Compiled by-Dr.M.Menaga ,Mr.M.Mohammed Faizullah
Dr.S.Athithan ,Dr.S.Balasundari

For example, increased primary productivity might, in turn, lead to increased bacterial productivity in the water. This is because algae can release organic carbon that ranges from  simple  sugars  to  complex  polysaccharides  that  can  then  be  utilized  by
heterotrophs. Moreover, algae are organisms with short lifespans, and when they die, this increases the amount of available organic carbon for faster reproduction of heterotrophs (Hargreaves 2006). However, bacteria can degrade organic materials and produce nutrients as well vitamins and other bioactive compounds that can
stimulate phytoplankton growth (Hargreaves 2006; De Schryver et al. 2008).

An  inhibitory  effect  between  microalgae  and  bacteria  can  be  from  the production of antagonistic growth substances such as antibiotics and/or allelopathic substances including aponin, anatoxin, microcystin and hemagglutenin (Fuentes et al.
2016). Each group can also influence the chemical environment of the other and thereby affect their metabolism or nutrient activity (Hargreaves 2006). For instance, the production of glucossidases, chitinases, cellulases and other enzymes by bacteria
might lyse the cells of microalgae (Hancock et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010).

Phytoplankton-Nitrifying Bacteria Competitive role in Summer & Winter

There are also possibilities of substrate competition, such as for ammonia or nitrate, that depends on temperature and amount of ammonia. Phytoplankton will generally outcompete nitrifying bacteria for low ammonia-N concentrations during the summer while a higher concentration of substrate during  winter will be more favourably utilized by nitrifying bacteria (Hargreaves 1997).


Heterotrophic dominance in Biofloc- Boon or Bane ?

Heterotrophic bacteria are generally classified into floc-forming bacteria and filamentous   bacteria.   Floc-forming   bacteria   encourage   the   aggregation   of microorganisms and dead particles in the water and make the biofloc to have a small volume but high density. This might be due to production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), including polysaccharides that encourages binding of bacteria cells to other particles in the environment. Filamentous bacteria, however, lead to the formation of poorly aggregated bioflocs with a high volume but low density (De Schryver et al. 2008; Dauda et al. 2018a).

Density variant in Biofloc and its correlation with Biofloc colour

Biofloc density can be related to the stoichiometry analysis of Ebeling et al. (2006) who stated that 1 g of ammonia-N will produce 15.85 g of algae biomass, 0.20 g of nitrifying bacteria and 8.07 g of heterotrophic bacteria.

In addition, heterotrophic bacteria grow faster than autotrophs and the bacteria  biomass  produced  per  substrate  is 40  times  greater  than  that  of chemoautotrophic bacteria (Ebeling et al.2006; Hargreaves 2006).


Biofloc colour                                                       Floc Density


Bioflocs in algae dominated tanks are usually   greenish   in   colour   and   are dominated  by  filamentous  microalgae

(Spirogyra, Anabaena and Oscillatoria),

which are usually loosely attached to each other and hence, have a spatial

structure (Ju et al. 2008).

Characterized  with  having  a  high  settling volume but low density/biomass yield (Xu et

al. 2016).

Bioflocs composed mostly of nitrifying bacteria that are usually greenish-brown in colour May  have  a  lower  density  compared  to heterotrophs dominated bioflocs.
Heterotrophic dominated bioflocs, will be brownish in colour and are more closely

aggregated (Xu et al. 2016).

The  highest  biofloc  densities  are  usually observed


Why does Biofloc systems shows an increased Nitrate concentration in due course of culture?

This is because phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria have the ability to remove nitrogen from the system, however nitrifying bacteria only convert the toxic nitrogen metabolites to less toxic nitrate-N (Timmons et al. 2002).

Theoretically, heterotrophic dominated BFT would have better performance of nutrient conversion because phytoplankton uptake varies based on daylight exposure.
Notwithstanding, differences in nutrient removal by BFT is normally only noticed at the initial stage during biofloc establishment and thereafter nutrient removal becomes
more stable (Samocha et al. 2007; Xu & Pan 2012; Perez-Fuentes et al. 2016).

It is safe to suggest that once a matured biofloc attains equilibrium among the heterogeneous microbial community, they play complementary roles in the removal of nutrient from the culture medium. However, less toxic nitrate might still be abundant
in systems dominated by nitrifying bacteria or filamentous bacteria (Samocha et al. 2007; Crab et al. 2012). This is because filamentous bacteria store nitrate-N, which is then released under low dissolved oxygen concentrations (Su et al. 2013).


Does Heterotrophic biofloc based System alone is recommended for shrimp and Fish culture ?


Xu et al.    (2016) suggested that the bioflocs dominated by a mixture of microalgae and bacteria are more beneficial than heterotrophic bacteria dominated for the culture of shrimps. As this was evident in improved growth and feed utilization performance of shrimps reared in bioflocs with a mixed proportion of microalgae and bacteria compared to heterotrophic bacteria dominated bioflocs. Ju et al. (2008) also reported a higher crude protein and lipid content of 41.9% and 2.3%, respectively, in a phytoplankton dominated biofloc-based system compared to 38.4% and 1.2% in crude protein and lipid, respectively, when bacteria dominated.

4.Influence of Bio engineering Parameter’s on biofloc characteristics

Bio engineering parameters in biofloc-based systems include temperature, mixing intensity, dissolved oxygen, pH, organic carbon source and organic loading rate which have a varying effects on the characteristics and quality of the bioflocs (Hargreaves 2006; De Schryver et al. 2008).

Temperature   —-                   A low temperature of 4°C resulted in deflocculation of the flocs and he suggested that this might be due to the  reduced  activity  of  microbial  organism  lower temperatures, Wilen et al. (2003).

Krishna and Van Loosdrecht (1999) reported bulky flocs at a temperature between 30 and 35°C and suggested that this might be due to excessive activities of the microbial community in the system.

The  particle  aggregation  and  biofloc  formation  as  dictated by the total suspended solid increased with  increasing temperature, and it was significantly higher  at 30 and 33°C.

A temperature of between 20 and 25°C be used to produce bioflocs with  a Sludge-volume index (SVI, which is volume in millimetre occupied by 1 g of biofloc) of 200 mL g-1 (De Schryver et al. 2008).

pH and Alkalinity ——-                      (1)  The carbon source and carbon to nitrogen ratio may have effect on the rate of decrease in pH in BFT.

➢  Dauda et al. (2017) observed a lower pH in rice
bran-based   BFT   compared   to  glycerol   and

➢  A lower C/N ratio of 9 was reported to favour
autotrophic   organisms   while 18   favoured
heterotrophic organisms (Xu et al. 2016). Then,
this might suggest a rapid decrease in pH and
alkalinity in BFT with C/N ratio below 10.

(2) The choice of alkalinizing compounds may also
influence    BFT    and    culture    organisms


➢  The  use  of  sodium  bicarbonate  was  more
effective in maintaining alkalinity and pH in the
BFT  for  Oreochromis  niloticus  compared  to
calcium carbonate, and thus further reflected in
the better growth rate and yield of the fish
reared in the system (Martins et al. 2017).


(3) Chen et al. (2006) reported that pH between

7.0  and 9.0  is  required  for  the  optimum
development of nitrifying and heterotrophic

➢  The  use  of  alkalinizing  compounds  such  as
sodium   carbonate,   sodium   bicarbonate   or
calcium hydroxide to minimize a reduction in
alkalinity to improve the buffering capacity has
been investigated (Furtado et al. 2011; Martins
et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2017).


BFT tanks for rearing of

L. vannamei  ( Furtado et al. 2011)

Amendment pH raise Alkalinity raise
0.06   g   L-1   of



0.7 20 mg L-1
0.15   g   L-1   of


hydroxide and

0.8 110 mg L-1
0.20      g     of



0.25 100 mg L-1




Mixing intensity  and  bio floc size–

The intensity of mixing affects the equilibrium between the rate of biofloc aggregation and breakage, thereby influencing the biofloc size

The size of the bioflocs has been found to influence their nutritional quality (Ekasari et al. 2014b)

Bioflocs >100 µm contained the highest amount of crude protein when compared with biofloc particles of 100-48 µm or <48 µm


Smaller bioflocs had the best amino acid concentrations

Compared propeller aspirator pump aerator, vertical pump aerator and diffused air blower, the diffused air blower was the most efficient in particle aggregation and biofloc formation.


Dissolved oxygen    —           A  trend  towards  an  increased  production  of  more compact and larger bioflocs at higher concentrations of DO (2.0-5.0 mg L-1), this could be due to the system being dominated by floc-forming bacteria, though a much higher intensity and DO may lead to breakage of the bioflocs (Wilen and Balmer,1999)

Filamentous bacteria tended to dominate under low DO (0.5-2.0 mg L-1) conditions and this might lead to formation of less aggregated and small bioflocs  but with high volume (Martins et al. 2003).

When DO becomes limiting in BFT ponds, bioflocs with
a higher SVI will be produced as a result of filamentous
bacteria dominating while a highly aerated pond with
high DO may be dominated by floc-forming bacteria and
hence a low SVI, which is better for the cultured animal.

Maintaining a high DO above 5 mg L-1 will yield bioflocs
of optimum quality and characteristics which could
improve the performance of the cultured animal


Carbon source      —             Ideally, the carbon source should be by-products (De Schryver et al. 2008). Most of the cheap carbon sources (rice bran, wheat, tapioca, tapioca by-product, etc.) are complex  carbohydrates,  but  are  less  soluble  and therefore ammonia-N removal is slower.

Potential solution to this can include fermentation of the complex carbon source (Ekasari et al. 2014a; Romano et al. 2018), which may increase the rate of  utilization  by  bacteria  or  pre-treatment  with  other methods such as heat/or digestion with microorganisms

(Dauda et al. 2017; Romano et al. 2018).


C/N ratio


It is safe to suggest that C/N ratio of 15 is sufficient for optimal performance of BFT at any point in time while C/N 10 may be a better alternative only when the bioflocs hasattained maturity. The advantage of using lower C/N ratiosbetween 10 and 15 include reduced cost of operation andsafeguarding the system from increased oxygen demandthat may lead to hypoxia condition in the culture system.


However,   higher   C/N   ratios       (>15)   may   be advantageous   at   the   beginning  to   more   quickly establish bioflocs.


C/N ratios 15 and 20 led to significantly higher disease resistance compared to C/N ratio 10 or control without glycerol addition. In this study, there were also less liver damages in C/N ratio 15 and 20 as revealed by liver histopathological examination.

Salinity The growth performance of the cultured animal also showed an increasing trend with the increase in the salinity level, while the survival was significantly higher at 32 g L-1 salinity compared with the lower levels.

Studies on the effect of different organic carbon sources on biofloc characteristics and water quality and performance of the cultured aquatic organisms


Different carbon






Performance References

se and glycerol +





Glycerol and

glycerol +


produced biofloc

with best



Glucose and


us led to




Crab et al.


Sugar and glycerol None Glycerol

produced biofloc

with better





Ekasari et al.


Cane sugar,molasses

and jaggery



Jaggery had

highest biofloc

biomass and

best nutritional


Jaggery had


survival and



and Sankar



flour and mixture of

molassess,starch and


L.vannamei Molasses and

starch had

higher ammonia

N- removal

Molasses had

the highest


while mixture

of all was

highest in



ani et al.


Molassess cane

sugar,dextrose and

rice bran

L.vannamei Molasses cane

sugar and

dextrose had

higher ammonia

N removal

Growth was

higher in rice


Serra et al.


Tapioca,wheat ,corn

and sugar bagasse

L.rohita Wheat had the


ammonia N


Corn had the




led to highest


response and





d et al.



oca by product and

rice bran

L.vannamei Tapioca and

molassess had


ammonia N



product had


survival and



Ekasari et al.




flour and wheat flour

L.vannamei Wheat flour led

to highest

ammonia N



hyll a,total


bacteria and



as well as

nutritional value

Wheat flour

had highest

growth and


Rajkumar et

al. (2016)

Rice bran and


L.vannamei Ammonia -N

removal was

higher in


Rice bran led

to higher

growth and


Vilani et al.


Glucose,starch and


None Glycerol had


ammonia -N


led to better





Wei et al.


Rice flour and


P.monodon Rice flour had

higher biofloc

volume and

ammonia N


Rice flour led

to higher



response and



Kumar et al.


Molasses and

molasses + wheat

L.vannamei Molasses +

wheat had

higher biofloc

volume and

ammonia N

removal , but

molasses had

higher bioactive


Molasses had




Molasses had





response and

survival, but


at had

higher growth

Zhao et al.


Glycerol, sucrose and





Glycerol and

sucrose led to

better removal




Glycerol led to


survival, why


mortaities was

observed in


bran between

days 16 and



Dauda et al.


Studies on effect of different carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios on biofloc composition, nutrient removal and performance of the cultured aquatic organism





C/N ratios Species Biofloc/water


Performance References
Molasses, C/N 9, 12, 15

and 18



C/N  18  and  15

had           higher



C/N  9  and  12

led to higher



Xu et al. (2016)
Glucose, C/N15, 20 and




No difference

was observed

C/N 20 had

highest growth


Wang et al. (2015)
Corn starch, C/N 11, 15,

19 and 23

Big head carp C/N 19 and 23

had highest



C/N 19 and 23

had the

highest growth


Zhao et al. (2014)
Molasses, C/N 10, 12.5,

15, 17.5 and 20



>C/N  15  led  to

higher       biofloc


C/N 10 and 15

led to higher



Perez-Fuentes et al.


Molasses, C/N 10, 15,


25 and 30



C/N     15     had



Removal       and

biofloc formation


C/N 20

led to highest


Abu Bakar et al.


Sucrose, C/N 15 and 20 Litopenaeus


No       difference

was observed

No difference in


Xu and Pan (2012)
Dextrose, C/N 10, 12.5

and 15



C/N  15   led   to





difference      in

growth and


de Lorenzo et al.


Sucrose, C/N 15 and 20 Litopenaeus


No  difference  in

biofloc formation

or        ammonia-


removal, C/N 20

produced       floc

with          better



No difference

in growth and


Xu and Pan (2014)
Sucrose, C/N 15 and 20 Litopenaeus


No       difference

was observed

No difference

in growth

Xu and Pan (2013)
Glycerol, C/N 10, 15

and 20



C/N  15  and  20

led    to    faster

removal           of

No difference

in growth and


Dauda et al. (2018a)
ammonia-N   but

C/N 10 produced

bioflocs        with

better nutritional



5.Important Parameters to be monitored in Biofloc Systems


Quantitative characteristic of floc can be described as being highly porous, irregularly structured and loosely connected aggregates composed of smaller primary  particles. The quantitative characteristics of floc includes Floc volume, Biological
oxygen demand (BOD), Total suspended solids (TSS), Total dissolved solids (TDS)  , Total solids (TS), Volatile suspended solids (VSS), Floc volume index (FVI), Floc  density index (FDI), Floc porosity, Floc size, Settling velocity and Total organic carbon.
FVI should be higher than 200 mL/g to avoid the flocs from settling too fast in regions  of lower turbulence (Crab et al., (2008) and  FV should be in the range of 5-50 ml/l.

Do probiotics are essential for biofloc technology?

The group of beneficial bacteria which are applied in the name of probiotics is not required for development of floc, however as mentioned earlier, the introduction of inoculum will be useful in fastening the floc development.

What should I want to do if the floc volume has exceeded its optimum level?

Incase the floc volumes are higher than the recommended level, stop adding the carbon source till it decreased. The feeding reaction can be reduced and also the  supplementation of pelleted diets should also be reduced. If the level exceeds even  beyond the controllable limit, draining of excess floc content is the only option.
The drained bioflocs can be later used as feed for the culture animals.

How to increase the floc volume in the biofloc culture tank?

Even after the initial fertilization for the biofloc development, if you did not see the floc, then the supplementation of carbon sources can be doubled as the premier step, followed by this, if you still didn’t see the floc, then addition of probiotic bacteria followed by the addition of minerals could balance the water for the microbes

What is the optimum floc volume to be maintained for shrimp and fish culture?

For nursery culture of shrimps floc volume of around 5-7 ml/l is sufficient whereas for grow out culture 10-12ml is more than enough to run the systems under biofloc technology.

For Fish culture 10-12ml/l of floc volume for nursery culture of fishes and 25-30ml/l of floc volume for grow out culture of fishes.

How to improve alkalinity of the biofloc culture water and what is the reason behind its   decrease?

As microbes use CaCo3 (Calcium carbonate) for the multiplication of cells thereby animilation of ammonia will take place without any disturbances. Due to this, a constant drop in pH and alkalinity is seen widely in biofloc systems.

This can be rectified by the addition of quick lime or any calcium forms chemicals in to the biofloc tanks. The drop in alkalinity will be highly noticed in denitrification process.

What is the easy way to maintain the floc in suspension?

The floc suspension will be always assured by supplying heavy aeration devices. This can be overcomed by maintaining the optimum floc volume. With the existing aeration adoption practices, the oxygen demand of the floc can be meet out.

Can I use feed pellets as nitrogen source for floc development?

The feed pellets of low protein diets or unused feeds can be used, however necessary care has to be taken to avoid using mold affected feeds. Besides these generally urea and ammonia sulphate can be used for improving the nitrogen level, among this two ammonia sulphate is recommended as it releases the nutrients at low level compared to urea. Also the nitrogen level is higher in urea compared to ammonium sulphate which leads to excessive nutrient discharge into the culture ponds.

Probiotics would fasten the development of floc. As biofloc itself contains mixture of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria the addition of probiotics is not generally  recommended.In few cases where the bacterial activity may be decreased due to the
algal crash after heavy rainfall or during cloudy days the application of probiotics in biofloc systems is recommended.This will trigger the nitrification process to facilitate  the ammonia removal.

Whether enzymes or aminoacids based supplementation is required for biofloc ponds?

As the biofloc contains extracellular producing bacteria the additional supplementation of enzymes are not required.The amino acid profile of the biofloc is rich in essential and non-essential aminoacids and hence external carbon supplementation would pave
way for improving the nutritional composition of biofloc.In a long run, the proliferation of microbes with a consistent carbon supply would enrich the composition of the biofloc.

How many days once we need to measure TAN &DO biofloc systems?

The biofloc systems has three transition phases in which algal based green water systems will be converted to heterotrophic based brown water systems will be converted to heterotrophic based brown water systems along with  autotrophic nitrifiers. This incurs the proper management measures and hence testing of TAN and DO atleast weekly once is mandatory.As the organisation source addition is based on ammonical   nitrogen,   the   measurement   of   TAN   atleast   three   days   once   is recommended.

This sort of managemental measures will aid in preventing the excessive sludge accumulation in the ponds.

What is the optimal stocking density of post larvae and juveniles of shrimps in biofloc systems?

The optimum stocking density in circular tanks, raceways would be 1500 – 3000 pl/m3, whereas in nursery shrimp ponds it will be 1200 – 1500 pl/m3 for nursery shrimp culture.The recommended stocking density for grow out culture in tanks and raceways would be 300 -400 juveniles/m3; for grow-out culture in shrimp ponds will be 150 –
300 juvenile/m3.As biofloc technology involves lot of energy usage, stocking animals at higher density would be economically feasible.

What is the recommended stocking density of fish fry and fingerlings in biofloc systems?

The optimum stocking density of fish fry in raceways and circular tanks will be 80-100 fry/m3 ponds – 50-80 fry/m3 for nursery culture of fish fry’s.The recommended stocking density of fish fingerlings raceways 25-30 fingerlings/m3 whereas in lined & tanks, ponds – it would be 15 – 25 fingerlings/m3 for the grow out culture.

Ways for Sludge control

Sludge accumulation cannot be avoided, yet aeration and mixing lead to resuspension and recycling of sludge in the various biological food chain.

Sludge can be effectively drained if it accumulates on the pond bottom in a location from which one can remove it using strong water current.

You drain the sludge as long as the outgoing flow is black brown and you should stop the flow once you get clear water.

Drainage of sludge in intensive shrimp ponds is required toward the end of the cycle,  when  feeding  is  high.  By  that  time,  a  weekly  or  biweekly  drainage  is recommended.

It is important to have a significant hydraulic drop from pond water level to the drainage base and wide enough tubes to drain out the sludge. Some farmers place perforated pipes on the pond bottom with the intention of collecting sludge, out to the draining canal. It seems that this method is of limited efficiency since once needs vigorous water flow to pull the sludge out of the pond bottom, a demand that is hard to achieve with perforated pipes along the pond bottom.

Pond operators are advised to periodically check oxygen at different locations and depth in the pond, to get an idea on the pond uniformity, existence of poorly aerated regions and to better know your pond.

Presence of anaerobic pockets may be critical. The response to poorly aerated sites or sites where sludge accumulate, is to re-locate aerators placement, adding aerators, targeted to sites where the existing units do not properly mix the water and the bottom. One has to be very cautious in dispersing piles of reduced sludge (black)
containing H2S.

The pH and the alkalinity should be maintained at conventional levels. Alkalinity should be above 50-100mg as Caco3/l and pH should be 7-9. Alkalinity and pH are usually stable in BFT ponds though there might be a need to add alkalinity in cases of high stocking density.

Typical floc volume are  2-40ml/l in shrimp ponds and upto 100ml/l in fish pond.

TSS (Total Suspended Solids) is one of the method to determine biofloc concentration. VSS is a conventional way of determining the organic fraction of the total solids, a common parameter in water technology.

To calculate TSS, we can use floc volume and can be calculated as, TSS = 10 X FV as a reasonable approximation.

Normal TSS values in shrimp pond water are in the range of about 50-300mg/l, while those in fish ponds reach levels of upto 1000mg/l.

When floc volume is lower than 2ml/l (shrimp) or 5ml/l (fish) in advanced stages of culture, it is advisable to add organic matters (molasses or other). However floc volume above ~15ml (Shrimp) or ~25ml (fish) may be too high. Excessive floc volume leads to increased biological oxygen demand (BOD), demanding an un-needed increase of pond aeration. Heavy load of suspended matter can lead to clogging of gills.

Settling characteristics:

Sludge can also be characterized by how well it settles. Most settling tests are conducted in a 1L-graduated cylinder. A quick and simple test to measure the sludge settle ability is developed by Mohlman (1934) and called the Sludge Volume Index (SVI). SVI is conducted with a homogeneous sludge mixture. The sludge is settled out
in 1L Imhoff Cone for 30 minutes. Settled sludge volume (V) at the bottom of the cone is measured.

Knowing the concentration of solids in the sludge suspension (MLSS) in terms of mg/L, SVI is calculated as:

Typically SVI is used without a unit, but its unit is mL/g. Typical SVI values and their meanings :

Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: pin floc potential less than 50 ml/g
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: good range 50 to 100 ml/g
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: Filament growth 100 to 150 ml/g
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: Bulking at high flows 150 to 200 ml/g
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: Bulking 200 to 300 ml/g
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) values: Severe bulking higher than 300

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