence VKCOE at IRMA and IRMA Water Centre are organizing an international e-conference on Water Management in Dairy Sector (on virtual platform) on 12 Oct 2021. Advance registration is mandatory for participation. Abstracts for oral presentation/ Poster presentation on water usages in milk production and dairy processing are welcome from students, research scholars, faculties and individuals from dairy sectors .


Source-Dr.Smruti Smita Mohapatra Samal,Junior Research Fellow at Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence VKCOE at IRMA, Veterinary Consultant at Pet Hero and Owner/Blogger at The Times of India | Blogs

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