Dr. K. D. Kamble, M. V. Sc (Poultry)

Assistant Commandant (Vet)

33 BN SSB Kewti, P.O.- Bhanupratappur

Uttar Bastar, Kanker


Kadknath also known as kalamasi or black flesh chicken is an Indian native chicken breed with its home tract in Jhabua and Dhar Districts of Madhya Predesh. It is known to be a sacred bird and is offered as sacrifice to Goddess at the time of Diwali by tribals. It is known to have high nutritional and medicinal value. Its flesh is known to have aphrodisiac value as well. Its flesh has more than 25% protein, less fat (0.73-1.03%), less cholesterol (184.75 mg) and can be easily consumed even by heart patients.


It is reared for broiler as well as egg production. It weighs 1-1.5 kg at the age of 4.5 months, egg production is 90-120 eggs per year. Being a slow brooder and scavenging bird the growth rate is poor. The colour of comb, wattles, tongue, wings, legs and plumage and even internal organs, blood, bone marrow and meninges are black in colour due to a rare genetic condition known as ‘fibromelanosis’ caused by presences of major gene ‘Fm’ which leads to deposition of melanin pigment in muscle fibres, blood and internal organs. Due to the black flesh eye appeal plays an important role as the market is affected. It has high demand and the eggs sell at a rate of Rs. 20 per egg and meat sells at Rs. 600/- per kg.

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Apart from high nutritious value it has good disease resistance and can be easily reared in agro-climatic conditions of Chhattisgarh as backyard poultry farming.


Keeping in view the above quality traits in Kadaknath a week long vocational training on Kadaknath farming was conceptualized under the guidance of Sector Hqrs (Spl. Ops,) Bhilai with an objective to impart vocational skills training in the field of poultry farming dedicated to rearing, production and marketing of Indian native poultry breed Kadaknath having high nutritious and medicinal value.


52 rural tribal youths from the AOR of 33 & 28 Bn i.e. Bhanupratappur and Antagarh were identified and selected for the training programme to encourage them for use of available local resources and to encourage spirit of entrepreneurship.

Apart from SSB other agencies/ institution actively enganged were D.S.V.C. Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalay, Durg; Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kanker; NABARD and SBI as training partners.

A series of technical session were so designed that the participants knowledge can be enriched for total integration of concept of training to boost the rural economy and engangement. All the aspects of training were covered which included introduction, rearing, care and management, preparation of low cost poultry house, procurement  of chicks and equipments required, common diseases, vaccination schedule, economics of setting up a Kadaknath broiler/layer farm and marketing with the help of classroom lectures, multimedia presentations, case studies and constructive interaction. A field visit to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kanker for practical demonstration for hands on training was also organized.

The training programme was meticulously planned, poisely monitored and executed with dedication as a team work.

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Since this was a first step for sensitizing and motivating rural unemployed youth to start their own enterprise for boosting rural economy, a desired road map has been prepared for formation of JLG (Joint Liability Group) to make the local youths economically self-reliant. This will facilitate them for financing from NABARD and other financial institutions.

An effective and constructive dialogue was established between SSB and the participating trainees which will help them generate awareness regarding income generating schemes based on agro-industries and how to avail different financial schemes/loan/subsidy for starting their own poultry enterprise thereby strengthening rural economy.

A regular follow up and technical assistance by Vets of SSB, experts of Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya Durg, KVK, Kanker and state A.H. department will definitely change the present poultry scenario of  North Bastar region.

The training course has started a new commitment among local youths to engage in productive employment enterprise related to poultry farming. It has also taken a giant step towards skill development, self-employment and self-enrichment.


SSB will surely have the added advantage of weaning away local youths from maoist influence and narrative by this endeavour.


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