Karnataka HC Quashes Centre’s order Banning 23 ‘Dangerous’ Dog Breeds, Calls for Expert Consultation

Karnataka HC Quashes Centre's order Banning 23 'Dangerous' Dog Breeds, Calls for Expert Consultation

Karnataka HC Quashes Centre’s order Banning 23 ‘Dangerous’ Dog Breeds, Calls for Expert Consultation

The court said the Centre can issue another circular after proper consultation and by following proper procedure.Last month, the Centre ordered a ban on the sale and breeding of 23 ‘ferocious’ dog breeds due to a rise in cases of canine attacks across the country

The Karnataka High Court has revoked the Centre’s order that banned 23 breeds of dogs that were considered “dangerous for human life”.

The High Court in its judgment said that none of the stakeholders, especially pet owners were consulted in the process. The court highlighted the importance of consulting pet owners and relevant organisations before implementing such bans stressing on their responsibility in case their pets cause harm and incur expenses.

A single judge bench of Justice M Nagaprasanna squashed Centre’s order but said that it could revise the circular after consulting with experts, including organisations certifying dog breeds and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

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“The Union of India could not have imposed the ban without a recommendation from a properly constituted committee,” Justice Nagaprasanna said.

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The Karnataka High Court passed the order following a joint petition filed by a professional dog handler and the owner of a Rottweiler. The petitioner alleged that the Centre’s circular neglected to consult any stakeholders before the decision. Besides, the petitioner argued that the circular was highly arbitrary and exhibited discrimination.

Last month, the Centre ordered a ban on the sale and breeding of 23 “ferocious” dog breeds due to a rise in cases of canine attacks across the country. The government also directed to sterilise the23 breeds if pet owners have them.

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Govt bans 23 ‘ferocious’ dog breeds including pitbull, bulldog—Check full list

The 23 dog breeds that were banned were: Pitbull Terrier, Tosa Inu, American Staffordshire Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog, Boerboel Kangal, Central Asian Shepherd Dog and Caucasian Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog, Tornjak, Sarplaninac, Japanese Tosa and Akita, Mastiffs, Terriers, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Wolf Dogs, Canario, Akbash Dog, Moscow Guard Dog, Cane Corso and Bandog.



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