Low Productivity of Indian Dairy Animals: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies


Low Productivity of Indian Dairy Animals: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

T.Pujitha , Designation: PG scholar

Mail: tanguturipujitha@gmail.com


It is essential to have animals with good reproductive status in order to maintain a good livestock enterprise with good income.  India contributes about 23% of the global milk production. Although India have high livestock population and milk production the production per animal is low because of poor reproductive efficiency. The most common problems that are effecting the reproduction are feeding management, breeding management, and various reproductive disorders such as extended calving intervals which results in decreased milk production, delayed uterine involution and increased medication costs.

Introduction of the Indian Dairy sector

India may be the world’s largest milk producer but the dairy sector is poor. In India the livestock population comprises about 303.76 million bovines or large ruminants, 74.26 million sheep, 148.88 million goats, 9.06 million pigs and 851.81 million poultry birds. The total milk production in India is about 221.06 million tons of milk. India’s livestock and agriculture sector contribute about 4.11% and 25.6% respectively. The livestock sector contributes 4.5 percent in the total gross value added (GVA) and 25.8 percent in the agricultural GVA. The milk production during 2022-2023 is about 230.58 million tonnes. The amount of milk produced per animal is about 1538 kg/yr.

The main constraint to the Indian dairy sector is the lack of feed and high cost of feed. The productivity of the genetically superior animals is limited by their poor genetic makeup and poor nutritional status.  About 80% of the raw milk comes from the small farms which contains only 2-5 animals and 78% of milk from the marginal farms totally they contribute about 68% of the total milk production. The Indian milch cows generally produce low amounts of milk which is about half of the global average. The productivity of milk animals is highest in Uttarpradesh and lowest in Assam.

Causes of low productivity in Dairy animals:

This includes many factors such as:

  1. Poor genetic makeup of the animals
  2. Inadequate animal health care
  3. Shortage of feed and fodder
  4. Lack of market integration between producers and consumers
  5. Inappropriate dairy development policies
  6. Lack of appropriate environment
  7. Infertility
  8. Limited land resources
  9. Increased population decreases the per capita farm land
  10. Limited accessibility of livestock extension services.

Reproductive health

The most common reproductive constraint in the dairy production is Silent heat detection in buffaloes farmers commonly face. So to overcome this problem the farmer should be aware of   various advancements in the methods of heat detection in dairy animals. Reproductive disorders in cattle consist of various conditions such as dystocia, retained fetal membranes, endometritis, metritis etc.

Endometritis: This is a bacterial condition which is mild chronic infection of the uterus characterized by endometrial inflammation and reddish brown, white to yellow mucopurulent vaginal discharge. The animal affected by this condition cannot come to heat regularly.

Retained fetal membrane: When a cow fails to discharge her foetal membrane within 12 hours of post parturition, the condition is known as retained foetal membranes (RFM). In Punjab about 77.91 and 81.32 percent of cows and buffaloes, respectively, had various reproductive abnormalities. Reproductive problems like retention of placenta (ROP), pyometra, trichomoniasis, endometritis, metritis, early deaths and late abortions, and dystocia was a serious hurdle and these conditions negatively impact the nation’s dairy industry.

Dystocia: This Refers to the prolonged or difficult labor in which the second stage of parturition is prolonged for more than 6 hours. In this condition the animal strains severly and sometimes the animal may die. In some cases the animal may land to ketosis and hypoglycemia which causes severe decline in the milk production.

Inappropriate feeding management

The green fodder was not available to about 46% of dairy farmers during summer and winter seasons.  38% of dairy farmers find difficulties in managing dry fodder especially during rainy season due to poor resources, excessive rains in the neighbouring states from where they were purchasing dry fodder. Two-thirds of an animals total cost of production accounts for the purchase of feed and fodder. Currently the country faces a great deficit of fodder such as green fodder and concentrates.  There is estimated to be a 35.6% deficit of green fodder, 10.95% deficit of dry fodder and 44% deficit of concentrate feeds in India. It is essential to increase the productivity of the fodder crops on the same land to meet the country’s deficit of fodder and concentrates. The total amount of cultivated land used for fodder production is only 4% (8.4 million ha).  Due to competition for the use of cultivable land for projects rather than the cultivation, an increase in the area of land used for cultivation of fodder crops is not viable. For example in Nagpur 56.6 % of dairy stockholders reported a lack of funds and an inability to find a low-cost concentrate mix for their animal. The efforts should be made to increase the availability of feed and fodder which will help in reducing the feed cost to the farmers coming to the Reproduction aspect Estrus cyclicity is highly dependent on nutrition so that the intake of low protein adversely affects the reproduction system and in turn disturbs estrus cyclicity. Lack of concentrate diet leads to protein deficiency which results in  prolonged post-parturient anoestrus period and increased number of services per conception as per a study. Generally the dairy farmers are unaware of latest advancements in the field of animal nutrition, particularly in enhanced utilization of prevailing feed resources, augmentation of roughage-based diets, feeding of mineral mixture, common salt for enhancing the animal’s milk production and reproductive health. This lack of knowledge of the nutritional parameters of the livestock feeding, results in the farmers providing a diet that is deficient in protein and various essential vitamins and minerals. This is one of the major causes of health problems such as malnutrition, various metabolic diseases and other vitamin and mineral deficiency related diseases in livestock.

Breeding management

The farmers faces severe  major constraints in the rearing of milch animals such as  infertility low rate of conception through artificial insemination, a problem with high genetic merit bulls, inability to bring the animal to the AI centre or to the Hospital and non- availability of AI facilities. There is an insufficient availability of semen production centres, and frozen semen banks.   Due to this lack of infrastructure and low success rate of Artificial inseminations only 20% of adult females are being fertilized. The condition Repeat breeding has a negative impact on dairy farmer profitability because calving intervals are increasing which requires farmers to additional feeding, treatment, and breeding costs. A heifer or cow is referred to be a repeat breeder if it has failed to conceive for thrice or more back-to-back services. In India 64% of farmers who use artificial insemination have found that crossbreed and exotic cattle frequently suffer from repeat breeding due to low conception rates. As a result, the loss of one calf and longer calving intervals have a negative effect on total profitability.  An Another major challenge faced by the livestock sector is the low milk productivity particularly in indigenous cattle whose average milk yield per cattle per day is 3.85kg, while it is 11.67kg per animal per day for exotic breeds and 7.85kg for cross bred animals as per DAHD Annual report for 2019-20. This average milk yield is much lower when compared to cattle of other parts of the world such as United States whose animals produce 33kg/day, Israel (40.08kg/day), United Kingdom (26.67kg/day) and European union (25.03kg/day).


Challenges and some of the interventions overcome these problems in the Indian Livestock Sector

The major challenges in the dairy sector include:

  1. Disease outbreak
  2. Antimicrobial resistance
  3. Green house gas emission
  4. Breed improvement
  5. Milk pricing
  6. Unorganized market
  7. Poor livestock extension
  8. Feed and fodder scarcity

Disease outbreak: Around 80 % of the Office International des Epizootics (OIE) listed animal diseases which are prevailing in India are  Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS), Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), Anthrax, Brucellosis, Glanders, Rabies, Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza, and New Castle Disease (NCD), etc. During the period Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016, there was  749 outbreaks of the abovelisted disease in India, out of which maximum outbreaks were of NCD in poultry and FMD in livestock species. In addition to these human resources and infrastructure for veterinary services are also inadequate in India. Only 67784 registered veterinary practitioners are present in India. The total number of Veterinary Hospitals in India is 12234, veterinary dispensaries are 27140, and veterinary Aid centers are 25827. Uttar Pradesh has the largest livestock population but the state was served by 267 dispensaries only.

Interventions to overcome this problem: Mobile veterinary services for remote areas to provide first aid can be provided, deworming, vaccination services, artificial insemination, at farmers doorstep. There is an utmost need to increase the number of veterinary hospitals in proportion to the livestock population to overcome these problem and to made availability of the veterinarians to all the farmers. Thus strengthen the human resource and increase the coverage of veterinary services delivery at farmers doorstep.

Antimicrobial resistance: This is an emerging challenge in the dairy sector all over the world. Antimicrobial resistance is the ability of a bacteria, virus, and some parasites to stop antimicrobials like antibiotics, antivirals, and antimalarial from working against them. Antibiotics are used as growth promoters in food animals and to counter infectious diseases, also. India holds fourth rank in use of antibiotics in animals. By 2030 the use of antibiotics in animal feed will increase by 82 percent. Antibiotics have a withdrawal period during which if the livestock products are used, it leads to the unintentional consumption of antibiotic residue, without any ailment, leading to the development of antimicrobial resistance from farm to table.

Interventions to overcome this problem: There should be regulated sales of the drugs and the antibiotics they should be sold only on the prescription by a registered veterinary practitioner. Restrict the use of antibiotics in the farm animals at about 50 mg per kilogram. The complete check on the use of antibiotics is not possible, but their judiciousness can be promoted. Other practices to counter resistance can be a gradual increase in the concentration of a single or a combination of antibiotics, by rendering knowledge and increased awareness among the stakeholders about the antimicrobial resistance and to restrict the use of antibiotics. Laboratory facilities can be made available all the time for drug residue testing in livestock products. These are the some of the interventions to overcome this problem.

Green House Gas Emission: Green House Gas Emission especially methane has a warming potential 20 times higher than carbon dioxide. Enteric methane emission from Indian livestock contributes about 15.1 % of total global enteric methane emission. India is concerned, cattle ranked first in emitting enteric methane, contributing about half (49.1%) of total enteric methane, followed by buffalo (42.8%), goat (5.38%), and sheep (2.59%), and others (0.73%).In India, the enteric methane’s contribution was 91.8 percent of the total GHG emissions, followed by manure methane (7.04%) and manure nitrous oxide (1.15%). By the year 2050, enteric methane release of about 15.7 % of the global enteric methane would likely to be contributed by Indian livestock, due to animal population growth driven by increased demands of meat and dairy products, especially in the developing countries. So it is essential to adopt some of the mitigation strategy to overcome this problem.

Some of the possible interventions are: usage of the feed supplements for animals, feed treatment of the poor quality roughages to increase the nutrient content, composting of the animal waste products. Establishment of the community biogas plant for safe and income-generating disposal of the animal waste. Some of the schemes launched by the government to overcome the green house gas emission are Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBARDHAN) launched by the Government of India (GoI) under the Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural). This scheme mainly focuses on managing and converting cattle dung and solid waste in farms to compost, biogas, and Bio-CNG. The Gobar-Dhan scheme which is launched by the Government of India not only benefits the villages in terms of cleanliness but also acts as source of income source.

Breed Improvement: For increasing dairy production it is necessary for the breed improvement. The Breeds mainly can be improved by the two methods one is crossbreeding and the other is up-grading. The focus of cross-breeding and grading up should be on non-descript breed instead of pure indigenous breed. By these methods the milk production can be increased. There are many challenges in improving the breeds, like the availability of elite bull and lack of awareness among the farmers about the scientific breeding practices. Another challenge is the adoption rate of Artificial Insemination (AI) because it has only 24.5 percent full adoption. Total AI center in India is 100,368, out of which 55477 are owned by the government while 44891 run by NGO’s and private players. Possible interventions can be awareness among the farmers about the scientific breeding practices, doorstep AI services, use of progeny tested semen for AI, use of Embryo Transfer Technology.

Feed and Fodder shortage: India is deficit in dry fodder by 11 percent, green fodder by 35 percent, and concentrates feed by 28 percent. By 2025, the deficit in green fodder and dry fodder will be 65 percent and 25 percent, respectively because only 5% of the cropped area is utilized for fodder production. There is a need for restructuring the land use strategy to elevate the overall percentage of cultivable lands for fodder production to not less than 10%. As the livestock population increases in the coming years so there is an urgent need for concrete strategies for a continuing supply of feed and fodder. The possible strategies are low producing animals replacement with the high producers, balanced feeding by which animals receive all the nutrients, feed supplements, by-products utilization, crop residue utilization, utilization of unproductive land for growing fodder, and Azolla cultivation can be taken because azolla has high protein content which can be readily fed to the animal and it also increases the milk production. A balanced ration led to an increase in average daily milk yield of 0.26 kg and milk fat by 0.10 percent, feeding cost reduced by Rs. 2.13 per kg of milk, and the average net daily income of milk producers increased by about Rs. 25 per animal.


Milk Pricing: This is a big challenge as the livestock farmers are not getting a reasonable price of milk. In comparison to the cost of production per liter of milk the income is very less. The cost of production is Rs. 26.76/liter for non-descript milch cow and Rs. 23.17/liter for milch buffalo, Rs. 19.04 for crossbred cow but the income for this milk is very low.

Interventions: There can be a rational milk pricing policy such that farmers can recover their input cost with the support of the National Dairy Development Board, the dairy cooperatives require to be structurally transformed. The most possible intervention can be better supply chain management and better marketing facility for livestock products. Extend incentives to the farmers during the months when milk prices drop because of surplus production to help the farmers to overcome their problems.

Unorganized Market: For dairy commercialization, organized markets are necessary. The livestock market is underdeveloped, and the supply chain is poor. Dairy cooperatives and private dairies procured only 20 percent milk, while 32 percent was sold in the unorganized sector. There should be provisions for bulk milk cooling, milk collection centers, and transportation facilities. The government has set a target that 50 percent of the milk to be procured by the organized sector. Other possible interventions can be the value addition of the livestock products to increase their shelf life and profit.

Poor Livestock Extension: Livestock extension is very poor or almost absent since only 5.1 percent of households have access to livestock-related information. There is no exclusive livestock extension program, and most services are animal health-focused, not extension-focused. Farmers are unable to gain proper knowledge on milk production, disease prevention and other facilities that are available.

Interventions: Provide proper extension services. The sector contributes around 26 percent of the agricultural GVA, so a separate livestock extension cadre is required.  Wherever needed induce animal husbandry specialists in Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) and Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA). Use of information and communication tools for information dissemination to the livestock farmers by using proper communication aids like posters, flash cards, information kiosk etc.

Some of the mitigation strategies to overcome the low dairy production

Artificial intelligence can be employed to monitor breeding programmes and track the progress of livestock. Various innovations in heat detection should be employed so that animals are inseminated at the right time which would improve conception rates. Farmers should be encouraged to take up the buffalo rearing as they are better adapted to Indian climate,

Sex sorting technology (use of sexed semen) and Embryo transfer technology can be adopted to produce more female calves so that the female calves gets increased which inturn increase the dairy production. Programmes should be implemented for the conservation of indigenous breeds, as this will result in a population of hardy animals that can withstand the nation extreme climatic conditions unlike the exotic and crossbred animals.

NDDB has developed INDUCHIP for cattle and BUFFCHIP for buffalo for estimating the breeding values and production potential of young bull calves and heifers for their early selection. NDDB has proposed distribution of bulls for semen production on the basis of genetic merit. As there is shortage in the feed and fodder resources the efforts are to be made to increase the productivity of cultivated fodder crops in order to meet the country’s requirement. Alternative feed sources should be explored like Azolla and hydroponic fodder production. Hydroponic fodder production involves growing of plants in a nutrient rich solution without soil for a short period of time in a greenhouse because the fodder that is hydroponically grown, grows upto 50% faster offering higher yields of fodder of better quality making it an eco-friendly so that it can reduce the greenhouse gas emission and cost-effective method of fodder production. This fodder is more nutritious, digestible and palatable than fodder that is traditionally grown.

Azolla is recognised as a good source of protein, especially lysine, macronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and B12. Azolla has been reported to increase milk production by 5- 10% and has proved to be one of the most economical livestock feed substitutes.

The shortage of dry fodder in India can be addressed by efficient utilization of resources such as crop residues which are usually burned. New, innovative technology can be applied to improve palatability and nutritive value of these crop residues. Various extension activities should be employed to teach farmers the importance of a balanced diet and supplementation of various vitamins and minerals. National Dairy Developmental Board (NDDB) has initiated Ration Balancing Programme to educate farmers on balanced feeding of dairy animals. This programme has developed software that is compatible with various electronic devices such as mobile/laptop with whose help a balanced feed ration is formulated as per the animal’s profile. An animal’s reproductive health is highly dependent on the availability of minerals in the diet. An excess or deficiency of minerals has been shown to affect reproduction because minerals have a beneficial role in resuming the follicular activity and improving fertility in dairy animals. Therefore in order to avoid the chances of reproductive failure and other reproductive disorders adequate supplementation of minerals to the animals is required.

Diets containing adequate protein according to the metabolic needs of the individual animals are also to be fed as low protein intake has been shown to decrease estrus cyclicity. Total mix ration is more effective method of providing nutrients to dairy animals. Dry Total Mixed Ration has been proved to be economical, it has a long shelf life and is easily customisable to the animal’s metabolic needs. Strategic control measures for reproductive problems need to be formulated, including health education about the disease transmission, in order to reduce the incidence of reproductive disorders in the livestock population. Routine examination of cows is essential during the pre and postpartum period, as most cows acquire reproductive problems during these periods. Farmers should be educated with appropriate farm management and animal care and on various hygienic practices that can be practiced to decrease the incidence of reproductive diseases in the farm. Cattle should be screened on a regular basis by a veterinarian for early detection and control of various diseases such as mastitis, brucellosis, and other disorders of the reproductive system which cause a reduction in milk production. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) has initiated veterinary services delivery at farmers’ doorsteps through Mobile Veterinary Units. About 4500 MVUs have been provided to the states which would aid in providing suitable veterinary care to animals.

READ MORE :  Unlocking the potential: Addressing the paradox of India's dairy sector


In conclusion a range of livestock services such as health care, breeding management, nutrition, extension services, pharmaceutical supply are needed in order to allow the farmer to extract the full potential from livestock. For productive utilization of the resources livestock based integrated system is necessary. Database management system of the animal information is necessary for monitoring and surveillance of various livestock development programs and diseases. In case of the buffaloes, the semen of the high genetic merit bulls and sex sorted semen should be made easily available to the farmers to improve productivity.


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