Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD): Treatment, Prevention and Control


Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD): Treatment, Prevention and Control


Lumpy skin disease (LSD), a viral disease of cattle and buffaloes has been wreaking havoc in several Indian states including Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, killing many thousands of animals. The disease is caused by a virus and characterized by fever, development of pock lesions on skin, leading to distress in animal and production loss. If not treated properly, the disease may cause severe lesions and sometimes death of animal. The current epidemic began in India in July 2022. Outbreaks are usually seasonal during rains and autumn but may occur at any time because none of the regions affected are free of vectors that spread the disease such as mosquitoes, flies and ticks. There are reports of international transport of disease because of change in wind velocity and directions, as a part of climate change. When the winds changed, the insects carrying the virus are believed to have been redistributed to previously uninfected areas. Affected states in India have also decided to ban animal movement and fairs to curb the further spread of the disease. Few weeks back, Union government also launched the indigenous vaccine (Lumpi-ProVacInd) to protect livestock from this disease. Considering the severity of the disease, following measures, which should be immediately enforced and adopted to save the animals and minimize losses:

  1. All dairy farms/ Gaushala should follow the quarantine restrictions such as restricted movement of animals and / or visitors.
  2. Workers should be allowed to work only after taking proper hygienic measures like hand wash with sanitizers, foot bath with disinfectants.
  3. The entry of vehicles should be banned strictly; however, tractors/other vehicles engaged in dairy operations should enter in the premises only after passing through the disinfectant wheel dips.
  4. The dairy animals should not be allowed to participate in any fare/ mela etc.
  5. All the animals above the age of 3 months and above should be vaccinated with Goat pox vaccine/ Lumpy skin disease vaccine subject to the availability.
  6. Since the immunity is suppressed in animals due to inclement weather, feed, presence of pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals and / or nanomaterials in food chain leading to increased susceptibility in animals; there is need for protecting these animals by the use of immunomodulator (s). Many herbal preparations are available in market which can be used. Alternatively, the use of Giloy, Amla and Ashagandha powder in feed will also expected to give excellent results in boosting the immunity.
  7. The sick animals should be treated with proper dose of antibiotics, antiinflammatory, pain killers, multivitamins and mineral mixture etc. to manage disease outbreak. Neem leaves decoction, Haldi, aloe vera, tulsi, giloya can be applied on skin to provide relief from the skin lesions. Also for the control of insects in dairy farm/ Gaushalas, smoke of neem leaves and cow dung cake can be used.
  8. Vaccine should not be used in sick animals; these animals should be treated as suggested. However, vaccine should only be given to in contact or other animals susceptible to disease.
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