Lean Meat


                                                                                     Lean Meat


1M.V.Sc. Veterinary Biochemistry DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2M.V.Sc. Animal Nutrition DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur

*Corresponding author’s email: suruchis91@gmail.com

It was stated that meat is not good for health because meat is rich in fat and cholesterol and high intakes are associated with increased blood cholesterol levels and coronary heart diseases. So, there was introduction of lean meats. Lean meats are meats with a relatively low fat content. Skinless chicken and turkey and red meat such as pork chops with the fat trimmed off are examples of lean meat. The fat on a pork chop accounts for about two thirds of its fat content and the skin on chicken account for 80 % of its fat content.

Lean meat provides wide variety of nutrients such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins especially B12 and essential fatty acids which are easily absorbed. Iron is especially important during infancy, in pregnant women, adolescent girls, menstruating women and endurance athletes. Iron and zinc in animal foods is more easily absorbed by the body than which are in plant foods such as seeds, nuts, legumes and beans. Lean meat is generally regarded as a safe and good source of protein with a lower fat content and therefore, the lower calorie content.

Benefits of lean meat:

  • Good source of protein and have fewer calories than non-lean meat. Lean meats are popular among people following low calorie and low fat diets.
  • Lean meat is a good source of selenium, vitamin B3, Vitamin B6 and choline. Selenium has antioxidant properties which help to prevent free radicals from damaging cells and helps to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin B3 and B6 helps the body to convert carbohydrate into glucose whereas choline helps with nerve function and reduces inflammation.
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In contrast to lean meat, eating higher amounts of red and processed meat raises the risk of death, heart diseases and colo-rectal cancer. Red and processed meats often have higher amounts of saturated fat and other compounds that can cause adverse health effects. For example- heme iron in red meat helps in the process of oxidation of fats and cholesterol generating free radicals that are harmful to health.

Dangers of lean meat:

  • Lean meat provides moderate levels of purines and purines are useful for the body but can increase the chance of gout in people that are susceptible to it.
  • Lean meat is dangerous to people who are following a specific diet. For example, people who choose to follow a ketogenic diet will usually choose fatty meat rather than lean meat to maintain ketosis. Avoiding lean meat can help people on a keto diet.

Lean meat is also good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, niacin, zinc and iron.

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