Pig rearing is the prime occupation of the poor tribal people belonging to the Chhotanagpur plateu area and NE states.The socially weaker and poor people of these area rear pigs for their livelihood.
The Pig occupies a very important status among the tribal population of the Eastern Indian States like Jharkhand, WB, NE states & Odisa as the bulk and preferential diet especially of the poor tribal people of these states are pork. Paradoxically the Pork production in these states is low although the per capita consumption is maximum as compared to plains of India. This is mainly due to rearing of nondescript category pigs with poor productivity and stunted growth. The state of low productivity is again due to the lack of knowledge of the farmers about the scientific management, housing and breeding of Pigs. With a small investment on building and equipment, proper feeding and sound disease control programme the farmer can profitably utilize his time and labour in this subsidiary occupation. In view of these facts and realizing the need for the development of pigs and their role for the economic upliftment of the people of Chhotanagpur plateu area in particular and that of the NEH Region in general we are trying to give the required information regarding all aspects of Pig rearing.


Local pigs mature early (6 – 7 months) than exotic breed (9 – 11 months) and resistant power to disease and mothering ability are also good in local pigs. So Pigs with 75% to 87.5% exotic inheritance is desired to be selected for rearing.

Parameters ——-Desi ——————-Improved
Body Size——– Smaller ———-Larger Body
Weight Less(40-50 kg) ————More(80-100kg)
Feed conversion efficiency ———Poor ————Better
Growth Rate———- Poor/Slow ———–Faster
Size of litter——— 6 – 7 nos ————-10 – 12 nos
Pork yield ———–Less———— More
Dressing Percentage ———–Less ————More
Intra-farrowing interval ————Longer ———–Shorter
Total income/pig/year———- Less—————– More


Varieties of Pigs that are found to be suitable for Chhotanagpur plateu area and NEH region are Hampshire crossed with local pigs of different states of
• NEH region Cross of Tamworth and Jharkhand Local (TND)
• Ghungroo breed of West Bengal
• Ghungroo and Hampshire cross
• These crossbred Pigs grow faster, matured early and produce better piglets. They can be reared with low input cost with locally available feeding stuffs. For a good parent stock, a boar should be selected on the basis of its pedigree records, individual body wt as per age, body conformity, well developed testicles, gait and overall activeness. Gilts should be selected from sows which have consistently farrowed and weaned large litters. Generally healthy gilt with 6 – 7 pairs of normal teats is selected.

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a. Separation of piglet from their mother is called weaning which is practiced at the age of 56-60 days.
b. Their stage is very crucial and so proper care should be taken.
c. Just after weaning deworming should be done and they should be provided grower ration.

a. Proper health care should be taken to make the pig disease free to reduce the mortality.
b. The Pig shed, feeding and watering troughs should be cleaned daily.
c. Periodically (once in 2 – 3 months) disinfectants like lysol etc. should be used to keep the germs/parasites away.
d. Provision of bedding materials with straw or heat lamp be made during winter.
e. The diseased pigs should be immediately separated to isolation shed from the other stock.
f. Proper disposal of manure should be done and manure pit should be covered with straw to prevent breeding place of flies.
k. The feed for the lactating sow should be increased slowly and an amount of feed per day is determined @ 500g per piglet in her litter. She requires 14-23 litters of water peday.


a. New born piglets are generally active and within two minutes each piglet reaches a teat and attempt to suck milk. If not then they should be assisted to get the teats.
b. If respiration delay in new born piglets immediately mucous from their nose and mouth should be removed and air should be blown into nose and mouth.
c. The naval cord should be cut with sterilized scissors leaving 25cm from the body and disinfected with iodine solution.
d. Piglet anemia is very common in the piglet at the age of 2-4 weeks due to deficiency of iron. It can be cured by providing iron orally or by injection. e. Generally iron injection is given on 4th and 14th days of age of the piglets.
f. Unwanted male piglets are castrated at the age of 2-4 weeks.


Studies have shown that Pig housing contributes upto 20% towards net income from a piggery. So, a good shed is very much essential. The shed can be made with locally available materials like bamboo, woods, thatch etc. But the following points are to be considered.
a. The shed should be dry, sanitary and well ventilated and good protection from cold, heat and winds.
b. It is better to make the rough cement floor
c. Separate pens should be constructed for boar, growers and sows for easy feeding and management.
d. Proper drains should be provided so that the effluents are disposed off
e. Floor allowances for different categories of pigs are given below

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Category ————-Covered Space/ Pig (Sqft)————- Open Space/Pig (Sqft)
Grower ———–12 – 20 —————-20 – 30
Boar ————35 – 50————— 50 – 70
Lactating Sow ————–70 – 100————– 70 – 100
Dry Sow————– 20 – 30————- 30 – 50

f. Wallows:

Pigs have very few sweat glands. In areas having warm weather mature breeding animals and fattening animals need a wallow during summer months. Instead of permitting unsanitary wallows a masonry wallow with proper drainage would be desirable. The size of the wallow will depend upon the number and size of the animals.


a. During Pregnancy proper care should be taken. She should not be overfed as it causes problems.
b. The date of mating should be recorded to determine the expected date of farrowing.
c. The duration of Pregnancy in case of pig is about 114 days.
d. The pregnant sow should be dewormed 3 weeks before farrowing and she should be shifted to a cleaned, disinfected farrowing pen.
e. Clean and dry bedding materials (wheat/paddy straw) should be provided on the floor.
f. About 4 to 5 days before farrowing in sow’s ration should be reduced to half. More laxative feed consisting of wheat bran, oats, linseed etc. must be given.
g. Approximately 24 hrs before farrowing the sow shows restlessness with abdominal contractions and exhibit the signs to make rest from bedding materials.
h. The farrowing process is usually completed within 1-6 hrs.
i. The placenta should not be eaten by the sow and immediately disposed off.
j. Care should be taken to avoid crushing of new born piglets during and after farrowing.


a.Though Pigs can very well utilize the kitchen garbage like cooked vegetables, rice waste, brewery waste and other feed wastes, they must be supplemented with concentrate mixture.
b. In the absence of concentrate mix, sweet potato (upto 60%) broken rice (upto 20%), rice polish (upto 15%) together with some protein source (like fishmeal, bone meal, Ground nut cake etc.) vitamins and minerals is beneficial
c. Addition of vitamins is not needed if pigs are fed fresh green legumes like luceren, Cowpea, berseem etc.
d. Salt is also an essential item in pig ration (1.5 to 3.5 kg in 100 kg)
e. Iron and Phosphorus are to be added separately to prevent iron deficiency in piglets.
f. Fresh drinking water must be made available at all the times.
g. The kitchen garbage should be boiled before feeding to kill the microbes.
h. Types and amount of ration for pigs (Feed/Pig/day)


Type of ration with age group ——-Size of pigs (live wt in kg) ——–Level of Protein —Feed to be fed (kg) Starter(21to35 days) —–5 – 15———— 20 ——-0.5
Grower(2 to 5 months)– 15 – 20,——- 20 – 45—— 18 ——–1.0, 1.5
Finisher(above5 months)—— 45 – 90 ——-14 ——–2.0
Pregnant——- 100 – 150 ————15 ———-3.5 – 4
Lactating Sow —-100 – 150——- 16 ——-4.5 – 5
Boar ———70 – 150 ————15 ———2.5 – 3.0


Management plays an important role in the profitability of a piggery unit. If the management of the farm is not proper even the best breed and health care measures will not lead to desired profit from the enterprises.


a. Normally the boar starts breeding at 8 months of age. Not more than 4 services by the boar in a week should be allowed.
b. The breeding time should be either in the morning or in the late afternoon.
c. The gilts mature at the age of 6 – 11 months depending on its size. The gilts should not be bred weighing less than 70 Kg.
d. Flushing should be done that is feeding of gilts 0.5 – 1 Kg per day more feed 10 – 15 days prior to mating to provide more energy.
e. The detection of heat in gilts/sows very much essential.
The signs of heat/estrus are:
i. Attempts to mount or ride the other females.
ii. Frequent urination and elevation of tail.
iii. Swollen vulva and Pink vaginal mucous.
iv. Presence of sticky mucous discharge from the vulva.
v. The gilt/sow motionless (immobilization) when back pressure is applied by both hands (over the loin region)
f. Heat period in sows/gilts lasts for 2 to 3 days and should be mated 2nd day of heat, preferably 2 services at 12 – 24 hrs interval.
g. In case of gilt it is best to bred them in 3rd heat to get larger litter.
h. Female if not bred will repeat heat at 21 days interval that is the average length of the estrous cycle is 21 days with a range of 18 – 24 days.
i. Heat occurs in farrowed sows after 2-10 days of weaning

g. Vaccination of the animals should be done against the infectious diseases mainly for Swine fever and FMD.

Vaccination Schedule

Age——– Vaccine ———–Booster
2 months(weaners) ———–FMD ——–6 months
2 months(6-8 weeks ) ———-Swine fever———- Annual
h. Any abnormalities seen in the Pigs, consultation with veterinarians should be immediately done.


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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