Longest living centenarian Veterinarian  Captain (Dr) Rattan Singh Dayal  is no more


Longest living centenarian Veterinarian  Captain (Dr) Rattan Singh Dayal  is no more

Longest living centenarian Veterinarian  Captain (Dr) Rattan Singh Dayal  is no more. A very decorated senior most veterinarian of India, Dr.Rattan Singh Dayal left for his heavenly abode at 10.20 A.M Yesterday (26-12-2020).He was 100+ years old and was admitted to Alchemist Hospital for few days.

Captain Rattan Singh was born on July 30, 1920, and did his LVP( Hons) from Veterinary College Lahore (now in Pakistan) in 1941.

His first posting as a Veterinary Officer was at Gurgaon. In 1942 he joined Indian Army Vet Corps at the peak of World War II and through 1942 to 1946…served at various foreign countries such as Egypt, Palestine, Trans-Jordan( named like that time) Syria, Sicily, Italy and Greece to name few. He was decorated with Indian Distinguished Services Medal. Incidentally, his younger brother Lt Gen Ranjit Singh was also a decorated Army Officer who went on to become Lt Governor of Puducherry and Andaman and Nicobar before his death in 2012.

After his return to India Captain Rattan Singh was posted at Military Dairy Farm Jalandhar. Following discharge from the army, he joined the Civil veterinary department and served in various administrative capacities. He took advanced training at the UK in animal nutrition and farm management and in Scotland and Wales for sheep breeding.

Captain Rattan Singh also served as Superintendent of Govt Livestock Farm Hisar in 1959. On the reorganisation of Punjab, he was promoted as the First Director Animal Husbandry Haryana.

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In 1970 he went to Australia to study sheep and Wool Industry. He was the person who established Indo-Australian sheep Breeding and Indo-Australian cattle breeding projects at Hisar which now work as different Sectors. He also served as Milk Commissioner. He retired from service on July 30th 1978.

We on behalf of Pashudhan Praharee , join together to pray to the Almighty to grant eternal peace to the noble departed soul and provide strength to the family members and other near and dear to bear this great loss.

(This biographical sketch of Dr. Dyal was recently posted by Dr.Prof. Jit Singh on the social media and is based on information provided to him by Dr S.P.Gautam)

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