Know About the World Veterinary Association (WVA)


                             Know About the World Veterinary Association (WVA)

Hundred-fifty years ago, in 1863, Dr J. Gamgee convened a first International Veterinary Congress. This initiative grew into the World Veterinary Association (WVA) today. The WVA unites and represents the global veterinary profession. It is the umbrella organization for National Veterinary. Associations and International associations of veterinarians working in different areas of veterinary medicine. The WVA continues the ambition of Dr Gamgee to bring veterinarians from all over the world together, to share experiences, to exchange ideas and to join forces for the promotion and development of veterinary medicine. The WVA defends the interest of the health and welfare of animals and people as well as the interest of its member organisations and their members.


The World Veterinary Association is recognized and respected as the trusted and influential voice of global veterinary medicine.


To provide global leadership for the veterinary profession and promote animal health and welfare and public health, through advocacy, education, and partnership.

Humans, animals and environment


I want to welcome you to access the World Veterinary Association website. In it, we want to show who we are and what we do to be the voice of the global veterinary medicine. We want to be recognized, respected and trusted to influence worldwide in our task to improve animal health, animal welfare, public health and the environment, in short, for the good of humanity, animals and our planet.

The WVA is a federation of veterinary associations based on the respect for diversity that makes us stronger. Mutual collaboration and solidarity are our signs of authenticity. And science, education and advocacy are the instruments to achieve our goals.

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For a global association like ours, communication is essential. But this communication must be bidirectional, so I want to encourage you, dear guest, to send us your ideas through our contact section or any other way.

Thank you for the time you spend visiting our website, now and in the future.”

————Dr. Rafael Laguens, WVA President

The 2024 World Veterinary Day is celebrated on 27th of April and has the theme ‘Veterinarians are essential health workers

Veterinarians competencies must be regarded as an essential and integral part of health at large. The application of veterinary science contributes not only to animal health and well-being but also to humans physical, mental and social well-being.

This dimension of the veterinarians’ work often remains invisible to the society but protecting and improving the health of people and their communities is an essential part of the vet profession.

All graduated veterinarians have unergone comprehensive medical training, and regardless of their professional area of practice, are responsible, for promoting public health and food safety and security.

Applications are now open for the World Veterinary Day Award, which honours one WVA Member’s activities related to 2024’s theme.

View and download the campaign materials here.

One Health champion Dr Simon Doherty is recognised as “Veterinarian of the Year 2024” of the WVA Global Veterinary Awards supported by Ceva Santé Animale

The World Veterinary Association (WVA) and Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) are pleased to announce the winner of Veterinarian of the Year 2024 of the WVA Global Veterinary Awards, as Dr. Simon Doherty, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The WVA Global Veterinary Awards are an evolution from the previous WVA Animal Welfare Awards, which were extended to include all 4 WVA’s areas of work – Animal Welfare, One Health, Medicine Stewardship and Veterinary Education – and to also recognise the Vet student of the year. Having won the prize for One Health, each of the WVA Working Groups Chairpersons voted for an overall winner, with Dr. Simon Doherty coming out as the winner.
The announcement was made on stage at a glittering ceremony as part as part of the 39th World Veterinary Association Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Dr. Doherty began his veterinary career working in a progressive farm animal and equine practice and was later appointed the Animal Health & Aquaculture Sector Specialist for the UK Government’s Department for International Trade. He went on to become President of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) and was the founding chair of the UK One Health Coordination Group, later chairing the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) Food Safety & Sustainability Working Group.
For the last fifteen years, he has been working with the international NGO, Ripple Effect (formerly Send a Cow) which is involved in sustainable development in six sub-Saharan countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi & Zambia bringing his expertise in livestock health & welfare, and One Health, to the organisation.

He currently works as Senior Lecturer (Education) in Animal Health in the School of Biological Sciences & Institute of Global Food Security, Queen’s University, Belfast.

“I am absolutely thrilled and shocked to receive this award! When I talk about One Health I always discuss it in the context of One Health in Action. Action requires many people to be ‘hands on’ and this accolade is fantastic recognition of the many team efforts of which I have been part of and offered leadership to.”

————————-Dr Simon Doherty

The other four prize winners were:

Animal Welfare: Dr. Sheilah Robertson of Florida, USA

Medicine Stewardship: Dr Shane Renwick of Ontario, Canada

Veterinary Education: Professor Dato’ Dr. Azmi Lila of Universiti of Putra, Malaysia

Student of the Year (supported by the International Veterinary Students’ Association): Yuri Victor Calvo based in São Paulo, Brazil

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Speaking on behalf of the WVA, Immediate Past President Dr. Rafael Laguens, said: “It has been a great pleasure to be able to meet in person with all the winners of the different categories of the first edition of the Global Veterinary Awards at the award ceremony, which has embodied a global celebration of the diversity, values and significance of the veterinary profession, personified by the work of each of the winners. This event has become one of the essential activities of our 2024 World Congress.

Dr. Marc Prikazsky‘s presence on this occasion represents Ceva Santé Animale’s commitment to these awards, the World Veterinary Association, and the veterinary profession in its global scope. I foretold a successful and long life for the future editions of these awards.” For Ceva Santé Animale, Chairman and CEO Dr. Marc Prikazsky added: “I am immensely proud that we have been able to support WVA in recognising these incredible individuals from our profession. Having met each of them in person and seeing the outstanding work they do; I can see why it was so difficult to select one overall winner. Simon is however a very worthy first winner of Veterinarian of the Year and a great ambassador for the critical shift to One Health.”


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