Low Platelets Counts or  Thrombocytopenia In Dogs: Home Remedies  to Increase the  Platelets Counts in Dogs

Low Platelets Counts or Thrombocytopenia In Dogs
Low Platelets Counts or Thrombocytopenia In Dogs

Low Platelets Counts or  Thrombocytopenia In Dogs: Home Remedies  to Increase the  Platelets Counts in Dogs

Thrombocytopenia is a medical condition where blood platelets become too low in animals. Platelets are produced in the bone marrow and then released into the blood stream. They also serve the important function of maintaining hemostasis. Low platelet counts can be found in any breed of dog, and at any age. Treatment options do exist and unless the cause of the condition is serious, prognosis for the dog is positive.

Thrombocytopenia affects both dogs and cats.

A low platelet count is also referred to as thrombocytopenia, a condition that affects both dogs and humans, and can endanger health.

Platelets play an important part in the blood clotting process. These cell fragments ensure that our blood is thick enough to circulate around our body, as well as produce clots effectively to prevent us from bleeding, when we suffer a wound or injury.

If your dog has low platelets, they run the risk of suffering from haemorrhages, meaning there is a risk they may bleed out from the smallest of injuries.

Low platelets are not a disease but a symptom of an underlying condition. Finding out what causes this decline in platelet level is essential to look after your dog’s health and give them the necessary treatment. Some of the warning signs that tell us when our dog is not well, and may have problems with their platelets are:

  • Apathy: the dog does not play and has no appetite;
  • Fever;
  • Dark red spots in their eyes and/or gums;
  • Bruises on their skin;
  • Blood in the urine, faeces or nose bleeds;
  • Difficulty walking or collapsing.

If your dog shows any of these symptoms, please seek veterinary care immediately.

Certain infections, leukaemia, cancer treatments, cirrhosis of the liver, enlargement of the spleen, sepsis, autoimmune diseases, and certain medications can all cause thrombocytopenia.

The most common causes of low platelets in dogs are:

  • Infections that destroy platelets in the body: Canine ehrlichiosis, a tick-borne disease, is one of the most common;
  • Injuries that cause significant blood loss;
  • Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia: The dog’s body produces antibodies against its own platelets, destroying them;
  • Lymphoma;
  • Leukaemia;

Anaemia is a condition that is commonly caused by blood loss from wounds or parasites such as worms and fleas. Symptoms of anaemia in dogs include white or pale gums, weakness, and a fast pulse. Sometimes this condition indicates a more serious illness such as toxicity that results from a drug exposure. However, the more simple and common cause of anaemia which is blood loss can be easily treated with a view toward promoting the growth of new red blood cells.

If your pet has mild thrombocytopenia, you may be able to raise his/her platelet count through diet and supplements. However, if your pet has a severely low platelet count, you will likely need medical treatment to avoid any complications.

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Food’s high in certain vitamins and minerals can help your pet’s body make and maintain platelets in his/her blood. While many of these nutrients are available in supplement form, it’s best to try to get them from foods when you can. Eating well is essential to regaining health. Incorporate foods high in Vitamin B9. In addition, your dog needs a special diet rich in iron, protein, and vitamin B12.

Low platelets in dogs can be a symptom of a more serious underlying disease. But whatever the cause, your dog needs an adequate level to be prepared for any accident or injury that can result in bleeding.

What Are Platelets?
Thrombocyte is another term for platelets. Platelets are produced in the bone marrow and released into the blood. They’re essential for forming blood clots. When bleeding occurs, platelets gather and clump together to form a plug that stops or slows the flow of blood.

Platelets also release substances that are needed to complete the clotting process. Without adequate platelets, a dog who’s injured can be at risk for uncontrolled bleeding.

Causes Of Low Platelets In Dogs

Thrombocytopenia is the medical name for low platelet count. Low platelets can be found in any breed of dog, and at any age. And it’s quite common. As many as 5% of all dogs admitted to veterinary hospitals have a low platelet count. When the platelet count is very low there’s increased risk of bleeding.

Many severe diseases have low platelets as one component of the condition. Certain infections, cancer, autoimmune system disorders and pancreatitis can result in thrombocytopenia. Anti-cancer drug therapies can also lead to low platelets in dogs. Massive bleeding or severe clotting can also cause a low platelet count. And an enlarged spleen can result in large numbers of platelets becoming trapped and decreasing the numbers found in the blood.

Thrombocytopenia can be caused by a variety of issues including:

  • Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP), an autoimmune disease where the immune system fails to recognize platelets and destroys them.
  • Destruction of platelets caused by fungal, bacterial and viral infections.
  • Bone marrow disorders such as leukemia or lymphoma.
  • Decreased platelet production.

Drugs that can lead to low platelet counts include:

  • Heparin, used to prevent blood clots, but not approved for veterinary use
  • Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, which shouldn’t be given to dogs
  • Antibiotics that include sulfonamides, ampicillin, vancomycin and piperacillin

Symptoms Of Low Platelets In Dogs
Dogs with a low platelet count may have these signs: 

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Heart murmur
  • Urinary bleeding
  • Excessive bruising
  • Excessive nasal mucous or nosebleeds
  • Excessive coughing
  • Collapse (in severe cases)

So if your dog has an infection or an underlying disease and these signs, he might have low platelets.

Diagnosis Of Low Platelets In Dogs
Healthy dogs have a platelet count between 175,000-500,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Using this as a guide, your veterinarian can measure your dog’s platelet count. She will also rule out recent trauma or other issues related to bleeding.

If internal bleeding or ruptured organs are suspected, your veterinarian can perform X-rays and ultrasound tests on your dog. In some instances, a bone marrow sample may be used to rule out a variety of medical conditions.

How Do Vets Diagnose Thrombocytopenia in Dogs?

In order to diagnose a dog with thrombocytopenia, a veterinarian will perform a complete blood count. This test shows how many platelets are present in the sample of blood. Typically, healthy dogs have platelet counts that are around 200,000/μL. Generally, when the number of platelets falls below 30,000/μL, symptoms of thrombocytopenia, such as bruising and nose bleeds, are seen.

Other tests may be performed to discover the cause of the thrombocytopenia, including blood tests to look for infections, signs of organ failure, cancer, or toxins. Occasionally, your vet may want to do more advanced tests, such as ultrasound, x-rays, or bone marrow biopsies, to check for other causes of the thrombocytopenia.

How To Increase Dog Platelet Count At Home

Your dog needs various nutrients to maintain or increase his platelet count. Feeding a raw meat, whole food diet is the best option as it will include the necessary nutrients.

It’s been shown that chemical pesticides and herbicides worsen autoimmune diseases and lower platelets. So whenever meats, organs or fish are listed, do your best to obtain them from pastured, free-range animals and poultry and wild-caught fish. Not only will the nutrient levels be higher, but the animals and fish will be raised in a healthier environment with better food sources. Fruits and vegetables should be organic whenever possible.

Foods To Increase Dog Platelet Count

Here are the nutrients your dog needs to build platelets … along with the foods you can add to his diet.

  1. Vitamin B12
    B12 is needed for the formation of red blood cells. The best sources are:
  • organ meats, especially beef liver
  • wild-caught salmon
  1. Vitamin D
    Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone marrow that produces platelets and other blood cells. Include these foods:
  • egg yolk
  • fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel
  1. Vitamin C
    Vitamin C is vital for immune function, helps the platelets work correctly and enhances the absorption of iron, an essential nutrient for platelets. High levels of vitamin C are in many fruits and vegetables but you’ll also find it in these foods:
  • beef lung, spleen and brain
  • pork liver, spleen and brain
  • chicken liver
  1. Iron
    Iron is essential for healthy levels of red blood cells and platelets. These foods are high in iron:
  • oysters
  • beef liver
  1. Vitamin K
    This is the blood-clotting vitamin, and it’s also essential for bone health. Foods rich in vitamin K include:
  1. Folate
    Also known as vitamin B9, folate is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Folate is found in:
  • Dark green leafy vegetables including broccoli, broccoli sprouts, turnip greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, asparagus and Brussels sprouts
  • Eggs from pastured, free-range hens
  • Liver, especially beef liver
  • Sea vegetables like kelp, wakame, arame and dulse
  • Sunflower seeds
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Foods To Avoid For Low Platelets In Dogs
If your dog does have a problem with low platelets and blood clotting, you’ll want to minimize feeding him blueberries, garlic, ginger and tomatoes. These foods have been shown to interfere with blood clotting. You also want to avoid the following:

  • Starches, flour, rice, refined grain and added sugars that are low in nutrients
  • Processed foods, also low in nutrients
  • Dairy products that lead to inflammation

Other Ways To Treat Low Platelets In Dogs
In serious situations to normalize a low platelet count, a platelet transfusion may be recommended. In some cases, your veterinarian may also want to do an entire blood transfusion to correct anemia.

Can A Dog Recover From Low Platelets?

Yes. There is a good prognosis for recovery. Almost 80% of dogs will recover.  But if your dog is healing from having low platelets, there is always the possibility of having excessive bleeding from an injury or cut. During the healing phase, it’s important to monitor your dog’s physical activity to avoid injury. You might want to remove hard foods from his diet, to prevent injury to his gums that could cause bleeding.

But the best way to avoid having low platelets is to feed your dog a healthy, whole food diet that includes the nutrients to support platelets. And if your dog shows signs of low platelets, have him checked out so you can deal with it and avoid any serious bleeding episodes.


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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